Classical Dynamics and Its Quantum Analogues
暫譯: 經典動力學及其量子類比
David Park
- 出版商: Springer
- 出版日期: 2011-11-22
- 售價: $5,260
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $4,997
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 333
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 3642749240
- ISBN-13: 9783642749247
量子 Quantum
The short Heroic Age of physics that started in 1925 was one of the rare occasions when a deep consideration of the question: What does physics really say? was necessary in carrying out numerical calculations. In many parts of microphysics the calculations have now become relatively straightforward if not easy, but most physicists seem to agree that some questions of principle remain to be resolved, even if they do not think it is very important to do so. This situation has affected the way people think and write about quantum mechanics, a gingerly approach to fundamentals and a tendency to emphasize what fifty years ago was new in the new theory at the expense of continuity with what came before it. Nowadays those who look into the subject are more likely to be struck by unexpected similarities between quantum and classical mechanics than by dramatic contrasts they had been led to expect. It is often said that the hardest part of understanding quantum mechanics is to understand that there is nothing to understand; all the same, to think quantum mechanically it helps to have firm mental connections with classical physics and to know exactly what these connections do and do not imply. This book originated more than a decade ago as informal lecture notes [OP, prepared for use in a course taught from time to time to advanced undergraduates at Williams College.
自1925年開始的短暫英雄時代(Heroic Age)是物理學史上少數幾次需要深入思考「物理學究竟在說什麼?」這個問題以進行數值計算的情況之一。在微物理學的許多領域,計算現在已經變得相對簡單,甚至不算困難,但大多數物理學家似乎都同意,某些原則性問題仍需解決,即使他們認為這樣做並不是非常重要。這種情況影響了人們對量子力學的思考和寫作方式,對基本原理的謹慎處理,以及強調五十年前新理論中的新觀點,而忽略了與之前理論的連續性。如今,研究這個主題的人更可能會被量子力學和經典力學之間意想不到的相似性所吸引,而不是被他們原本預期的戲劇性對比所震撼。人們常說,理解量子力學最困難的部分是理解其實並沒有什麼好理解;儘管如此,從量子力學的角度思考時,與經典物理學建立堅實的心理聯繫是有幫助的,並且要清楚這些聯繫所暗示的內容和不暗示的內容。這本書的起源可以追溯到十多年前,作為非正式的講義筆記,為威廉斯學院(Williams College)不定期開設的高年級本科生課程而準備。