Database and Expert Systems Applications: 35th International Conference, Dexa 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26-28, 2024, Proceedings, Part II
Strauss, Christine, Amagasa, Toshiyuki, Manco, Giuseppe
The two-volume set LNCS 14910 and 14911 constitutes the proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2024, which took place in Naples, Italy, in August 2024. The 27 full and 20 short papers included in the proceedings set were carefully reviewed and selected from 102 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:
Part I: Financial and economic data analysis; graph theory and network analysis; database management and query optimization; machine learning and large language models; recommender systems and personalization;
Part II: Blockchain and supply management; data mining and knowledge discovery; spatiotemporal data and mobility analysis; computer vision and image processing; data security and privacy; database indexing and query processing; specialized applications and case studies.
兩卷本的 LNCS 14910 和 14911 是第 35 屆國際資料庫與專家系統應用會議(DEXA 2024)的會議論文集,該會議於 2024 年 8 月在義大利那不勒斯舉行。會議論文集包含 27 篇完整論文和 20 篇短文,這些論文是從 102 篇投稿中經過仔細審查和選拔而來。論文被組織成以下主題部分: