Brain Electricity: The Interwoven History of Electricity and Neuroscience

Baloh, Robert W.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-24
  • 售價: $8,330
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$7,914
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 388
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031629930
  • ISBN-13: 9783031629938
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book traces the intertwining story of electricity and neuroscience from ancient times to the late 20th century. Throughout the book, basic concepts of electricity, electromagnetism, and neuroscience are addressed and illustrated. It is replete with remarkable discoveries and colorful characters that dramatically changed human culture. Electricity and neuroscience are topics that have fascinated science historians for centuries. Yet, it has only been over the past several decades that medical science historians have appreciated the close interrelationship of these two topics. Robert Baloh uses a historical context of discovery to provide an ideal framework for understanding modern concepts of electricity and neuroscience. The stories of these pioneering researchers can be inspirational for those beginning a career in neuroscience as well as for more experienced researchers.


這本書追溯了從古代到20世紀末的電力和神經科學交織的故事。整本書涵蓋了電力、電磁學和神經科學的基本概念,並進行了解釋和說明。書中充滿了令人驚奇的發現和色彩繽紛的人物,他們深刻地改變了人類文化。電力和神經科學是科學歷史學家數百年來一直迷戀的主題。然而,直到近幾十年來,醫學科學歷史學家才意識到這兩個主題之間的密切關係。羅伯特·巴洛(Robert Baloh)利用發現的歷史背景,為理解現代電力和神經科學的概念提供了理想的框架。這些先驅研究者的故事對於那些開始從事神經科學職業的人以及更有經驗的研究者都具有啟發性。


Robert W. Baloh is well known as a leader in the field of neurotology. After completing his Neurological training at UCLA in 1972, he joined the faculty at the UCLA School of Medicine with a joint appointment in Neurology and Head and Neck Surgery in 1973. Baloh became Professor in 1982, Distinguished Professor in 2002 and Emeritus professor in 2021. Author of 14 books, over 350 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and over 100 book chapters, he is a pioneer in the study of the vestibular system: the inner ear/brain system which helps people to maintain their sense of balance and spatial awareness. He has trained more than 40 fellows who are now leaders in the field of vestibular research. Baloh also has a longstanding interest in the history of neurology and has written extensively on the subject. Among his many honors, Baloh received the Hallpike/Nylen Prize at the Bárány Society Meeting in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1992 and had an international Dizziness and Balance Symposium in his honor at the 2014 American Academy of Neurology meeting in Philadelphia. His book Clinical Neurophysiology of the Vestibular System written with Vicente Honrubia, is currently in the fourth edition and is the standard in the field. His other books include Dizziness, Hearing Loss and Tinnitus: The Essentials of Neurotology (1984), Neurotology (1994), Dizziness: Why Do You Feel Dizzy and What Will Help You Feel Better (with Greg Whitman, 2016), and Vertigo: Five Physician Scientists and the Quest for a Cure (2017). Recently, he became interested in the boundary between neurology and psychology with the publication of Havana Syndrome: Mass Psychogenic Illness and the Real Story Behind the Embassy Mystery and Hysteria (with Robert Bartholomew, 2020) and Medically Unexplained Symptoms: A Brain-Centered Approach (2021). Most recently he published a book about exercise and brain health in 2022.


Robert W. Baloh在神經耳科領域享有盛譽。他於1972年在UCLA完成神經學培訓後,於1973年加入UCLA醫學院,同時兼任神經學和頭頸外科教職。Baloh於1982年晉升為教授,2002年成為傑出教授,並於2021年成為名譽教授。他是14本書的作者,發表了超過350篇同行評審的科學期刊文章和100多篇書籍章節,是平衡感和空間意識維持的內耳/腦系統研究的先驅者。他培訓了40多位現在在平衡感研究領域中擔任領導職位的研究員。Baloh還對神經學的歷史有著長期的興趣,並在這方面有著豐富的著作。在他的眾多榮譽中,Baloh於1992年在捷克斯洛伐克布拉格的Bárány學會會議上獲得了Hallpike/Nylen獎,並在2014年美國神經學學會會議上舉辦了以他為榮譽的國際性暈眩和平衡研討會。他與Vicente Honrubia合著的書籍《臨床神經生理學》目前已出版第四版,是該領域的標準。他的其他著作包括《頭暈、聽力喪失和耳鳴:神經耳科的基本知識》(1984年)、《神經耳科學》(1994年)、《頭暈:為什麼你感到頭暈以及什麼能幫助你感到更好》(與Greg Whitman合著,2016年)和《眩暈:五位醫學科學家和尋求治療的探索》(2017年)。最近,他對神經學和心理學之間的界限產生了興趣,並出版了與Robert Bartholomew合著的《哈瓦那綜合症:大規模心理性疾病和大使館神秘和歇斯底里背後的真實故事》(2020年)和《醫學上無法解釋的症狀:以大腦為中心的方法》(2021年)。最近,他於2022年出版了一本關於運動和腦健康的書籍。