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Effective Modern C++:提昇 C++11 與 C++14 技術的 42個具體作法 (中文版)(Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14)
Precoder-equalizer communications systems have gained a great deal of interest in recent years. Its superior performance in practical multi-path propagation environments has established it as a core element in next generation mobile networks. In fact, some form of precoder-equalizer system has already been adopted in the current UMTS standard, and there is presently a major thrust to make precoder-equalizer system an important part of 3G/4G networks. This book aims to provide a detailed design principles and performance analyze of wireless communications using precoding and equalization techniques. It covers a range of novel precoder-equalizer applications to mitigate multipath propagation environments. For the convenience of the readers, the book is written in a self-contained modular format with its mathematical frameworks readily for generating solutions for their own problems. The book is divided into two major topics; the application of precoder-equalizer to communication systems with a prior knowledge of the channel state information, and precoder assisted blind equalization for communication systems without unknown channel state information. In the first part of the book, theoretical studies, design parameterization, algorithms and simulation results are presented for precoder-equalizer with zero-forcing and minimum mean squares error criterion. Both communication systems using single antenna, and space-time communication systems using multiple antennas are studied in this book. Multipath propagation environments with additive white Guassian noise, and space-time correlated noise are studied, and the optimal precoder-equalizer system are parameterized. Joint optimization and successive interference cancellation of the precoder-equalizer communication systems are discussed. In the second part of the book, we discussed how to apply precoder to condition the structure of the communication channels and transmitted signal which fulfills the necessary requirement for blind equalization with mild assumptions on the communication channels. Individual precoder assisted blind equalization algorithms differ in their treatment of the received signal statistics. In this book, we review those algorithms, using both second order and high order statistics, which achieve better performance when assisted by precoders. We attempt to present concepts, models, and algorithms in possible general and flexible forms to stimulate the readers to be creative in visualizing new approaches and adopt methods or algorithms for their specific applications. Key Features: Considers precoder-equalizer communication systems from a non-maximally decimated filter banks perspective. Covers all major theoretical results of the precoder-equalizer communication systems developed through years of research. Presents the concepts with examples on the application of precoder assisted blind equalization using general communication models. Includes extensive illustrations and simulation results to present concepts and results. Provides mathematical frameworks and practical precoder-equalizer systems readily for adoption and extension to practical applications. Table of Contents: Preface Acknowledgements Notations Commonly Used Symbols and Operators Abbreviations 1 Introduction 2 Precoder-Equalizer Systems 3 Space-Time FIR Precoder-Equalizer Systems 4 Joint Design of FIR Space-Time Precoder-Equalizer Pair 5 MMSE Space-Time FIR Precoder-Equalizer Systems 6 Group Based Successive Interference Cancellation Equalizer 7 Precoder Assisted Blind Equalizer 8 Higher Order Statistics Based Blind Equalizer 9 Second Order Statistics Based Blind Equalizer 10 Iterative Blind Equalization Bibliography Index
- 從非最大降採樣濾波器組的角度考慮預編碼-均衡通訊系統。
- 涵蓋多年研究中發展的預編碼-均衡通訊系統的所有主要理論結果。
- 以一般通訊模型的例子呈現預編碼輔助盲均衡的應用概念。
- 包含大量插圖和模擬結果以呈現概念和結果。
- 提供數學框架和實用的預編碼-均衡系統,便於採用和擴展到實際應用。
1 介紹
2 預編碼-均衡系統
3 空間-時間FIR預編碼-均衡系統
4 FIR空間-時間預編碼-均衡對的聯合設計
5 MMSE空間-時間FIR預編碼-均衡系統
6 基於群組的連續干擾消除均衡器
7 預編碼輔助盲均衡器
8 基於高階統計的盲均衡器
9 基於二階統計的盲均衡器
10 迭代盲均衡