This handbook offers insights into how science (physical, natural and social) and technology can support new developments to manage the complexity resident within the threat and risk landscape.
The security landscape can be described as dynamic and complex stemming from the emerging threats and risks that are both persistent and transborder. Globalization, climate change, terrorism, transnational crime can have significant societal impact and forces one to re-evaluate what ‘national security’ means. Recent global events such as mass migration, terrorist acts, pandemics and cyber threats highlight the inherent vulnerabilities in our current security posture. As an interdisciplinary body of work, the Handbook of Security Science captures concepts, theories and security science applications, thereby providing a survey of current and emerging trends in security. Through an evidence-based approach, the collection of chapters in the book delivers insightful and comprehensive articulation of the problem and solution space associated with the complex security landscape. In so doing the Handbook of Security Science introduces scientific tools and methodologies to inform security management, risk and resilience decision support systems; insights supporting design of security solutions; approaches to threat, risk and vulnerability analysis; articulation of advanced cyber security solutions; and current developments with respect to integrated computational and analytical solutions that increase our understanding of security physical, social, economic, and technological interrelationships and problem space.
Dr Anthony Masys is an Associate Professor and Director of Global Disaster Management, Humanitarian Assistance and Homeland Security at the University of South Florida. His research interests focus on safety and security, risk, crisis and disaster management, resilience, safety culture, scenario planning, human security, intelligence (alternative analysis), counter-terrorism, complex socio-technical system analysis, modeling and simulation, systems thinking, action research.
A former senior Air Force Officer, Dr. Masys has a BSc in Physics and MSc in Underwater Acoustics and Oceanography from the Royal Military College of Canada and a PhD from the University of Leicester. He is Editor in Chief for Springer Publishing book series: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications and holds various advisory board positions with academic journals and books series.
Dr. Masys is an internationally recognized author, speaker and facilitator and has held workshops in Europe, Canada, South America, West Africa and Asia including at the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction March 2015 in Sendai, Japan. He has published extensively in the domains of physics and the social sciences. His books include:
- Opening the Black Box of Human Error
- Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security. Springer Publishing
- Disaster Management- Enabling Resilience. Springer Publishing
- Applications of Systems Thinking and Soft Operations Research for managing complexity. Springer Publishing
- Exploring the Security Landscape- non-traditional security challenges. Springer Publishing.
- Disaster Forensics: understanding root cause and complexity causality. Springer Publishing
Dr. Masys supports the University of Leicester (UK) as an associate tutor in their Distance MSc Program on Risk Crisis and Disaster Management.
Dr. Anthony Masys是南佛羅里達大學的副教授兼全球災害管理、人道援助和國土安全主任。他的研究興趣集中在安全和保安、風險、危機和災害管理、恢復力、安全文化、情境規劃、人類安全、情報(替代分析)、反恐怖主義、複雜社會技術系統分析、建模和模擬、系統思維、行動研究等領域。
- 《打開人為錯誤的黑盒子》
- 《國防和安全的網絡和網絡分析》。Springer出版社
- 《災害管理-促進恢復力》。Springer出版社
- 《應用系統思維和軟操作研究來管理複雜性》。Springer出版社
- 《探索安全景觀-非傳統安全挑戰》。Springer出版社
- 《災害法醫學:理解根本原因和複雜因果關係》。Springer出版社