On the advanced knowledge economy, which perpetuates patterns of discrimination and exclusion, and the threat of climate change devastation for both human and nonhuman entities. Robots designed to care for people and neglected landscapes of digital trash. The promise of synthetic biology and the panic of living on a dying planet. Wonderful feats of intelligence and systemic acts of violence. Exhilaration and exhaustion. Rosi Braidotti argues that we must think about these apparent contradictions all together in order to make differences that actually matter. Posthuman Knowledge and the Critical Posthumanities oscillates between evocations and transections of contemporary conditions, for which Braidotti offers what she calls the "posthuman convergence" as a new paradigm for situating and navigating their problems and possibilities. Reflecting on the knotted situation of the academic humanities, cognitive capitalism, and advanced climate change, she delivers an intersectional critique of humanism and anthropocentrism, and targets their exclusions and aporias to address subjectivity, knowledge production, and academic structures within that posthuman convergence. Braidotti's convergence demands imagination, endurance, connectivity, and perspectives multiplied, embodied, and grounded in the only world we have.
在這個延續歧視和排斥模式的先進知識經濟中,以及氣候變遷對人類和非人類實體所帶來的毀滅威脅。設計用來照顧人類的機器人和被忽視的數位垃圾景觀。合成生物學的承諾與在一個正在死亡的星球上生活的恐慌。智慧的驚人壯舉與系統性的暴力行為。興奮與疲憊。Rosi Braidotti主張,我們必須將這些明顯的矛盾一起思考,以便創造出真正重要的差異。
Rosi Braidotti is a Philosopher and Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University as well as the founding director of the Centre for the Humanities in Utrecht.
Rosi Braidotti 是一位哲學家,並擔任烏特勒支大學的傑出大學教授,同時也是烏特勒支人文學科中心的創始主任。