Working with the American Community Survey in R: A Guide to Using the acs Package (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)

Ezra Haber Glenn



This book serves as a hands-on guide to the "acs" R package for demographers, planners, and other researchers who work with American Community Survey (ACS) data. It gathers the most common problems associated with using ACS data and implements functions as a package in the R statistical programming language.  The package defines a new "acs" class object (containing estimates, standard errors, and metadata for tables from the ACS) with methods to deal appropriately with common tasks (e.g., creating and combining subgroups or geographies, automatic fetching of data via the Census API, mathematical operations on estimates, tests of significance, plots of confidence intervals).


這本書是一本實用指南,針對人口統計學家、規劃師和其他研究人員,介紹了使用美國社區調查(ACS)數據的 'acs' R 軟體包。該書匯集了使用ACS數據時最常見的問題,並在R統計編程語言中實現了一個軟體包,其中包含了處理這些問題的函數。該軟體包定義了一個新的 'acs' 類別物件(包含ACS表格的估計值、標準誤差和元數據),並提供了適當的方法來處理常見任務(例如,創建和結合子群組或地理區域、通過人口普查API自動獲取數據、對估計值進行數學運算、進行顯著性檢驗、繪製置信區間圖)。