Learn Penetration Testing with Python 3.x: An ethical hacker's blueprint for offensive security - 2nd Edition

Elghaly, Yehia


Master Python 3 to develop your offensive arsenal tools and exploits for ethical hacking and red teaming


This book starts with an understanding of penetration testing and red teaming methodologies, and teaches Python 3 from scratch for those who are not familiar with programming. The book also guides on how to create scripts for cracking and brute force attacks.

The second part of this book will focus on network and wireless level. The book will teach you the skills to create an offensive tool using Python 3 to identify different services and ports. You will learn how to use different Python network modules and conduct network attacks. In the network monitoring section, you will be able to monitor layer 3 and 4. Finally, you will be able to conduct different wireless attacks. The third part of this book will focus on web applications and exploitation developments. It will start with how to create scripts to extract web information, such as links, images, documents etc. We will then move to creating scripts for identifying and exploiting web vulnerabilities and how to bypass web application firewall. It will move to a more advanced level to create custom Burp Suite extensions that will assist you in web application assessments.

This edition brings chapters that will be using Python 3 in forensics and analyze different file extensions. The next chapters will focus on fuzzing and exploitation development, starting with how to play with stack, moving to how to use Python in fuzzing, and creating exploitation scripts. Finally, it will give a guide on how to use ChatGPT to create and enhance your Python 3 scripts.


● Learn to code Python scripts from scratch to prevent network attacks and web vulnerabilities.

● Conduct network attacks, create offensive tools, and identify vulnerable services and ports.

● Perform deep monitoring of network up to layers 3 and 4.

● Execute web scraping scripts to extract images, documents, and links.

● Use Python 3 in forensics and analyze different file types.

● Use ChatGPT to enhance your Python 3 scripts.


This book is for penetration testers, security researchers, red teams, security auditors and IT administrators who want to start with an action plan in protecting their IT systems. All you need is some basic understanding of programming concepts and working of IT systems.


《精通 Python 3:開發攻擊工具與漏洞利用的道具箱,用於道德黑客和紅隊測試》

本書首先介紹滲透測試和紅隊測試方法論,並從頭開始教授 Python 3 程式設計,適合對編程不熟悉的讀者。本書還指導如何創建破解和暴力破解攻擊的腳本。

本書的第二部分將聚焦於網絡和無線網絡層。本書將教授使用 Python 3 創建攻擊工具的技巧,以識別不同的服務和端口。您將學習如何使用不同的 Python 網絡模塊進行網絡攻擊。在網絡監控部分,您將能夠監控第 3 層和第 4 層。最後,您將能夠進行不同的無線網絡攻擊。

本書的第三部分將聚焦於網絡應用和漏洞利用開發。它將從如何創建腳本來提取網絡信息(如鏈接、圖像、文檔等)開始。然後,我們將轉向創建腳本來識別和利用網絡應用程序漏洞,以及如何繞過網絡應用程序防火牆。它將進一步深入,創建自定義的 Burp Suite 擴展,以幫助您進行網絡應用程序評估。

本版本的章節將使用 Python 3 進行取證,並分析不同的文件擴展名。接下來的章節將聚焦於模糊測試和漏洞利用開發,從如何操作堆棧開始,然後介紹如何使用 Python 進行模糊測試,以及創建漏洞利用腳本。最後,它將指導如何使用 ChatGPT 創建和增強您的 Python 3 腳本。

- 從頭開始編寫 Python 腳本,以防止網絡攻擊和網絡漏洞。
- 進行網絡攻擊,創建攻擊工具,識別易受攻擊的服務和端口。
- 深入監控網絡,包括第 3 層和第 4 層。
- 執行網絡爬蟲腳本,提取圖像、文檔和鏈接。
- 在取證中使用 Python 3,並分析不同的文件類型。
- 使用 ChatGPT 增強您的 Python 3 腳本。

本書適合滲透測試人員、安全研究人員、紅隊、安全審計員和 IT 管理員,他們希望在保護其 IT 系統方面制定行動計劃。您只需要對編程概念和 IT 系統運作有一些基本的了解即可。