Community-Based Participatory Research with Women in Prison: The Women's Worlds Peer Mentoring Program

Dewey, Susan, Vandeberg, Brittany, Tennant-Caine, Julie


This innovative work tells the story of a unique partnership between a state prison administration and a team of incarcerated women, prison administrators, researchers, artists, and students known as The WoW Collective due to their joint efforts in developing a peer mentoring program called "Women's Words/Women's Worlds (WoW)." Using the example of WoW, the book provides a guide to doing community-based participatory research (CBPR) with women in prison that takes a collaborative--rather than the typically adversarial--approach to working together toward the goal of transformative social change. This book provides a ground-breaking example of how incarcerated women, prison administrators, researchers, and artists successfully worked together on a community-based project that led to meaningful results in the form of a peer mentoring program designed by women in prison for women in prison. Remaining closely attuned to the ethical dimensions of doing CBPR in a highly structured prison environment, this book provides inspiration to CBPR practitioners who seek to work within the criminal justice system to create real and meaningful change for the better. Co-authored by two criminologists, a senior prison administrator, and the unique collective known as WoW, this book provides both a clear step-by-step CBPR guide and a visionary approach to working with criminal justice practitioners.


這本創新的作品講述了一個獨特的合作關係,即一個州監獄管理機構與一個由被囚禁的女性、監獄管理人員、研究人員、藝術家和學生組成的團隊之間的合作。這個團隊因為共同努力開發了一個同儕輔導計劃,名為「女性的話語/女性的世界(WoW)」,因此被稱為WoW Collective。本書以WoW為例,提供了一個指南,教導如何與監獄中的女性進行基於社區的參與式研究(CBPR),並以合作的方式而非通常的對抗方式共同努力實現轉型性社會變革的目標。本書為一個具有開創性的例子,展示了被囚禁的女性、監獄管理人員、研究人員和藝術家如何成功地在一個基於社區的項目上合作,並以同儕輔導計劃的形式取得有意義的成果,該計劃由被囚禁的女性設計,為被囚禁的女性服務。本書密切關注在高度結構化的監獄環境中進行CBPR的道德層面,為希望在刑事司法系統內工作以實現真正有意義的變革的CBPR從業人員提供了啟示。本書由兩位犯罪學家、一位高級監獄管理人員和獨特的WoW Collective共同撰寫,既提供了一個清晰的逐步CBPR指南,又提供了一種與刑事司法從業人員合作的有遠見的方法。


Susan Dewey's research and teaching focus on the intersections between violence and poverty in women's criminal justice system involvement, an area in which she has an established record of academic, professional, and collaborative leadership at the community, state, federal, and international levels. Reaching beyond disciplinary confines, her research results have shaped policy and practice through 16 books and over 100 papers, including substantive reports for UN Women, the US Census Bureau, Planned Parenthood, the Correctional Education Association, the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the Wyoming Department of Corrections. Her work has also received funding from the National Science Foundation, the Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Microsoft Philanthropies, and numerous other entities. The results of these projects have been featured in national media outlets such as The Chronicle of Higher Education, Public Broadcasting Service (USA), The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and The Nation. In addition to her academic research and teaching responsibilities, Dr. Dewey has performed extensive pro bono work for a variety of criminal justice agencies, including the Wyoming Department of Corrections, where she held a Central Office staff badge and founded a free college-in-prison program.

Brittany VandeBerg's research and teaching focus on violence and resilience with a particular focus on gender. Her current international research agenda examines offender and victimization experiences related to piracy and the diffusion and transformation of piracy laws and criminal justice systems in East Africa. Locally, she conducts research on gun violence, domestic violence, and gender-responsive prison reform in the Deep South in the USA. Dr. VandeBerg is a former consultant with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Counter Piracy Programme and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Somalia Fisheries Sector.

Julie Tennant Caine is a former police officer and has worked for the Wyoming Department of Family Services after earning her master's degree in sociology. Subsequently, she worked for several years in the District Attorney's Office in Cheyenne, Wyoming as the Victim/Witness Coordinator. Then she developed a community corrections program for Frontier Correctional Systems, Inc. where she eventually served as Executive Director. Next, she was hired as the Director of Victim Services in the Attorney General/s Office and continued in this position for almost a decade. After serving as Deputy Administrator in the Prison Division of the Wyoming Department of Corrections for over a decade, she took a similar position with the South Carolina Department of Corrections.


Susan Dewey的研究和教學專注於婦女犯罪司法系統參與中暴力和貧困的交叉點,她在這個領域擁有在學術、專業和合作領域的確立紀錄,並在社區、州、聯邦和國際層面上擔任領導角色。她的研究成果超越學科限制,通過16本書籍和100多篇論文,包括為聯合國婦女署、美國人口普查局、計劃生育協會、矯正教育協會、司法統計局和懷俄明州矯正部門撰寫的實質報告,影響了政策和實踐。她的工作還獲得了國家科學基金會、溫納格倫人類學研究基金會、微軟慈善基金會和其他眾多實體的資助。這些項目的結果在國家媒體如《高等教育紀事報》、美國公共廣播公司、《赫芬頓郵報》、《華盛頓郵報》和《國家》等媒體中得到了報導。除了學術研究和教學職責外,Dewey博士還為各種刑事司法機構進行了大量的無償工作,包括懷俄明州矯正部門,她在那裡擁有中央辦公室的工作證件,並創辦了一個免費的監獄大學項目。

Brittany VandeBerg的研究和教學專注於暴力和韌性,尤其關注性別問題。她目前的國際研究議程探討了與海盜行為相關的犯罪和受害經歷,以及東非海盜法律和刑事司法系統的傳播和轉變。在美國南部,她進行了槍支暴力、家庭暴力和性別響應式監獄改革的研究。VandeBerg博士曾是聯合國毒品和犯罪辦公室(UNODC)反海盜計劃和聯合國糧食及農業組織(FAO)索馬里漁業部門的顧問。

Julie Tennant Caine曾是一名警察,在獲得社會學碩士學位後曾在懷俄明州家庭服務部門工作。隨後,她在懷俄明州夏延地區檢察官辦公室擔任受害者/證人協調員多年。然後,她為Frontier Correctional Systems, Inc.開發了一個社區矯正計劃,最終擔任執行董事。接下來,她被聘為懷俄明州檢察長辦公室的受害者服務主任,並在這個職位上工作了將近十年。在擔任懷俄明州矯正部門監獄部門副管理員十多年後,她轉到了南卡羅來納州矯正部門擔任類似的職位。