Evolution in Signal Processing and Telecommunication Networks: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Microelectronics Electromagnetics and Te

Bhateja, Vikrant, Chowdary, P. Satish Rama, Flores-Fuentes, Wendy



The book discusses the latest developments and outlines future trends in the fields of microelectronics, electromagnetics, and telecommunication. It contains original research works presented at the International Conference on Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunication (ICMEET 2023), organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology Mizoram, India during October 6-7, 2023. The book is divided into two volumes, and it covers papers written by scientists, research scholars, and practitioners from leading universities, engineering colleges, and R&D institutes from all over the world and share the latest breakthroughs in and promising solutions to the most important issues facing today's society.


本書討論了微電子學、電磁學和電信領域的最新發展,並概述了未來的趨勢。書中收錄了在2023年10月6日至7日於印度米佐拉姆國立技術學院電子與通信工程系舉辦的國際微電子學、電磁學與電信會議(ICMEET 2023)上發表的原創研究成果。本書分為兩卷,涵蓋了來自全球各大學、工程學院及研發機構的科學家、研究學者和實務工作者撰寫的論文,分享了當今社會面臨的最重要問題的最新突破和有前景的解決方案。


Vikrant Bhateja is Associate Professor in Department of Electronics Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. He holds a doctorate in ECE (Bio-medical Imaging) with a total academic teaching experience of 19+ years with around 190 publications in reputed international conferences, journals, and online book chapter contributions; out of which 37 papers are published in SCIE indexed high impact factored journals. One of his papers published in Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI) Journal (under American International Publishers) has been selected as "Editor Choice Paper of the Issue'' in 2016. Among the international conference publications, four papers have received "Best Paper Award". He has been instrumental in chairing/co-chairing around 30 international conferences in India and abroad as Publication/TPC chair and edited 52 book volumes from Springer-Nature as a corresponding/co-editor/author on date.

P. Satish Rama Chowdary is currently serving as Vice Principal and Head, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Raghu Institute of Technology, Visakhapatnam. He obtained his M.E. from Andhra University and Ph.D. from Department of ECE, JNTUK Kakinada in the field of Fractal Antennas. He currently holds the position of Executive Committee Member of IEEE Vizag Bay Section. He has 20 years of professional experience. His research interests are computational electromagnetics, fractal antennas, and image processing. He has published two patents in the field of IoT and ML. He had published 40 journal and conference papers indexed by SCOPUS and SCIE. He co-edited proceedings of third and fifth ICMEET Conferences. He has also chaired several technical and special sessions in international conferences like FICTA, Soft Computing Informatics, ICMEET-2017, IC3T. He is Senior Member of IEEE, Life Member of Instrument Society of India, ICSES, and Soft Computing Research Society.

Wendy Flores-Fuentes received the master's degree in engineering from Technological Institute of Mexicali in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in science, applied physics, with emphasis on Optoelectronic Scanning Systems for SHM, from Autonomous University of Baja California in June 2014. She has more than 115 publications which includes journal articles in Elsevier, IEEE Emerald and Springer, book chapters and books in Intech, IGI global and Springer, proceedings articles in IEEE. She has been a panel reviewer of Taylor and Francis, IEEE, Elsevier, and EEMJ (Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi. Currently, she is a full-time professor-researcher at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, at the Faculty of Engineering.

Dr. Shabana Urooj (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering and the M.Tech. degree in instrumentation and control from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, in 1998 and 2003, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), Delhi, India, in 2011. She has nearly three years of industry experience and over 19 years of teaching experience. She is currently working as an associate professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Princess Nourah bint Abdul Rahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She has guided several Ph.D. and master's thesis and dissertations. She has authored and co-authored more than 150 research papers which are published in high quality international journals and conference proceedings. Recently, she has received the Badge of IEEE STEM Ambassador for her excellent volunteering and efforts in STEM promotional activities.

Dr. Rudra Sankar Dhar obtained his B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, from CVRCE, Orissa, Masters in Microelectronics Engineering from University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and earned his Ph.D. degree in field of Nanotechnology Engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada. He worked as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the area of Nanomaterials technology and Smart Electronics for development of green technology nanodevices at the University of Alberta, Canada. Presently, he is working in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at NIT Mizoram since December 2015. He has supervised 4 Ph.D. while 10 others are pursuing and many M.Tech. students to completion and executed a few high value sponsored projects in India and abroad. His research interests include semiconductor device physics, nanomaterials technology, microelectronic devices, networking and applications.


Vikrant Bhateja 是印度北方邦 Jaunpur 的 Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University 工程與技術學院電子工程系的副教授。他擁有電子與通訊工程(生醫影像)博士學位,擁有超過 19 年的教學經驗,並在國際會議、期刊及線上書籍章節中發表了約 190 篇論文,其中 37 篇發表在 SCIE 索引的高影響因子期刊上。他在 2016 年發表於《Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI) Journal》(由美國國際出版商出版)的一篇論文被選為該期的「編輯選擇論文」。在國際會議的發表中,有四篇論文獲得「最佳論文獎」。他在印度及國外擔任約 30 個國際會議的主席或共同主席,並作為對應編輯/共同編輯/作者編輯了 52 本來自 Springer-Nature 的書籍。

P. Satish Rama Chowdary 目前擔任 Visakhapatnam 的 Raghu Institute of Technology 電子與通信工程系副校長及系主任。他在安得拉大學獲得碩士學位,並在 JNTUK Kakinada 的電子與通訊工程系獲得博士學位,研究領域為分形天線。他目前是 IEEE Vizag Bay Section 的執行委員會成員,擁有 20 年的專業經驗。其研究興趣包括計算電磁學、分形天線及影像處理。他在物聯網和機器學習領域發表了兩項專利,並發表了 40 篇被 SCOPUS 和 SCIE 索引的期刊及會議論文。他共同編輯了第三屆和第五屆 ICMEET 會議的論文集,並在 FICTA、Soft Computing Informatics、ICMEET-2017、IC3T 等國際會議中主持了多個技術及特別會議。他是 IEEE 的高級會員、印度儀器學會的終身會員、ICSES 及軟計算研究學會的成員。

Wendy Flores-Fuentes 於 2006 年獲得墨西卡利科技學院的工程碩士學位,並於 2014 年 6 月獲得下加利福尼亞自治大學的科學博士學位,專攻於 SHM 的光電掃描系統。她擁有超過 115 篇的出版物,包括在 Elsevier、IEEE Emerald 和 Springer 的期刊文章、在 Intech、IGI Global 和 Springer 的書籍章節及書籍,以及在 IEEE 的會議論文。她曾擔任 Taylor and Francis、IEEE、Elsevier 和 EEMJ(Gh. Asachi 技術大學)等期刊的審稿人。目前,她是下加利福尼亞自治大學工程學院的全職教授兼研究員。

Shabana Urooj 博士(IEEE 高級會員)於 1998 年和 2003 年分別在印度阿里格爾穆斯林大學獲得電機工程學士學位和儀器與控制碩士學位,並於 2011 年在德里 Jamia Millia Islamia(中央大學)電機工程系獲得博士學位。她擁有近三年的產業經驗和超過 19 年的教學經驗。她目前在沙烏地阿拉伯利雅德的 Princess Nourah bint Abdul Rahman University 工程學院擔任副教授。她指導了多篇博士及碩士論文,並發表了超過 150 篇研究論文,這些論文發表在高品質的國際期刊和會議論文集中。最近,她因在 STEM 推廣活動中的優秀志願服務和努力,獲得了 IEEE STEM 大使徽章。

Rudra Sankar Dhar 博士獲得了來自 CVRCE 的電子與電信工程學士學位,英國紐卡斯爾大學的微電子工程碩士學位,並在奈米技術工程領域獲得博士學位。