This is the first volume of proceedings including selected papers from the International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS) 2017, presenting a snapshot of the latest issues encountered in this field. It explores how IT convergence and security issues are core to most current research, and industrial and commercial activities. It consists of contributions covering topics such as machine learning & deep learning, communication and signal processing, computer vision and applications, future network technology, artificial intelligence and robotics.
ICITCS 2017 is the latest in a series of highly successful International Conferences on IT Convergence and Security, previously held in Prague, Czech Republic(2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2015) Beijing, China (2014), Macau, China (2013), Pyeong Chang, Korea (2012), and Suwon, Korea (2011).
ICITCS 2017 是一系列成功的國際資訊科技融合與安全會議中的最新一屆,之前的會議分別在捷克共和國布拉格(2016年)、馬來西亞吉隆坡(2015年)、中國北京(2014年)、中國澳門(2013年)、韓國平昌(2012年)和韓國水原(2011年)舉行。