Optimization, Discrete Mathematics and Applications to Data Sciences
暫譯: 優化、離散數學與數據科學的應用

Nikeghbali, Ashkan, Pardalos, Panos M., Rassias, Michael Th

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2025-01-09
  • 售價: $5,200
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,940
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 219
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031783689
  • ISBN-13: 9783031783685
  • 相關分類: Data Science
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book delves into the dynamic intersection of optimization and discrete mathematics, offering a comprehensive exploration of their applications in data sciences. Through a collection of high-quality papers, readers will gain insights into cutting-edge research and methodologies that address complex problems across a wide array of topics.

The chapters cover an impressive range of subjects, including advances in the study of polynomials, combinatorial identities, and global optimization algorithms. Readers will encounter innovative approaches to predictive models for non-performing loans, rainbow greedy matching algorithms, and the cost of detection in interaction testing. The book also examines critical issues such as demand aggregation, mid-term energy planning, and minimum-cost energy flow. Contributions from expert authors provide a deep dive into multilevel low-rank matrices, the protection of medical image authenticity, and the mathematical intricacies of the Braess paradox. This volume invites readers to explore diverse perspectives and theoretical insights that are both practical and forward-thinking.

This publication is an invaluable resource for graduate students and advanced researchers in the fields of optimization and discrete mathematics. It is particularly beneficial for those interested in their applications within data sciences. Academics across these disciplines will find the book's content relevant to their work, while practitioners seeking to apply these concepts in industry will appreciate its practical case studies. Whether you are a scholar or a professional, this book offers a wealth of knowledge that bridges theory with real-world applications.






Ashkan Nikeghbali holds the Chair in Financial Mathematics at the University of Zürich. His fields of research span through a broad spectrum of areas, including finance mathematics, number theory, random matrices, and stochastic processes. Since 2016 Professor Nikeghbali has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of swissQuant and a member of the Advisory Board of EVMTech. He is also a strategy advisor for data analysis and modeling of stochastic processes at Roche Holding in Basel, Switzerland. Professor Nikeghbali has authored/edited several books. In 2019, he was awarded with an Honorary Doctorate from the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

Panos Pardalos is a Distinguished Emeritus Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida, and an affiliated faculty of Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science & Information & Engineering departments. He is a world-renowned leader in Global Optimization, Mathematical Modeling, Energy Systems, Financial applications, and Data Sciences. He is a Fellow of AAAS, AAIA, AIMBE, EUROPT, and INFORMS and was awarded the 2013 Constantin Caratheodory Prize of the International Society of Global Optimization. In addition, Panos Pardalos has been awarded the 2013 EURO Gold Medal prize bestowed by the Association for European Operational Research Societies. This medal is the preeminent European award given to Operations Research (OR) professionals for "scientific contributions that stand the test of time." He has also been awarded the prestigious Humboldt Research Award (2018-2019). The Humboldt Research Award is granted in recognition of a researcher's entire achievements to date -- fundamental discoveries, new theories, insights that have had significant impact on their discipline.

Michael Th. Rassias is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Engineering Sciences of the Hellenic Military Academy. During the academic year 2014-2015, he was a Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Mathematics of Princeton University and the Department of Mathematics of ETH-Zürich, conducting research at Princeton. While at Princeton, he prepared with John F Nash, Jr. (Nobel Prize, 1994 and Abel Prize, 2015) the volume Open Problems in Mathematics, Springer, 2016. He has received several awards in mathematical problem-solving competitions, including a Silver medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad of 2003 in Tokyo. He has authored and edited several books, including the edited volume Analysis at Large jointly with A. Avila (Fields Medal, 2014) and Y. Sinai (Abel Prize, 2014). His current research interests lie in mathematical analysis, analytic number theory, and more specifically the Riemann Hypothesis, Goldbach's conjecture, the distribution of prime numbers, approximation theory, functional equations, analytic inequalities and Cryptography.


Ashkan Nikeghbali 擔任蘇黎世大學金融數學的講座教授。他的研究領域涵蓋廣泛,包括金融數學、數論、隨機矩陣和隨機過程。自2016年以來,Nikeghbali教授一直是 swissQuant 的科學諮詢委員會成員以及 EVMTech 的諮詢委員會成員。他同時也是瑞士巴塞爾羅氏控股公司在數據分析和隨機過程建模方面的策略顧問。Nikeghbali教授已出版和編輯多本書籍。2019年,他獲得了「1 Decembrie 1918」阿爾巴尤利亞大學的榮譽博士學位。

Panos Pardalos 是佛羅里達大學工業與系統工程系的傑出名譽教授,並且是生物醫學工程及計算機科學與資訊工程系的附屬教員。他是全球優化、數學建模、能源系統、金融應用和數據科學領域的世界知名領導者。他是美國科學促進會(AAAS)、美國人工智慧協會(AAIA)、美國醫學與生物工程學會(AIMBE)、歐洲優化協會(EUROPT)和運籌學會(INFORMS)的會士,並於2013年獲得國際全球優化學會的康斯坦丁·卡拉西奧多里獎。此外,Panos Pardalos還獲得了2013年由歐洲運籌學會頒發的歐洲金獎,該獎項是頒發給運籌學(OR)專業人士的最高歐洲獎項,以表彰「經得起時間考驗的科學貢獻」。他還獲得了享有盛譽的洪堡研究獎(2018-2019)。洪堡研究獎是對研究者迄今為止整體成就的認可,包括基礎發現、新理論和對其學科產生重大影響的見解。

Michael Th. Rassias 是希臘軍事學院數學與工程科學系的副教授。在2014-2015學年,他曾在普林斯頓大學數學系和蘇黎世聯邦理工學院數學系擔任博士後研究員,並在普林斯頓進行研究。在普林斯頓期間,他與約翰·F·納什(John F Nash, Jr.,1994年諾貝爾獎和2015年阿貝爾獎得主)共同編寫了《數學中的開放問題》(Open Problems in Mathematics),由施普林格出版社於2016年出版。他在數學問題解決競賽中獲得過多個獎項,包括2003年在東京舉行的國際數學奧林匹克銀牌。他已出版和編輯多本書籍,包括與A. Avila(2014年菲爾茲獎得主)和Y. Sinai(2014年阿貝爾獎得主)共同編輯的《大型分析》(Analysis at Large)。他目前的研究興趣包括數學分析、解析數論,特別是黎曼假設、哥德巴赫猜想、質數分佈、逼近理論、函數方程、解析不等式和密碼學。