Intelligent Technologies for Healthcare Business Applications
暫譯: 醫療商業應用的智慧科技

Bourdena, Athina, Mavromoustakis, Constandinos, Markakis, Evangelos K.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-13
  • 售價: $6,150
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,843
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 242
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031585267
  • ISBN-13: 9783031585265
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book covers a wide range of applications and scenarios of intelligent technologies for healthcare business applications. The authors adopt an interdisciplinary approach with both theoretical and practical approaches in order to be relevant to multiple audiences. This book encapsulates fundamental and cutting-edge research paradigms of intelligent healthcare environments and addresses related open-ended research issues. The authors also explore recent advances, disseminate state-of-the-art techniques, and deploy novel technologies in intelligent healthcare services and applications. The book features a broad appeal to electrical, electronic, computer, software and telecommunications engineers in the healthcare space.

  • Covers a range of applications and scenarios of intelligent technologies for healthcare business applications
  • Explores advances, disseminates techniques, and deploys novel technologies in intelligent healthcare services
  • Features paradigms of intelligent healthcare environments and addresses open-ended research issues



- 涵蓋智能技術在醫療商業應用中的一系列應用和場景
- 探索進展、傳播技術並在智能醫療服務中部署新穎技術
- 特別介紹智能醫療環境的範式並探討開放性研究議題


Dr. Athina Bourdena received her Doctoral degree from the Department of Information & Communication Systems Engineering of the University of the Aegean in 2013. She acts as a research associate at the Department of Business Administration & Tourism of Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) and as a member of the Research and Development of Telecommunications Systems laboratory. Her research interests are in the fields of network resource optimisation techniques and their exploitation over cognitive radio systems, intelligent technologies, dynamic spectrum access technologies and transport mechanisms. She has more than 50 publications in international journals, conference and workshop proceedings, in the above areas.

Dr. Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis is currently a Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. He received a five-year dipl.Eng in Electronic and Computer Engineering from Technical University of Crete, Greece, MSc in Telecommunications from University College of London, UK, and his Ph.D. from the department of Informatics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Dr. Mavromoustakis is leading the Mobile Systems Lab. (MOSys Lab) at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Nicosia, dealing with design and implementation of hybrid wireless testbed environments, high performance cloud and mobile cloud computing (MCC) systems, IoT/IoE, modeling and simulation of mobile computing environments and protocol development and deployment for large-scale heterogeneous networks as well as new 'green' mobility-based protocols. He has worked as a Research Associate and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Computer Architecture and Communications Lab at the PDSG (Parallel and Distributed Systems Group) at the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He has also worked as a Visiting faculty/Special Expert Scientist (2009-2010) at the Cyprus University of Technology at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (EEIT) and he has been appointed for a semester as a visiting Assistant Professor (2011) at the Coventry University, at the Faculty of Engineering, at the Department of Computing and the Digital Environment, UK. He has authored/edited four Books to-date, whereas he is a management member of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Radio Communications Committee (RCC) and served as track Chair and co-Chair of various IEEE International Conferences (including AINA, IWCMC, IEEE Internet of Things etc). He is the recipient of various grants including the highly competitive European grant of Early Stage Researcher (ESR), for the excellent research output and research impact, in December 2013 (EU secretariat/Brussels).

Dr. Evangelos Markakis holds a PhD in P2P Constellations in Broadcast Networks from the Department of Information & Communication Systems Engineering of the University of the Aegean and serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece. He has actively participated in more than 40 EU FP5/FP6/FP7/Horizon2020, Horizon Europe funded projects (IST/ICT/Health/ Security) and over 20 Greek funded research and Development projects. Evangelos is the Technical Manager for the Horizon Europe TRUSTEE Project and in the past, he was the Technical Manager for the HORIZON 2020 DRS-19-2014 "EMYNOS". He has worked Numerous times as WP Leader in European funded projects. His research activities include Cybersecurity, Wireless Networks, distributed systems and P2P applications, design of large-scale Heterogeneous Networks, Fog Computing & Networking, as well as in network management and virtualisation techniques, including SDN/NFV concepts. He has more than 90 publications in international journals, conference, and workshop proceedings, in the above areas. He is a Member in EENA a Member of IEEE and IEEE ComSoc, editor of the IET Book on "Cloud andFog Computing in 5G Mobile Networks: Emerging Advances and Applications" and the Panel Co-Chair for the IEEE SDN-NFV Conference. He is an Expert on Contract from European Commision, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) in the work he is doing in Evaluation of Proposals, Cybersecurity and Public safety respectively. He is the Chairman of the Pan-European Emergency Application Consortium paving the way for supporting Emergency Communication Application in all European Member States, and acts as co-chair of Operation Testbeds of IEEE Public safety task force.

Dr. George Mastorakis received his B.Eng. (Honours) in Electronic Engineering from UMIST (University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology) in 2000, his M.Sc. in Telecommunications from UCL (University College London) in 2001 and his Ph.D. in Telecommunications from University of the Aegean in 2008. He currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Science and Technology at Hellenic Mediterranean University in Greece and as a Director of e-Business Intelligence Laboratory. He has actively participated in a large number of EU funded research projects (FP6, FP7 and Horizon2020) and national research ones. He has also acted as a technical manager in many research projects funded by GSRT (General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Ministry of Development, Greece). He has more than 300 publications at various international conferences proceedings, workshops, scientific journals and book chapters. He has acted as a reviewer for several scientific journals and member of conferences technical program committees. He is also author/editor of more than ten books. His research interests include cognitive radio networks, IoT applications, IoE architectures, radio resource management, Artificial Intelligence applications, Internet of Vehicles technologies and 5G mobile networks.

Dr. Evangelos Pallis is a Professor in Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering and the University of West Attica, Greece. He received his B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from the Technological Educational Institute of Crete in 1994, his M.Sc. in Telecommunications from University of East London, in 1997, and received his Ph.D. in Telecommunications from the University of East London in 2002. His research interests are in the fields of wireless networks, mobile communication systems, digital broadcasting technologies and interactive television systems, QoS/QoE techniques and network management technologies. He has participated in a number of national and European funded R&D projects, including the AC215 "CRABS", IST-2000-26298 "MAMBO", IST-2000-28521 "SOQUET", IST-2001-34692 "REPOSIT", IST-2002-FP6-507637 "ENTHRONE", "IMOSAN", and as Technical/Scientific coordinator for the IST-2002-FP6-507312 "ATHENA" project. He has been involved within the FP7- 214751 "ADAMANTIUM", in the FP7-ICT-224287 "VITAL++" and in the FP7-ICT-248652 "ALICANTE" projects and several HORIZON2020 projects. He has more than 200 publications in international scientific journals, conference papers and book-chapters in the above scientific areas. He is the general chairman of the international conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU), member of IET/IEE, and active contributor to the IETF interconnection of content distribution networks (CDNi).


Dr. Athina Bourdena於2013年獲得愛琴海大學資訊與通信系統工程系的博士學位。她擔任希臘地中海大學(HMU)商業管理與旅遊系的研究助理,並且是電信系統實驗室的研究與開發成員。她的研究興趣包括網路資源優化技術及其在認知無線系統、智能技術、動態頻譜接入技術和傳輸機制上的應用。她在上述領域擁有超過50篇的國際期刊、會議和研討會論文發表。

Dr. Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis目前是塞浦路斯尼科西亞大學計算機科學系的教授。他在希臘克里特技術大學獲得電子與計算機工程的五年制工程學位,並在英國倫敦大學學院獲得電信碩士學位,之後在希臘塞薩洛尼基亞里士多德大學的資訊學系獲得博士學位。Dr. Mavromoustakis領導尼科西亞大學計算機科學系的移動系統實驗室(MOSys Lab),專注於混合無線測試平台環境的設計與實施、高效能雲端及移動雲計算(MCC)系統、物聯網/物聯網生態系統、大型異構網路的建模與模擬,以及新型「綠色」移動協議的開發與部署。他曾在希臘塞薩洛尼基亞里士多德大學的計算機架構與通信實驗室擔任研究助理和博士後研究員。他還曾在塞浦路斯科技大學電機工程與資訊技術系(EEIT)擔任訪問教員/特聘專家(2009-2010),並於2011年在英國考文垂大學工程學院計算與數位環境系擔任訪問助理教授。他至今已撰寫/編輯四本書籍,並且是IEEE通信學會(ComSoc)無線通信委員會(RCC)的管理成員,曾擔任多個IEEE國際會議的會議主席和共同主席(包括AINA、IWCMC、IEEE物聯網等)。他曾獲得多項獎助金,包括2013年12月獲得的高度競爭性的歐洲早期研究者(ESR)獎助金,以表彰其卓越的研究成果和影響力(歐盟秘書處/布魯塞爾)。

Dr. Evangelos Markakis擁有愛琴海大學資訊與通信系統工程系的P2P星座廣播網路博士學位,並在希臘地中海大學電機與計算機工程系擔任助理教授。他積極參與超過40個歐盟FP5/FP6/FP7/Horizon2020、Horizon Europe資助的項目(IST/ICT/健康/安全)以及20多個希臘資助的研究與開發項目。Evangelos是Horizon Europe TRUSTEE項目的技術經理,過去曾擔任HORIZON 2020 DRS-19-2014「EMYNOS」的技術經理。他多次在歐洲資助的項目中擔任工作包負責人。他的研究活動包括網路安全、無線網路、分散式系統和P2P應用、大型異構網路的設計、雲端計算與網路,以及網路管理和虛擬化技術,包括SDN/NFV概念。他在上述領域擁有超過90篇的國際期刊、會議和研討會論文發表。他是EENA、IEEE和IEEE ComSoc的成員,並擔任IET書籍《5G移動網路中的雲端與霧計算:新興進展與應用》的編輯,以及IEEE SDN-NFV會議的面板共同主席。他是歐洲委員會、歐洲網路安全局(ENISA)和歐洲電信標準協會(ETSI)的合同專家,負責提案評估、網路安全和公共安全等工作。他是泛歐緊急應用聯盟的主席,致力於支持所有歐洲成員國的緊急通信應用,並擔任IEEE公共安全工作組的操作測試平台共同主席。

Dr. George Mastorakis於2000年在UMIST(曼徹斯特科學與技術大學)獲得電子工程榮譽學士學位,於2001年在UCL(倫敦大學學院)獲得電信碩士學位,並於2008年在愛琴海大學獲得電信博士學位。他目前在希臘地中海大學管理科學與技術系擔任副教授,並擔任電子商務智能實驗室主任。他積極參與大量歐盟資助的研究項目(FP6、FP7和Horizon2020)及國家研究項目。他還曾擔任多個由希臘發展部研究與技術總署(GSRT)資助的研究項目的技術經理。他在各種國際會議論文集、研討會、科學期刊和書籍章節上發表了超過300篇論文。他曾擔任多個科學期刊的審稿人及會議技術程序委員會成員。他也是十多本書籍的作者/編輯。他的研究興趣包括認知無線網路、物聯網應用、物聯網架構、無線資源管理、人工智慧應用、車聯網技術和5G移動網路。

Dr. Evangelos Pallis是希臘西阿提卡大學工業設計與生產工程系的教授。他於1994年在克里特技術教育學院獲得電子工程學士學位,於1997年在東倫敦大學獲得電信碩士學位,並於2002年在東倫敦大學獲得電信博士學位。他的研究興趣包括無線網路、移動通信系統、數位廣播技術和互動電視系統、QoS/QoE技術及網路管理技術。他參與了多個國家和歐洲資助的研發項目,包括AC215「CRABS」、IST-2000-26298「MAMBO」、IST-2000-28521「SOQUET」、IST-2001-34692「REPOSIT」、IST-2002-FP6-507637「ENTHRONE」、「IMOSAN」,並擔任IST-2002-FP6-507312「ATHENA」項目的技術/科學協調員。他曾參與FP7-214751「ADAMANTIUM」、FP7-ICT-224287「VITAL++」和FP7-ICT-248652「ALICANTE」項目以及多個HORIZON2020項目。他在上述科學領域的國際科學期刊、會議論文和書籍章節上發表了超過200篇論文。他是國際電信與多媒體會議(TEMU)的總主席,IET/IEE的成員,並積極參與IETF內容分發網路(CDNi)的互連工作。