Key 5g/5g-Advanced Physical Layer Technologies: Enabling Mobile and Fixed Wireless Access
暫譯: 關鍵5G/5G-進階物理層技術:啟用行動與固定無線接入

Morais, Douglas H.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-05-03
  • 售價: $4,490
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,266
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 346
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031574257
  • ISBN-13: 9783031574252
  • 相關分類: 5G
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This third edition of this text covers the key technologies associated with the physical transmission of data on 5G mobile systems. Following an updated overview of these technologies, the author provides a high-level description of 3GPP's mobile communications standard (5G/5G-Advanced) and shows how the key technologies presented earlier facilitate the transmission of very high-speed user data and control data and can provide very low latency for use cases where this is important. In the final chapter, an updated overview and the physical layer aspects of 5G NR enabled Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) networks is presented. Material in the second edition addressed mainly the key physical layer technologies and features associated with 3GPP Release 15, the first release to support 5G, and Release 16. This edition adds descriptions of some of the technological advancements supported in Releases 17 and 18, the latter being designated by 3GPP as 5G-Advanced. In addition to numerous enhancements of existing features, these releases include new features such as support for 1024-QAM in the downlink in the FR1 band, Reduced Capability (RedCAP) devices, Network Controlled repeaters, operation in the 6 GHz band and above 52.6 GHz, support for broadcast/multicast services, and Non-terrestrial Networks (NTNs). Additionally, a look ahead at some of the planned features and enhancements of Release 19 is provided. This textbook is intended for graduate and upper undergraduate engineering students and practicing engineers and technicians who have an interest in 3GPP's 5G enabled mobile and or FWA networks and want to acquire, where missing, the necessary technology background in order to understand 3GPP's physical layer specifications and operation. Provided are working problems and helpful examples throughout the text.


這本書的第三版涵蓋了與5G行動系統中數據物理傳輸相關的關鍵技術。在對這些技術進行更新概述後,作者提供了3GPP行動通信標準(5G/5G-Advanced)的高層次描述,並展示了之前介紹的關鍵技術如何促進非常高速的用戶數據和控制數據的傳輸,並能為對延遲要求極低的應用場景提供支持。在最後一章中,提供了5G NR啟用的固定無線接入(FWA)網絡的更新概述及其物理層方面的內容。第二版的材料主要針對與3GPP Release 15(首個支持5G的版本)和Release 16相關的關鍵物理層技術和特性進行了討論。本版新增了一些在Release 17和18中支持的技術進展的描述,後者被3GPP指定為5G-Advanced。除了對現有特性的多項增強外,這些版本還包括新特性,例如在FR1頻段下行鏈路中支持1024-QAM、減少能力(RedCAP)設備、網絡控制的中繼器、在6 GHz頻段及以上52.6 GHz的操作、支持廣播/多播服務以及非地面網絡(NTNs)。此外,還展望了Release 19的一些計劃特性和增強。本教科書旨在為研究生和高年級本科工程學生以及對3GPP的5G啟用行動或FWA網絡感興趣的在職工程師和技術人員提供必要的技術背景,以便理解3GPP的物理層規範和操作。全書提供了實作問題和有用的範例。


Dr. Douglas H. Morais holds a Ph. D. from the University of Ottawa, Canada, an M.Sc. from the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.Sc. from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, all in electrical engineering. Additionally, he is a graduate of the AEA/Stanford Executive Institute, Stanford University, California, is a Life Senior member of the IEEE, and a member of the IEEE Communications Society. After decades in industry, he is currently a technical book author, short course lecturer, and inventor. Previously, he was President of the Wireless Group at Ortel Corporation and both Executive Vice President, Business Development and Technology and President, Wireless Products Group at California Microwave, Inc. In addition to this text, he is the author of "Fixed Broadband Wireless Communications," Pearson Education, Inc., 2004, "5G and Beyond Wireless Transport Technologies," Springer Publishing, 2021, and "5G Nr, Wi-Fi 6, and Bluetooth LE5", Springer Publishing, 2023. He holds three US patents, including two on digital modulation and one on point-to-multipoint wireless communication.


道格拉斯·H·莫拉伊斯博士擁有加拿大渥太華大學的博士學位、加州大學伯克利分校的碩士學位,以及蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學的學士學位,皆為電機工程領域。此外,他是斯坦福大學執行研究所的畢業生,並且是IEEE的終身資深會員及IEEE通訊學會的成員。在業界工作數十年後,他目前是一位技術書籍作者、短期課程講師及發明家。之前,他曾擔任Oritel Corporation的無線部門總裁,以及加州微波公司(California Microwave, Inc.)的執行副總裁(業務發展與技術)和無線產品部門總裁。除了本書外,他還著有《固定寬頻無線通訊》(Fixed Broadband Wireless Communications),由Pearson Education, Inc.於2004年出版、《5G及未來無線傳輸技術》(5G and Beyond Wireless Transport Technologies),由Springer Publishing於2021年出版,以及《5G NR、Wi-Fi 6及藍牙LE5》(5G Nr, Wi-Fi 6, and Bluetooth LE5),由Springer Publishing於2023年出版。他擁有三項美國專利,其中包括兩項數位調變專利和一項點對多點無線通訊專利。