Akka 實戰
Raymond Roestenburg
- 出版商: 機械工業
- 出版日期: 2019-01-02
- 定價: $534
- 售價: 8.5 折 $454
- 語言: 簡體中文
- 裝訂: 平裝
- ISBN: 7111613422
- ISBN-13: 9787111613428
Java 相關技術
- 此書翻譯自: Akka in Action
立即出貨 (庫存=1)
$680$537 -
$505響應式架構:消息模式 Actor 實現與 Scala、Akka 應用集成
$352Netty 實戰 (Netty in Action)
$860$731 -
$580$458 -
$332Akka 應用模式:分佈式應用程序設計實踐指南 (Applied Akka Patterns: A Hands-On Guide to Designing Distributed Applications)
$580$458 -
$450$356 -
$520$411 -
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$607Python 深度學習 (Deep Learning with Python)
$354$336 -
$588$559 -
$680$578 -
$480$379 -
$580$493 -
$580$458 -
$653Jenkins 2 權威指南 (Jenkins 2: Up and Running: Evolve Your Deployment Pipeline for Next Generation Automation)
$352Kafka Streams 實戰 (Kafka Streams in Action: Real-time apps and microservices with the Kafka Streaming API)
$796Kubernetes 權威指南:從 Docker 到 Kubernetes 實踐全接觸, 4/e
$454PostgreSQL 11 從入門到精通 (視頻教學版)
$588$559 -
$580$458 -