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$760C How to program, 6/e (IE-Paperback)
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A unique introduction for general readers to the underlying concepts of nanotechnology, covering a wide spectrum ranging from biology to quantum computing.
The material is presented in the simplest possible way, including a few mathematical equations, but not mathematical derivations. It also outlines as simply as possible the major contributions to modern technology of physics-based nanophysical devices, such as the atomic clock, global positioning systems, and magnetic resonance imaging. As a result, readers are able to establish a connection between nanotechnology and day-to-day applications, as well as with advances in information technology based on fast computers, the internet, dense data storage, Google searches, and new concepts for renewable energy harvesting.
Also of interest to professionals working in law, finance, or teaching who wish to understand nanotechnology in a broad context, and as general reading for electrical, chemical and computer engineers, materials scientists, applied physicists and mathematicians, as well as for students of these disciplines.
一個獨特的介紹,針對一般讀者解釋納米技術的基本概念,涵蓋從生物學到量子計算的廣泛範疇。這些材料以最簡單的方式呈現,包括一些數學方程式,但不包含數學推導。它也儘可能簡單地概述了基於物理的納米物理設備對現代技術的主要貢獻,例如原子鐘、全球定位系統和磁共振成像。因此,讀者能夠建立納米技術與日常應用之間的聯繫,以及與基於快速計算機、互聯網、密集數據存儲、Google 搜索和可再生能源收集新概念的信息技術進步之間的聯繫。這對於希望在廣泛背景下理解納米技術的法律、金融或教學專業人士,以及作為電氣、化學和計算機工程師、材料科學家、應用物理學家和數學家的通用閱讀資料,還有這些學科的學生也具有興趣。