Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction, 4/e
暫譯: 量子力學:入門,第4版

Walter Greiner

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 售價: $4,190
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$3,981
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 485
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 3540674586
  • ISBN-13: 9783540674580
  • 相關分類: 量子 Quantum
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Quantum Mechanics - An Introduction lays the foundations for the rest of the course on quantum mechanics, advanced quantum mechanics and field theory. Starting from black-body radiation, the photoelectric effect, and wave-particle duality, Greiner goes on to discuss the uncertainty relations, spin, and many-body systems; he includes applications to the hydrogen atom and the Stern-Gerlach and Einstein-de Haas experiments. The mathematics of representation theory, S matrices, perturbation theory, eigenvalue problems, and hypergeometric differential equations are presented in detail, with 88 fully and carefully worked examples and exercises to consolidate the material. The book supplies the historical and phenomenological background and steadily builds a wave-mechanical treatment of matter. This fourth edition includes improved explanatory remarks, plus several new examples and exercises

Written for:

US: Advanced undergraduates + graduates (physics) RoW: Undergraduates 3rd year (physics)


1. The Quantization of Physical Quantities 1
1.1 Light Quanta 1
1.2 The Photoelectric Effect 1
1.3 The Compton Effect 2
1.4 The Ritz Combination Principle 4
1.5 The Franck­Hertz Experiment 4
1.6 The Stern­Gerlach Experiment 5
1.7 Biographical Notes 5
2. The Radiation Laws 9
2.1 A Preview of the Radiation of Bodies 9
2.2 What is Cavity Radiation? 10
2.3 The Rayleigh­Jeans Radiation Law: The Electromagnetic Eigenmodes of a Cavity 14
2.4 Planck's Radiation Law 16
2.5 Biographical Notes 26
3. Wave Aspects of Matter 29
3.1 De Broglie Waves 29
3.2 The Diffraction of Matter Waves 34
3.3 The Statistical Interpretation of Matter Waves 38
3.4 Mean (Expectation) Values in Quantum Mechanics 43
3.5 Three Quantum Mechanical Operators 46
3.6 The Superposition Principle in Quantum Mechanics 48
3.7 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 51
3.8 Biographical Notes 65
4. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics I 67
4.1 Properties of Operators 67
4.2 Combining Two Operators 68
4.3 Bra and Ket Notation 69
4.4 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions 70
4.5 Measurability of Different Observables at Equal Times 76
4.6 Position and Momentum Operators 78
4.7 Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relations for Arbitrary Observables 79
4.8 Angular-Momentum Operators 81
4.9 Kinetic Energy 85
4.10 Total Energy 85
4.11 Biographical Notes 103
5. Mathematical Supplement 105
5.1 Eigendifferentials and the Normalization of Eigenfunctions for Continuous Spectra 105
5.2 Expansion into Eigenfunctions 108
6. The Schrödinger Equation 117
6.1 The Conservation of Particle Number in Quantum Mechanics 144
6.2 Stationary States 146
6.3 Properties of Stationary States 147
6.4 Biographical Notes 154
7. The Harmonic Oscillator 157
7.1 The Solution of the Oscillator Equation 163
7.2 The Description of the Harmonic Oscillator by Creation and Annihilation Operators 173
7.3 Properties of the Operators â and â^+ 174
7.4 Representation of the Oscillator Hamiltonian in Terms of â and â^+ 175
7.5 Interpretation of â and â^^+ 176
7.6 Biographical Notes 182
8. The Transition from Classical to Quantum Mechanics 185
8.1 Motion of the Mean Values 185
8.2 Ehrenfest's Theorem 186
8.3 Constants of Motion, Laws of Conservation 187
8.4 Quantization in Curvilinear Coordinates 190
8.5 Biographical Notes 203
9. Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields 205
9.1 Coupling to the Electromagnetic Field 205
9.2 The Hydrogen Atom 217
9.3 Three-Dimensional Electron Densities 223
9.4 The Spectrum of Hydrogen Atoms 226
9.5 Currents in the Hydrogen Atom 228
9.6 The Magnetic Moment 229
9.7 Hydrogen-like Atoms 230
9.8 Biographical Notes 244
10. The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics II 247
10.1 Representation Theory 247
10.2 Representation of Operators 251
10.3 The Eigenvalue Problem 260
10.4 Unitary Transformations 262
10.5 The S Matrix 264
10.6 The Schrödinger Equation in Matrix Form 266
10.7 The Schrödinger Representation 269
10.8 The Heisenberg Representation 269
10.9 The Interaction Representation 270
10.10 Biographical Notes 271
11. Perturbation Theory 273
11.1 Stationary Perturbation Theory 273
11.2 Degeneracy 277
11.3 The Ritz Variational Method 292
11.4 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory 295
11.5 Time-Independent Perturbation 300
11.6 Transitions Between Continuum States 302
11.7 Biographical Notes 327
12. Spin 329
12.1 Doublet Splitting 330
12.2 The Einstein­de Haas Experiment 332
12.3 The Mathematical Description of Spin 333
12.4 Wave Functions with Spin 336
12.5 The Pauli Equation 339
12.6 Biographical Notes 352
13. A Nonrelativistic Wave Equation with Spin 355
13.1 The Linearization of the Schrödinger Equation 355
13.2 Particles in an External Field and the Magnetic Moment 363
14. Elementary Aspects of the Quantum-Mechanical Many-Body Problem 367
14.1 The Conservation of the Total Momentum of a Particle System 371
14.2 Centre-of-Mass Motion of a System of Particles in Quantum Mechanics 373
14.3 Conservation of Total Angular Momentum in a Quantum-Mechanical Many-Particle System 377
14.4 Small Oscillations in a Many-Particle System 390
14.5 Biographical Notes 401
15. Identical Particles 403
15.1 The Pauli Principle 405
15.2 Exchange Degeneracy 405
15.3 The Slater Determinant 407
15.4 Biographical Notes 421
16. The Formal Framework of Quantum Mechanics 423
16.1 The Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics: Hilbert Space 423
16.2 Operators in Hilbert Space 426
16.3 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 427
16.4 Operators with Continuous or Discrete-Continuous (Mixed) Spectra 431
16.5 Operator Functions 433
16.6 Unitary Transformations 436
16.7 The Direct-Product Space 437
16.8 The Axioms of Quantum Mechanics 438
16.9 Free Particles 441
16.10 A Summary of Perturbation Theory 455
17. Conceptual and Philosophical Problems of Quantum Mechanics 459
17.1 Determinism 459
17.2 Locality 460
17.3 Hidden-Variable Theories 462
17.4 Bell's Theorem 465
17.5 Measurement Theory 468
17.6 Schrödinger's Cat 471
17.7 Subjective Theories 472
17.8 Classical Measurements 472
17.9 The Copenhagen Interpretation 473
17.10 Indelible Recording 474
17.11 The Splitting Universe 476
17.12 The Problem of Reality 477
Subject Index 479


量子力學導論為後續的量子力學、高級量子力學及場論課程奠定基礎。從黑體輻射、光電效應及波粒二象性開始,Greiner接著討論不確定性關係、自旋及多體系統;他還包括氫原子及Stern-Gerlach和Einstein-de Haas實驗的應用。書中詳細介紹了表示理論、S矩陣、微擾理論、特徵值問題及超幾何微分方程的數學,並提供88個完整且仔細解答的範例和練習以鞏固所學內容。該書提供了歷史和現象學背景,並穩步建立物質的波力學處理。這第四版包含改進的解釋說明,以及幾個新的範例和練習。


1. 物理量的量子化 1
1.1 光量子 1
1.2 光電效應 1
1.3 康普頓效應 2
1.4 Ritz組合原理 4
1.5 Franck-Hertz實驗 4
1.6 Stern-Gerlach實驗 5
1.7 傳記註解 5
2. 輻射定律 9
2.1 物體輻射的預覽 9
2.2 什麼是腔輻射? 10
2.3 Rayleigh-Jeans輻射定律:腔的電磁特徵模 14
2.4 普朗克輻射定律 16
2.5 傳記註解 26
3. 物質的波動性 29
3.1 德布羅意波 29
3.2 物質波的衍射 34
3.3 物質波的統計解釋 38
3.4 量子力學中的平均(期望)值 43
3.5 三個量子力學算符 46
3.6 量子力學中的疊加原理 48
3.7 海森堡不確定性原理 51
3.8 傳記註解 65
4. 量子力學的數學基礎 I 67
4.1 算符的性質 67
4.2 組合兩個算符 68
4.3 Bra和Ket記法 69
4.4 特徵值和特徵函數 70
4.5 在相同時間下不同可觀測量的可測性 76
4.6 位置和動量算符 78
4.7 海森堡對任意可觀測量的不確定性關係 79
4.8 角動量算符 81
4.9 動能 85
4.10 總能量 85
4.11 傳記註解 103
5. 數學補充 105
5.1 特徵微分和連續光譜的特徵函數的正規化 105
5.2 展開為特徵函數 108
6. 薛丁格方程 117
6.1 量子力學中粒子數的守恆 144
6.2 穩態 146
6.3 穩態的性質 147
6.4 傳記註解 154
7. 諧振子 157
7.1 振子方程的解 163
7.2 透過創造和湮滅算符描述諧振子 173
7.3 算符â和â^+的性質 174
7.4 用â和â^+表示振子哈密頓量 175
7.5 â和â^+的解釋 176
7.6 傳記註解 182
8. 從經典到量子力學的過渡 185
8.1 平均值的運動 185
8.2 Ehrenfest定理 186
8.3 運動常數,守恆定律 187
8.4 曲線坐標中的量子化 190
8.5 傳記註解 203
9. 磁場中的帶電粒子 205
9.1 與電磁場的耦合 205
9.2 氫原子 217
9.3 三維電子密度 223
9.4 氫原子的光譜 226
9.5 氫原子中的電流 228
9.6 磁矩 229
9.7 類氫原子 230
9.8 傳記註解 244
10. 量子力學的數學基礎 II 247
10.1 表示理論 247
10.2 算符的表示 251
10.3 特徵值問題 260
10.4 單位變換 262
10.5 S矩陣 264
10.6 薛丁格方程的矩陣形式 266
10.7 薛丁格表示 269
10.8 海森堡表示 269
10.9 互動表示 270
10.10 傳記註解 271
11. 微擾理論 273
11.1 穩態微擾理論 273
11.2 簇擾 277
11.3 Ritz變分法 292
11.4 時間依賴的微擾理論 295
11.5 時間獨立的微擾 300
11.6 連續態之間的轉換 302
11.7 傳記註解 327
12. 自旋 329
12.1 雙重分裂 330
12.2 愛因斯坦-de Haas實驗 332
12.3 自旋的數學描述 333
12.4 帶自旋的波函數 336
12.5 保利方程 339
12.6 傳記註解 352
13. 一個非相對論的自旋波方程 355
13.1 薛丁格方程的線性化 355
13.2 外場中的粒子及其磁矩 363
14. 量子力學多體問題的基本方面 367
14.1 粒子系統的總動量守恆 371
14.2 量子力學中粒子系統的質心運動 373
14.3 量子力學多粒子系統中的總角動量守恆 377
14.4 多粒子系統中的小振動 390
14.5 傳記註解 401
15. 相同粒子 403
15.1 保利原理 405
15.2 交換簡併 405
15.3 Slater行列式 407
15.4 傳記註解 421
16. 量子力學的形式框架 423
16.1 量子力學的數學基礎:希爾伯特空間 423
16.2 希爾伯特空間中的算符 426
16.3 特徵值和特徵向量 427
16.4 具有連續或離散-連續(混合)光譜的算符 431
16.5 算符函數 433
16.6 單位變換 436
16.7 直積空間 437
16.8 量子力學的公理 438
16.9 自由粒子 441
16.10 微擾理論的總結 455
17. 量子力學的概念和哲學問題 459
17.1 決定論 459
17.2 局部性 460
17.3 隱變量理論 462
17.4 貝爾定理 465
17.5 測量理論 468
17.6 薛丁格的貓 471
17.7 主觀理論 472
17.8 經典測量 472
17.9 哥本哈根詮釋 473
17.10 不可磨滅的記錄 474
17.11 分裂宇宙 476
17.12 現實問題 477
主題索引 479