Challenges in Computational Statistics and Data Mining (Studies in Computational Intelligence)



This volume contains nineteen research papers belonging to the

areas of computational statistics, data mining, and their applications. Those papers, all written specifically for this volume, are their authors’ contributions to honour and celebrate Professor Jacek Koronacki on the occcasion of his 70th birthday. The

book’s related and often interconnected topics, represent Jacek Koronacki’s research interests and their evolution. They also clearly indicate how close the areas of computational statistics and data mining are.


本書收錄了十九篇研究論文,涵蓋計算統計、資料探勘及其應用領域。這些論文都是專為慶祝Jacek Koronacki教授70歲生日而撰寫的,是作者們對他的貢獻和敬意。這本書的相關主題通常相互關聯,代表了Jacek Koronacki的研究興趣及其演變。它們也清楚地表明計算統計和資料探勘領域之間的密切關係。