$880$695 -
$750$592 -
$1,920$1,824 -
This comprehensive and richly illustrated volume provides up-to-date material on Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). SSA is a well-known methodology for the analysis and forecasting of time series. Since quite recently, SSA is also being used to analyze digital images and other objects that are not necessarily of planar or rectangular form and may contain gaps. SSA is multi-purpose and naturally combines both model-free and parametric techniques, which makes it a very special and attractive methodology for solving a wide range of problems arising in diverse areas, most notably those associated with time series and digital images. An effective, comfortable and accessible implementation of SSA is provided by the R-package Rssa, which is available from CRAN and reviewed in this book.
Written by prominent statisticians who have extensive experience with SSA, the book (a) presents the up-to-date SSA methodology, including multidimensional extensions, in language accessible to a large circle of users, (b) combines different versions of SSA into a single tool, (c) shows the diverse tasks that SSA can be used for, (d) formally describes the main SSA methods and algorithms, and (e) provides tutorials on the Rssa package and the use of SSA.
The book offers a valuable resource for a very wide readership, including professional statisticians, specialists in signal and image processing, as well as specialists in numerous applied disciplines interested in using statistical methods for time series analysis, forecasting, signal and image processing. The book is written on a level accessible to a broad audience and includes a wealth of examples; hence it can also be used as a textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate courses on time series analysis and signal processing.
這本內容全面且插圖豐富的書籍提供了有關奇異頻譜分析(Singular Spectrum Analysis, SSA)的最新資料。SSA 是一種廣為人知的時間序列分析與預測方法。最近,SSA 也被用來分析數位影像及其他不一定是平面或矩形形狀且可能包含空隙的物體。SSA 是多用途的,自然結合了無模型和參數技術,使其成為解決各種問題的特別且具吸引力的方法,尤其是在時間序列和數位影像相關的領域。R 套件 Rssa 提供了有效、舒適且易於使用的 SSA 實作,該套件可從 CRAN 獲得,並在本書中進行了評估。
本書由在 SSA 方面擁有豐富經驗的知名統計學家撰寫,內容包括:(a)以易於廣大用戶理解的語言介紹最新的 SSA 方法學,包括多維擴展;(b)將不同版本的 SSA 結合成一個工具;(c)展示 SSA 可用於的多樣任務;(d)正式描述主要的 SSA 方法和演算法;(e)提供有關 Rssa 套件及 SSA 使用的教程。