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Table of Contents"This dazzling, full-color book provides a fun, practical introduction to photo-editing with Photoshop Elements."
—Fred Showker, Editor/Publisher of DT&G Magazine
This second edition of our wildly popular, full-color introduction to photo-editing with Photoshop Elements offers dozens of hands-on techniques that reflect the product’s latest features. Dive right in and make your photos look their absolute best with this fun, practical guide. Learn how to use the file browser, change image size, enhance faces, manage file size, correct white balance, enhance your subject, use raw format, and much more. The companion CD contains a tryout version of Photoshop Elements, utilities, and hundreds of images. Nowhere else will you find such valuable advice, creativity-inspiring images, with a CD, at such an affordable price.
40 Digital Photo Retouching Techniques will show you how to:
- Use Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 3.0 effectively
- Correct color and light
- Add color to black-and-white photos
- Remove red eye, eliminate blemishes, and enhance facial features
- Develop studio backgrounds and professional-style picture packages
- Clean up, combine, and resize images
- Split up scanned images
- Open and process RAW image files
- Create reflections and text effects
- Correct flaws with the Healing Brush
- Straighten distorted images
- Create a web banner
- Build a photo gallery for the web
- And more!
How is this book different?
- Written for digital image enthusiasts in a language that’s easy to understand
- Presents inspiring, full-color images on every page
- Combines technical details with artistic inspiration
- Lets you dive right in and get creative with your digital camera
- Groups topics thematically for quick reference
- Provides a thorough introduction to Photoshop Elements 3.0 and digital imaging
- Uses practical step-by-step instructions, explanations, short-cuts, and tips
- Leads you to rapid mastery of retouching techniques
Introduction: Warming Up to Photoshop Elements
Key Features
Understanding Pixels and Resolution
Understanding Image File Formats
Touring the Welcome Screen
A Closer Look at the Photoshop Elements 3.0 Editor Window
Essential Photoshop Elements Know-How
Chapter 1: Correcting Contrast
1: Diagnosing the Problem
2: Correcting Blurred Images
3: How the Pros Do It
4: Correcting Backlighting
5: Brightening a Specific Spot
Chapter 2: Manipulating Colors
6: Changing a Color
7: Replacing a Color
8: Desaturating Part of An Image
9: Turning Color Photos into Black-and-White Images
10: Coloring Black-and-White Photographs
11: Creating a Sepia-Toned Picture
12: Turning Summer into Fall
13: Making Detailed Color Changes
Chapter 3: Enhancing Portraits
14: Removing Red Eyes
15: Removing Facial Blemishes
16: Applying Makeup
17: Creating Bigger Eyes and a Sharper Chin
18: Emphasizing a Subject
19: Opening Closed Eyes
20: Selective Focusing
21: Creating a Studio Background and Picture Package
22: Adding a Picture Frame
Chapter 4: Editing Skills and Special Effects
23: Automatically Separate Scanned Images
24: Opening and Processing a Camera Raw Image File
25: Adjusting Image Size and Shape
26: Cleaning Up Backgrounds
27: Creating Reflections
28: Adding Type Effects
29: Altering Perspective
30: Combining Images
31: Combining Product Pictures
Chapter 5: Very Special Effects
32: Stitching Panoramas
33: Adding Motion Blur
34: Giving Photos an Antiqued Look
35: Maintaining Texture While Repainting an Object
36: Let It Snow
Chapter 6: Using and Sharing Images
37: Making a Postcard
38: Making a Slide Show
39: Making a Web Banner
40: Making a Web Photo Gallery
Contents of the Supplementary CD
這本令人眼花繚亂的全彩色書籍提供了一個有趣、實用的Photoshop Elements照片編輯入門。——Fred Showker,《DT&G Magazine》編輯/出版商
這本我們非常受歡迎的全彩色照片編輯入門的第二版,提供了數十種實用的技巧,反映了產品的最新功能。立即開始,用這本有趣、實用的指南讓您的照片看起來更好。學習如何使用文件瀏覽器,更改圖像大小,增強面部特徵,管理文件大小,校正白平衡,增強您的主題,使用原始格式等等。附帶的CD包含了Photoshop Elements的試用版本、實用工具和數百張圖像。您將在其他地方難以找到如此寶貴的建議、激發創造力的圖像,以及一個CD,而且價格如此實惠。
- 有效使用Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 3.0
- 糾正色彩和光線
- 為黑白照片添加顏色
- 消除紅眼、去除瑕疵和增強面部特徵
- 創建工作室背景和專業風格的圖片套餐
- 清理、合併和調整圖像大小
- 分割掃描的圖像
- 打開和處理RAW圖像文件
- 創建反射和文字效果
- 使用修復筆糾正缺陷
- 矯正扭曲的圖像
- 創建網頁橫幅
- 為網頁建立相冊
- 等等!
- 以易於理解的語言為數碼圖像愛好者撰寫
- 每頁都呈現激發創意的全彩圖像
- 將技術細節與藝術靈感結合
- 讓您立即開始並發揮數碼相機的創造力
- 將主題按主題分組,方便快速查找
- 提供對Photoshop Elements 3.0和數碼影像的全面介紹
- 使用實用的逐步指示、解釋、快捷方式和提示
- 帶您迅速掌握修飾技巧
- 引言:熟悉Photoshop Elements
- 關鍵功能
- 了解像素和解析度
- 了解圖像文件格式
- 導覽歡迎畫面
- 更詳細地了解Photoshop Elements 3.0編輯器窗口
- Photoshop Elements的基本知識
- 1:診斷問題
- 2:糾正模糊的圖像
- 3:專業人士的做法
- 4:糾正逆光
- 5:亮化特定區域
- 6:更改顏色
- 7:替換顏色
- 8:去色部分圖像
- 9:將彩色照片轉換為黑白圖像
- 10:為黑白照片上色
- 11:創建棕褐色調圖片
- 12:將夏天變成秋天
- 13:進行詳細的顏色更改
- 14:去除紅眼
- 15:去除面部瑕疵
- 16:化妝
- 17:打造大眼妝