Public-Key Cryptography - Pkc 2024: 27th Iacr International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, Sydney, Nsw, Australia, Apri (公鑰密碼學 - PKC 2024:第27屆國際公鑰密碼學理論與實踐會議,澳洲悉尼,四月)
Tang, Qiang, Teague, Vanessa
The four-volume proceedings set LNCS 14601-14604 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 27th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography, PKC 2024, held in Sydney, NSW, Australia, April 15-17, 2024.
The 54 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 176 submissions. They focus on all aspects of signatures; attacks; commitments; multiparty computation; zero knowledge proofs; theoretical foundations; isogenies and applications; lattices and applications; Diffie Hellman and applications; encryption; homomorphic encryption; and implementation.
第27屆IACR公鑰密碼學實踐與理論國際會議(PKC 2024)的四卷論文集LNCS 14601-14604,收錄了2024年4月15日至17日在澳大利亞新南威爾斯州悉尼舉行的會議的審查論文。這些論文中的54篇是從176篇投稿中經過仔細審查和選擇而來。它們涵蓋了簽名、攻擊、承諾、多方計算、零知識證明、理論基礎、同源性及應用、格子及應用、Diffie Hellman及應用、加密、同態加密和實現等各個方面。