Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security: Ic4s'05 Volume 1

Tanwar, Sudeep, Singh, Pradeep Kumar, Ganzha, Maria

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-31
  • 售價: $8,600
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$8,170
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 886
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 9819725496
  • ISBN-13: 9789819725496
  • 相關分類: 資訊安全
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



This book includes peer-reviewed articles from the 7th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering and Structures (CIGOS 2024) held on April 4-5 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It highlights recent advances in planning, architecture, and construction for sustainable development. The book features a compilation of articles presented at the conference, bringing together researchers, academics, and practitioners from around the world. The topics covered range from Planning, Architecture, and Industrial Design to Construction, Materials, Structures, and Digital Technologies, as well as Geoscience, Environment, and Energy, and Transportation, Infrastructure, Management, and Investment. The book emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to sustainable development in order to address environmental, social, and economic challenges faced by societies worldwide. It provides insights into best practices and innovative approaches for achieving sustainabledevelopment goals, such as reducing the carbon footprint, enhancing energy efficiency, promoting the use of eco-friendly materials, and implementing sustainable construction techniques. Overall, this book offers valuable knowledge and advice to professionals, researchers, and policymakers engaged in sustainable development initiatives.


本書收錄了經同行評審的文章,這些文章來自於2024年4月4日至5日在越南胡志明市舉行的第七屆地質工程、土木工程和結構國際會議(CIGOS 2024)。本書突顯了規劃、建築和建設可持續發展的最新進展。該書匯集了會議上發表的文章,聚集了來自世界各地的研究人員、學者和從業人員。所涵蓋的主題包括規劃、建築和工業設計,以及建設、材料、結構和數字技術,還有地球科學、環境和能源,以及交通、基礎設施、管理和投資。本書強調了在可持續發展中採取多學科方法的重要性,以應對全球社會面臨的環境、社會和經濟挑戰。它提供了實現可持續發展目標的最佳實踐和創新方法的見解,例如減少碳足跡、提高能源效率、促進使用環保材料和實施可持續建設技術。總的來說,本書為從事可持續發展項目的專業人士、研究人員和政策制定者提供了寶貴的知識和建議。


Dr. Sudeep Tanwar is a Professor in the Computer Engineering Department at the Institute of Technology of Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India. He received his Ph.D. in 2016 from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Mewar University, India, with a specialization in Wireless Sensor Networks. His current interests include routing issues in WSN, integration of sensors in the cloud, computational aspects of smart grids, and Blockchain Technology. He has authored or co-authored more than 150+ technical research papers published in leading Peer-reviewed International journals and International Conferences from the IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, John Wiley and has authored five books: He is recipient of the Best Research Paper awards from IEEE GLOBECOM-2018 and Springer ICRIC-2019. He is a TPC member and reviewer of many international conferences across the globe. He is an associate editor of the Security and Privacy Journal, and is a member of the IAENG, ISTE, and CSTA. He has Google scholar citations 8405, H-index 52 and i-10 Index 140.

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh is currently working as an Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering, Central University of Jammu, J&K, India. He is Associate Editor of the IJISMD, [IJISMD is indexed by Scopus & Web of Science], IJAEC, IGI Global USA, SPY, Wiley & IJISC from Romania. He is recently appointed as a Section Editor, Discover IoT, Springer Journal. He has published nearly 200 research papers. He has received three sponsored research projects grant worth Rs 25 Lakhs. He has edited a total 16 books from Springer and Elsevier and also edited several special issues for SCI and SCIE Journals from Elsevier and IGI Global. He has Google scholar citations 3250, H-index 27 and i-10 Index 62.

Dr. Maria Ganzha is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science. She has an MS and a PhD degrees in Mathematics from the Moscow State University, Russia, and a Doctor of Sciencedegree (in Computer Science) from the Polish Academy of Sciences. Maria has published more than 200 research papers, is on editorial boards of 6 journals and a book series, and was invited to program committees of more than 150 conferences. She is also the Principal Investigator, of the SRIPAS team, in the INTER-IoT project. Here, her team is responsible for use of semantic technologies in the context of interoperability of IoT platforms. She has 1594 google citations, h-index 19 and i-10 index 58 in her account. Her area of interest includes computational intelligence, distributed systems, agent based computing and semantic data processing.

Dr. Gregory Epiphaniou currently holds a position as an Associate Professor of security engineering at the University of Warwick. His role involves bid support, applied research and publications. Part of his current research activities is formalised around a research group in wireless communications with the main focus on crypto-key generation, exploiting the time-domain physical attributes of V-V channels. He led and contributed to several research projects funded by EPSRC, IUK and local authorities totalling over £8M. He is also the main inventor of a patented-pending technology on a distributed ledger system (GB2576160A/US200042497A1). He was previously holding a position as a Reader in Cybersecurity and acted as deputy director of the Wolverhampton Cybersecurity Research Institute (WCRI). He has taught in many universities both nationally and internationally in a variety of areas related to proactive network defence with over 120 international publications in journals and conference proceedings and author in several books and chapters. He holds several industry certifications in Information Security and worked with several government agencies, including the UK MoD, in Cybersecurity related projects. He currently holds a subject matter expert panel position in the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments. He acts as a technical committee member for several scientific conferences in Information and network security. He serves as a key member in the development of WS5 for the formation of the UK Cybersecurity Council.


Dr. Sudeep Tanwar是印度艾哈邁達巴德尼爾瑪大學計算機工程系的教授。他於2016年在印度梅瓦爾大學工程與技術學院獲得博士學位,專攻無線感測網絡。他目前的研究興趣包括無線感測網絡中的路由問題、將傳感器整合到雲端中、智能電網的計算方面以及區塊鏈技術。他已經在IEEE、Elsevier、Springer、John Wiley等領先的同行評審國際期刊和國際會議上發表了150多篇技術研究論文,並撰寫了五本書籍。他曾獲得IEEE GLOBECOM-2018和Springer ICRIC-2019的最佳研究論文獎。他是許多國際會議的技術範疇委員會成員和審稿人。他是《安全與隱私期刊》的副編輯,並且是IAENG、ISTE和CSTA的成員。他在Google學者上的引用次數為8405,H指數為52,i-10指數為140。

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh目前在印度查謨中央大學的計算機科學與工程系擔任副教授。他是IJISMD、IJAEC、IGI Global USA、SPY、Wiley和IJISC的副編輯。他已發表近200篇研究論文,並獲得價值250萬盧比的三項贊助研究項目資助。他編輯了16本Springer和Elsevier的書籍,並為Elsevier和IGI Global的SCI和SCIE期刊編輯了多個特刊。他在Google學者上的引用次數為3250,H指數為27,i-10指數為62。

Dr. Maria Ganzha是數學與信息科學學院的副教授。她在俄羅斯莫斯科國立大學獲得數學碩士和博士學位,並在波蘭科學院獲得計算機科學博士學位。Maria發表了200多篇研究論文,是6個期刊和一個書系的編輯委員會成員,並受邀參加了150多個會議的程序委員會。她還是INTER-IoT項目中SRIPAS團隊的首席調查員,該團隊負責在IoT平台互操作性的語義技術應用方面。她在Google學者上的引用次數為1594,H指數為19,i-10指數為58。她的研究領域包括計算智能、分散系統、基於代理的計算和語義數據處理。

Dr. Gregory Epiphaniou目前在華威大學擔任安全工程的副教授。他的職責包括投標支持、應用研究和出版物。他目前的研究活動主要圍繞著一個無線通信研究小組,主要關注利用V-V通道的時域物理特性進行密鑰生成。他領導並參與了由EPSRC、IUK和地方政府資助的多個研究項目,總計超過800萬英鎊。他還是一項關於分散式分類帳系統的專利待審技術的主要發明人。他曾擔任過網絡安全讀者和狼彼頓網絡安全研究所的副主任。他在國內外多所大學教授與主動網絡防禦相關的課程,並在國際期刊和會議論文中發表了超過120篇國際論文,並為幾本書籍和章節撰寫了作者。他擁有多項信息安全行業認證,並與包括英國國防部在內的多個政府機構合作進行了與網絡安全相關的項目。他目前在特許證券和投資學會擔任專家小組成員。他在Google學者上的引用次數為120,H指數為27,i-10指數為62。