Artificial Intelligence in the Operation and Control of Digitalized Power Systems
暫譯: 數位化電力系統的運作與控制中的人工智慧
Azad, Sasan, Nazari-Heris, Morteza
This book covers the practical application of AI-based methods in modern power systems. The complexity of current power system operations has dramatically increased due to the higher penetration of renewable energy sources and power electronic components. Therefore, providing efficient techniques is essential for secure and clean power system operation. This book focuses on the data-driven operation of the digitalized power system using machine language (ML). First, the basics of power system operation and control are presented, covering various areas of system control and operation. Next, significant advances in modern power systems and their corresponding challenges are discussed, and artificial intelligence (AI)-powered techniques, specifically machine learning, are introduced to address these issues. The book also explores AI-powered applications in the operation of power systems. These applications include various aspects of the data-driven process in both situational awareness and control areas. They are presented as practical examples indicating the implementation of an ML-based method to solve operational problems.
Artificial Intelligence in the Operation and Control of Digitalized Power Systems is a valuable guide for students, researchers, and practicing engineers to AI-based techniques and real-world applications in power systems.
Morteza Nazari-Heris, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Department of Engineering at East Carolina University. Before that, he worked as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Energy Systems with the College of Engineering at Lawrence Technological University and as a Graduate Research Assistant with the Department of Architectural Engineering at Pennsylvania State University, where he earned his Ph.D. specializing in energy systems. During his graduate studies, he worked on projects for the future, flexible, equitable, and robust networks of charging stations for high adoption of electric vehicles, application of machine learning and deep learning methods to energy systems, and sustainable design of buildings with renewable energy sources and energy storage facilities. Dr. Nazari-Heris obtained his BSc and MSc in electrical engineering from the University of Tabriz. His main areas of interest are energy system operation, energy management, sustainability, zero-energy Buildings, electric vehicles, microgrids, multi-carrier energy systems, and energy storage technologies. He has received several awards and fellowships, including three Outstanding Thesis Awards. He serves as an editor and reviewer for several journals and conferences. He is an active member of several professional communities, including the IEEE, the Clean Energy Leadership Institute (CELI), and Young Professionals in Energy.
Sasan Azad is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and a researcher at the Electrical Networks Institute of the Shahid Beheshti University. He obtained his BSc degree from the Razi University of Kermanshah and his MSc from the Shahid Beheshti University. His main areas of interest are power system security and voltage stability, smart grids, and electric vehicles.
Morteza Nazari-Heris, Ph.D. 是東卡羅來納大學工程系的電機工程助理教授。在此之前,他曾擔任勞倫斯科技大學工程學院的電能系統助理教授,以及賓州州立大學建築工程系的研究生研究助理,並在該校獲得專攻能源系統的博士學位。在研究生學習期間,他參與了未來靈活、公平且穩健的電動車充電站網絡的項目,應用機器學習和深度學習方法於能源系統,以及利用可再生能源和儲能設施進行可持續建築設計的項目。Nazari-Heris博士在塔布里茲大學獲得電機工程的學士和碩士學位。他的主要研究領域包括能源系統運作、能源管理、可持續性、零能耗建築、電動車、微電網、多載能系統及儲能技術。他曾獲得多項獎項和獎學金,包括三次優秀論文獎。他擔任多個期刊和會議的編輯及審稿人,並積極參與多個專業社群,包括IEEE、清潔能源領導學院(CELI)及能源青年專業人士。
Sasan Azad 是電機工程系的博士生,並在Shahid Beheshti大學的電氣網絡研究所擔任研究員。他在克爾曼沙赫的拉齊大學獲得學士學位,並在Shahid Beheshti大學獲得碩士學位。他的主要研究領域包括電力系統安全與電壓穩定、智慧電網及電動車。