Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics (Custom Edition), 19/e (Paperback)

Douglas A. Lind,William G. Marchal,Samuel A. Wathen


From its origins in 1976, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics has become a best seller, providing students across the business specialisms with an introductory survey of descriptive and inferential statistics. With a step-by-step approach and clear writing style, any student can learn and succeed in Business Statistics.

The new edition includes a focus on the development of basic data analytical skills. Microsoft Excel, Minitab, and MegaStat are used throughout the text to illustrate statistical software analyses, and screen captures are used within the chapters, so the student becomes familiar with the nature of the software output. Additional resources are available online through Connect, with references or links in the text to Excel tutorials that provide users with clear demonstrations using statistical software to create graphical and descriptive statistics and analyses to test hypotheses.

What's changed:

The Nineteenth Edition made several changes to the flow and organization of the text by adding the sampling distribution of the proportion to Chapter 8, moving the one- and two-sample tests of hypothesis for proportions to Chapters 10, preceding the two-sample tests of hypothesis in Chapter 11 with the F-distribution, and the revision of several Chapter introductions.

Many of the calculation examples have been replaced with interpretative ones to help students understand and interpret the statistical results with more emphasis on the conceptual nature of the topics.

This edition also brings a renewed recognition of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the text, exercises, and examples through an increased diversity of persons and businesses from varied geographic, ethnic, and cultural groups.


自1976年起,《商業與經濟統計學》(Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics)已成為暢銷書,為商業專業的學生提供了一個描述性統計和推論統計的入門調查。本書以逐步的方法和清晰的寫作風格,讓任何學生都能學習並在商業統計中取得成功。

新版專注於基本數據分析技能的培養。書中使用Microsoft Excel、Minitab和MegaStat等統計軟體進行統計分析的示範,並在章節中使用螢幕截圖,讓學生熟悉軟體輸出的特性。在線上資源Connect中提供額外的資源,書中提供了參考或連結到Excel教程,以清晰的示範使用統計軟體創建圖形和描述性統計,以及進行假設檢驗分析。





作者:Douglas A. Lind
現職:Coastal Carolina University and The University of Toledo

作者:Willian G. Marchal
現職:The University of Toledo

作者:Samuel A. Wathen
現職:Coastal Carolina University


作者:Douglas A. Lind
現職:Coastal Carolina University and The University of Toledo

作者:Willian G. Marchal
現職:The University of Toledo

作者:Samuel A. Wathen
現職:Coastal Carolina University


Ch 1 What Is Statistics?
Ch 2 Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation
Ch 3 Describing Data: Numerical Measures
Ch 4 Describing Data: Displaying and Exploring Data
Ch 5 A Survey of Probability Concepts
Ch 6 Discrete Probability Distributions
Ch 7 Continuous Probability Distributions
Ch 8 Sampling, Sampling Methods, and the Central Limit Theorem
Ch 9 Estimation and Confidence Intervals
Ch10 One-Sample Tests of Hypothesis
Ch11 Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesis
Ch12 Analysis of Variance
Ch13 Correlation and Linear Regression
Ch14 Multiple Regression Analysis
Ch15 Nonparametric Methods Nominal Level Hypothesis Tests
Ch16 Nonparametric Methods:Analysis of Ordinal Data
Ch17 Index Numbers


第1章 什麼是統計學?
第2章 描述資料:頻率表、頻率分佈和圖形呈現
第3章 描述資料:數值測量
第4章 描述資料:顯示和探索資料
第5章 概率概念概述
第6章 離散概率分佈
第7章 連續概率分佈
第8章 抽樣、抽樣方法和中央極限定理
第9章 估計和信賴區間
第10章 單樣本假設檢定
第11章 雙樣本假設檢定
第12章 變異數分析
第13章 相關和線性迴歸
第14章 多元迴歸分析
第15章 非參數方法:名目水準假設檢定
第16章 非參數方法:順序資料分析
第17章 指數數字