Handbook of Materials Circular Economy

Ramakrishna, Seeram, Ramasubramanian, Brindha

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-03-15
  • 售價: $6,880
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,536
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 255
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 9819705886
  • ISBN-13: 9789819705887
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book provides comprehensive and practical information on the design and implementation of circular systems for various industries, with a focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. The scope of the handbook is to cover the materials circularity in a deeper analysis in accordance to ESG used in various industries such as oil and gas, IT, electronics, medicine, textile, and more. The handbook also covers the key principles of the circular economy, including material efficiency, resource conservation, and waste reduction, and how they impact to different industries. It further critically analyses the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing circular systems in these industries, including the framework for new business models and technical innovations, and the potential benefits in terms of environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic competitiveness.

In addition to providing practical information, the handbookalso addresses the ESG factors associated with the circular economy exclusively for each industry. This would include the impact of circular systems on the environment, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the protection of biodiversity, as well as the social benefits, such as job creation, and the economic benefits, such as cost savings and increased competitiveness.

The ultimate goal of the handbook should be to provide guidance and support in a niche evaluation for the development of a more sustainable and equitable future, where the circular economy is a key enabler.






Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, FREng, Everest Chair is a world-renowned poly-disciplinary scholar at the National University of Singapore (https: //www.linkedin.com/in/seeram-ramakrishna/). NUS is ranked among the top five best global universities for engineering in the world (https: //www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/engineering). Thomson Reuters identified him among the World's Most Influential Scientific Minds. Stanford Composite score (c-score) ranks him among the top 6 impactful researchers of the world in the categories of materials, biomedical engineering, and enabling & strategic technologies (https: //elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4). Clarivate Analytics recognized him among the Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers in the world in materials science and cross-fields categories. His publications to date received an H-index of 177 and152,454 citations (https: //scholar.google.com.sg/citations?hl=en&user=a49NVmkAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate). Highest professional distinctions include an elected Fellow of UK Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng); Singapore Academy of Engineering; Indian National Academy of Engineering; ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology; American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is also an elected Fellow of ASM International, ASME, AIMBE, USA; IMechE and IoM3, UK; ISTE, India; and International Union of Biomaterials Science & Engineering (FBSE). He received PhD from the University of

Cambridge, UK, and the GMP training from Harvard University, USA. Among numerous recognitions he received are: IIT Madras Distinguished Alumni Award; Singapore Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship; UK Cambridge Nehru Fellowship; Distinguished

Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Technology, University of Portsmouth.

Springer Nature-China New Development Award, Honorary Everest Chair of MBUST, Nepal (https: //mbustb.org/member_cat/honorary-chair/); CUT Honorary Engineering Doctorate, South Africa; APA Distinguished Researcher Award, International Federation of Engineering Education Societies President award- Global Visionary; Global Engineering Dean's Council Ambassador; ASEAN Outstanding Engineer Award; Institute of Engineers Singapore (IES) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award. He is regarded as the guru of electrospinning and nanofibers (http: //nart2020.com/conferenceinfo/ and http: //researchanalytics.thomsonreuters.com/m/pdfs/grr-materialscience.pdf).

His academic leadership includes NUS's Vice-President (Research Strategy); Dean of Faculty of Engineering; Director of

NUS Enterprise; Director of NUS Industry Liaison Office; Director of NUS International Relations Office; Founding Director of NUS Bioengineering; Founding Co-Director of NUS Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Institute. Asa founding Chairman he championed the establishment $100 million Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, SERIS. He served as a board member of several national organizations, policy institutes, and tertiary education institutions. He received Long Service Medal- Pingat Bakti Setia during Singapore National Day Awards 2021. He founded the Global Engineering Deans Council (http: //gedcouncil.org/ambassadors) while serving as the Vice-President of International Federation of Engineering Educator Societies (IFEES). He authored the book The Changing Face of Innovation. He is a founding member of Plastics Recycling Association of Singapore, PRAS (https: //www.sgc.org.sg/events/event-details/sgc-sustainability-committee-and-pras), and Chairman of Plastics Recycling Center of Excellence (PRCOE). He is the Circular Economy Taskforce Chair

at NUS (https: //www.eventbrite.sg/e/unlocking-circular-economy-tickets-156525486945). Heis a member of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE), Singapore. He Co-Chairs the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Advocacy Group at the Singapore Institute of Directors (www.sid.org.sg).

He is a member of Enterprise Singapore's and ISO Committee on Circular Economy. He Chairs the Climate Change TC

at the Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES); and a member of standards committee of Singapore Manufacturing Federation (http: //www.smfederation.org.sg). He is a member of Technical Committee on Circularity of Materials at

the Singapore Council of Standards, an industry-led effort. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Springer NATURE

Journal Materials Circular Economy (https: //www.springer.com/journal/42824); Associate Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier Journal

Circular Economy (https: //www.journals.elsevier.com/circular-economy/editorial-board); and Editorial board member of RSC Energy and Environmental Science and NPJ Urban Sustainability journal. He is member of IITMAA Thought Leaders Council. He is an evaluation panel member for the $3 million Alliance Prize in Circular Solutions for Flexibles, sponsored by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (https: //www.circularsolutions.theallianceprize.org/evaluation); and Kuwait Prize in the field of emerging interdisciplinary sciences. He is an eminent resource person for universities, companies, governments, individuals, and international organizations. He is a speaker of Asian Leadership Conference

(https: //alc.chosun.com/2022/speaker/speaker.html?lang=en&year=2022&pn=10#).

He co-authored a book 'Sustainability for Beginners". He is a member of World Bank Advisory Group for the India Tertiary Education (https: //support.qs.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4402509434386-QS-Rankings-Advisory-Board).

He contributed to the UNESCO report entitled 'Knowledge-driven Actions: Transforming Higher Education for Global

Sustainability' (https: //unesdoc.unesco.org/ark: /48223/pf0000380519; https: //www.uib.no/en/sdgbergen/141236/members-unesco-expert-group).

His book on Circular Economy (https: //link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-15-8510-4) received 2021 Springer

Nature: China New Development Award (https: //group.springernature.com/gp/group/media/press-releases/china-new-development-award-winners-announced/19657120).

European Commission Director-General for Environment, Excellency Daniel Calleja Crespo said "Professor

Seeram Ramakrishna should be praised for his personal engagement leading the

reflections on how to develop a more sustainable future for all".

Brindha Ramasubramanian is a PhD student at National University of Singapore has obtained her undergraduate and a

graduate degree in Nanoscience and Technology with a Gold medal. She has authored twenty-five international publications related to electrochemical energy storage and nanomaterials. Her research interests include Life cycle

assessment of materials, Designing circularity frameworks, LCA tools, synthesis of sustainable 2D nanomaterials, fabrication of Li-ion and Li-sulfur batteries, corrosion protection, and machine learning. She has three years of industrial

exposure with Mahindra Group, Arrkay Engg works, India and Battery Associates, Ireland. She has worked on projects related to Energy analysis of EVs on different driving cycles and Optimal selection of components of EV from vehicle

simulation assessment in Mahindra Corp.

She was a team lead, assessing the retrofitting and mechanical behavior of machine dynamics in Arrkay Engg works, India. She has been the part of communications department, overseeing media communications, organizing webinars, events, research editing & proof reading in Global Engineering Futures Network, Asia. She has contributed to the SWOT analysis and trade forecasts for Sehasayee paper boards, India. She has received certification on Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand and Behavior by London Business School. She has conducted and organized events and webinars based on material science to the institute freshers and students from various institutes across India.

More details: https: //www.linkedin.com/in/brindharamasubramanian/


Seeram Ramakrishna教授,FREng,是新加坡國立大學的世界知名多學科學者,他擔任Everest Chair。新加坡國立大學在全球工程學領域排名前五(https://www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/engineering)。湯森路透將他列為世界上最具影響力的科學家之一。斯坦福綜合評分(c-score)將他在材料、生物醫學工程和啟用與戰略技術等領域排名世界前六位(https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4)。Clarivate Analytics將他列為全球材料科學和跨領域領域中1%的高被引研究人員。他迄今為止的出版物獲得了177個H指數和152,454次引用(https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?hl=en&user=a49NVmkAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate)。他的最高專業榮譽包括英國皇家工程學院(FREng)當選會士;新加坡工程學院;印度國家工程學院;東盟工程與技術學院;美國科學促進協會(AAAS)。他還是ASM International、ASME、AIMBE、美國;IMechE和IoM3、英國;ISTE、印度;以及國際生物材料科學與工程聯盟(FBSE)的當選會士。他在英國劍橋大學獲得博士學位,並在美國哈佛大學接受了GMP培訓。他獲得的眾多榮譽包括:印度理工學院馬德拉斯分校傑出校友獎;新加坡李光耀獎學金;英國劍橋內赫魯獎學金;朴茨茅斯大學技術學院傑出訪問教授。Springer Nature-China新發展獎,尼泊爾MBUST榮譽Everest Chair(https://mbustb.org/member_cat/honorary-chair/);南非CUT榮譽工程博士學位;APA傑出研究員獎,國際工程教育學會主席獎-全球遠見;全球工程院長委員會大使;東盟傑出工程師獎;新加坡工程師學會(IES)傑出工程成就獎。他被認為是靜電紡絲和納米纖維的大師(http://nart2020.com/conferenceinfo/和http://researchanalytics.thomsonreuters.com/m/pdfs/grr-materialscience.pdf)。

他的學術領導包括新加坡國立大學的副校長(研究戰略);工程學院院長;新加坡國立大學企業部主任;新加坡國立大學產業聯絡處主任;新加坡國立大學國際關係處主任;新加坡國立大學生物工程創始主任;新加坡國立大學納米科學與納米技術研究所創始聯合主任。作為創始主席,他倡導成立了價值1億美元的新加坡太陽能研究所(SERIS)。他曾擔任多個國家組織、政策研究所和高等教育機構的董事會成員。他在2021年新加坡國慶日獲得長期服務獎章- Pingat Bakti Setia。他在擔任國際工程教育學會(IFEES)副主席期間創立了全球工程院長委員會(http://gedcouncil.org/ambassadors)。他是《創新的變革面貌》一書的作者。他是新加坡塑料回收協會(PRAS)的創始成員(https://www.sgc.org.sg/events/event-details/sgc-sustainability-committee-and-pras),並擔任塑料回收卓越中心(PRCOE)的主席。他是新加坡國立大學的循環經濟工作組主席(https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/unlocking-circular-economy-tickets-156525486945)。他是延伸生產者責任(EPR)諮詢委員會的成員。