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This manual is the official definition of Lua 5.1. It covers Lua's syntax and semantics, the full API with C, and the standard libraries. Lua is an extension programming language designed to support general procedural programming with data description facilities. It also offers good support for object-oriented programming, functional programming, and data-driven programming. Lua is intended to be used as a powerful, light-weight scripting language for any program that needs one. Lua is implemented as a library, and is highly portable, being written in clean C (that is, in the common subset of ANSI C and C++). This printed version contains the full text of the eletronic version, available at http://www.lua.org/manual/.
本手冊是 Lua 5.1 的官方定義。它涵蓋了 Lua 的語法和語義、完整的 C API 以及標準庫。
Lua 是一種擴展編程語言,旨在支持一般的程序性編程,並提供數據描述功能。它也對面向對象編程、函數式編程和數據驅動編程提供良好的支持。Lua 的設計目的是作為一種強大且輕量級的腳本語言,適用於任何需要腳本的程序。Lua 實現為一個庫,具有高度的可攜性,並以乾淨的 C 語言編寫(即在 ANSI C 和 C++ 的共同子集內)。
此印刷版包含電子版的完整文本,電子版可在 http://www.lua.org/manual/ 獲得。