33 Phenomena of Purchasing Decisions: Understanding Customer Behavior - Knowledge and Inspiration

Oetzel, Sebastian, Luppold, Andreas

  • 出版商: Springer Gabler
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-30
  • 售價: $3,200
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$3,040
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 186
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3658447982
  • ISBN-13: 9783658447984
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約1週~2週)


This book will help you better understand the purchase decisions of your customers: How do customers decide? Are we confused by too much choice? Are we deceived by a decoy on the shelf? How well can we compare prices? How do hunger and caffeine influence our purchasing behavior?

As a marketing and sales professional, you regularly deal with purchase decisions made by your customers regarding your product offerings. Marketing decisions are sometimes made under great uncertainty and with little reliable knowledge - but with a lot of "gut feeling".

In 33 short chapters, Sebastian Oetzel and Andreas Luppold, experts in shopper marketing and shopper research, present relevant factors and phenomena that influence purchasing decisions. The authors illuminate various aspects of purchase decision-making and discuss and sometimes refute common hypotheses from the perspectives of classical economics, behavioral economics, and psychology.

A book for anyone professionally or academically involved in purchase decisions - and for anyone who wants to better understand and question their own purchase decision-making processes.

With a foreword by Dr. Alexander Lauer (Aldi Nord) and Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera (Goethe University Frankfurt).

Excerpt from exciting questions for which you will find insights and actionable answers:

  • Why we should use positive frames. And why the higher number brings more.
  • Why " 0.-" is better than "Free". And why the chance to get it for free works better than a guaranteed discount.
  • Why individuality can lead to more dissatisfaction. And why men shouldn't shop together.
  • Why price guarantees can lead to higher prices for buyers. And why they simultaneously improve the retailer's price image.
  • Why we are unconsciously influenced by stimuli before making a purchase decision. And why some stimuli tempt us to do exactly the opposite.

... and 28 more phenomena.




在這33個短章中,購物市場營銷和購物研究專家Sebastian Oetzel和Andreas Luppold介紹了影響購買決策的相關因素和現象。作者從古典經濟學、行為經濟學和心理學的角度,闡明了購買決策的各個方面,並討論並有時駁斥了常見的假設。


本書由Dr. Alexander Lauer(Aldi Nord)和Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera(法蘭克福歌德大學)撰寫前言。

- 為什麼我們應該使用正面框架?而且為什麼更高的數字帶來更多。
- 為什麼「0.-」比「免費」更好?而且為什麼獲得免費的機會比保證折扣更有效。
- 為什麼個性化可能導致更多的不滿?而且為什麼男性不應該一起購物。
- 為什麼價格保證可能導致買家的價格上升?而且為什麼它們同時改善了零售商的價格形象。
- 為什麼在做出購買決策之前,我們會受到刺激的無意識影響?而且為什麼某些刺激會誘惑我們做出完全相反的行為。



Dr. Sebastian Oetzel has been a Professor of General Business Administration, particularly Marketing, at the Department of Business at Fulda University of Applied Sciences since 2018. After studying and completing his doctorate at Goethe University Frankfurt, he worked as a consultant at Yagora GmbH, where he supervised experiments and data analytics projects in the retail and consumer goods industry. He has extensive experience in conducting and analyzing both scientific and practice-oriented studies. His research interests include Marketing Analytics and Behavioral Economics, with a focus on applying quantitative methods to optimize marketing decisions, particularly in the areas of pricing and promotions. His research uses experiments and data analysis to empirically test behavioral economic theories.

Andreas Luppold, Dipl. Kaufmann, is the Managing Partner of the consulting firm Innobrands GmbH. He is also Leading Consultant & Company Advisor at Yagora GmbH, a market research and consulting firm specializing in purchase decision behavior. After studying at Goethe University Frankfurt, his professional experience includes positions at Tchibo Frisch-Röst-Kaffee GmbH, JWT advertising agency, and the publishing group Deutscher Fachverlag. Andreas Luppold has also been a lecturer in marketing at FOM University Frankfurt. Yagora conducts test market research projects in grocery stores, in addition to surveys using implicit methods. Andreas Luppold has experience in conducting several hundred studies for consumer goods manufacturers and retailers.


Dr. Sebastian Oetzel 自2018年以來擔任福爾達應用科技大學商業系的普通商業管理教授,專注於行銷。在法蘭克福歌德大學完成學業並獲得博士學位後,他在 Yagora GmbH 擔任顧問,負責監督零售和消費品行業的實驗及數據分析專案。他在進行和分析科學及實務導向研究方面擁有豐富的經驗。他的研究興趣包括行銷分析和行為經濟學,特別專注於應用定量方法來優化行銷決策,尤其是在定價和促銷領域。他的研究利用實驗和數據分析來實證測試行為經濟學理論。

Andreas Luppold,Dipl. Kaufmann,是顧問公司 Innobrands GmbH 的管理合夥人。他同時也是 Yagora GmbH 的首席顧問及公司顧問,該公司專注於購買決策行為的市場研究和顧問服務。在法蘭克福歌德大學學習後,他的職業經歷包括在 Tchibo Frisch-Röst-Kaffee GmbH、JWT 廣告公司和德國專業出版社集團的職位。Andreas Luppold 也曾在 FOM 大學法蘭克福教授行銷。Yagora 除了使用隱性方法進行調查外,還在雜貨店進行測試市場研究專案。Andreas Luppold 擁有為消費品製造商和零售商進行數百項研究的經驗。