Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Digital Healthcare: Communications Technologies for Epidemic Models

Singh, Pradeep Kumar, Trovati, Marcello, Murtagh, Fionn

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-25
  • 售價: $7,620
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$7,239
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 390
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031568176
  • ISBN-13: 9783031568176
  • 相關分類: 人工智慧Data Science
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book explores current research and development in the area of digital healthcare using recent technologies such as data science and artificial intelligence. The authors discuss how data science, AI, and mobile technologies provide the fundamental backbone to digital healthcare, presenting each technology separately as well covering integrated solutions. The book also focuses on the integration of different multi-disciplinary approaches along with examples and case studies. In order to identify the challenges with security and privacy issues, relevant block chain technologies are identified and discussed. Social aspects related to digital solutions and platforms for healthcare are also discussed and analyzed. The book aims to present high quality, technical contributions in the field of mobile digital healthcare using technologies such as AI, deep learning, IoT and distributed cloud computing.




Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh is currently working as an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Central University of Jammu, J&K, India. Dr. Singh is a Senior member of Computer Society of India (CSI), IEEE, ACM and Life Member. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD), Indexed by Scopus and Web of Science. He is also associate editor of International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation (IJAEC), IGI Global USA, Security and Privacy, Wiley. He has received three sponsored research projects grant from Govt. of India and Govt. of HP worth Rs 25 Lakhs. He has edited a total 24 books from Springer and Elsevier. He has Google scholar citations 3100, H-index 30 and i-10 Index 70. His recently published book titled Handbook of Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges in Current Scenario's from Springer has reached more than 27000 downloads in last few months. Recently, Dr. Singh has been nominated as a Section Editor for Discover IoT, a Springer Journal. He has total eight patents to his credit, and supervised six PhD scholars as PhD Supervisor or Co-Supervisor.

Prof. Marcello Trovati obtained his PhD in Mathematics at the University of Exeter in 2007, specialising in theoretical dynamical systems with singularities, after which he accepted a position as algorithm tester and research specialist at a medium sized software development company. His main responsibility was to create, test and documents state-of-the-art statistical algorithms to analyse big datasets. He then moved to the newly created Dublin IBM Research Lab to carry out research mainly in the field of knowledge discovery, text mining, and mathematical modelling, where he gained valuable business and research experience through collaboration with several scientists both at IBM, and at academic institutions. He was involved in a number of research projects in collaboration with other IBM Research Centres and academic institutions. He then joined Coventry University to take up a position as Teaching Fellow, and subsequently the University of Derby as a lecturer, during which he was involved various multi-disciplinary projects focussing on mathematical modelling, algorithm design, and big data analytics. In 2016 Marcello joined the Computer Science Department at Edge Hill University as a senior lecturer and he was recently awarded a Professorship in Computer Science. He is involved in several research themes and projects. He is co-leading the STEM Data Research centre and is actively involved in the Productivity and Innovation Lab, aiming to collaborate and support SMEs in Lancashire. Marcello's main interests include: Mathematical Modelling, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Network Theory, Machine Learning, Data and Text Mining.

Prof. Fionn Murtagh has a strong track record in research with industrially-relevant consequences, and in teaching and learning. For over 35 years he has been a global leader in research, and applications, of clustering and data analysis, computational statistics, and also modelling and statistical analysis in image and signal processing. Fionn is editor-in-chief of Computer Journal, the British Computer Society's flagship journal. He has a leading role in classification societies International Association for Statistical Computing and the British Computer Society, and has been president of both the Classification Society of North America and the British Classification Society. He is an elected member of the Royal Irish Academy and Academia Europaea.

Dr. Mohammed Atiquzzaman obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from the University of Manchester (UK) and B.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He currently holds the Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential professorship and the Hitachi Chair in the School of Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma, and is a senior member of IEEE. Dr. Atiquzzaman is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, founding Editor-in-Chief of Vehicular Communications and has served/serving on the editorial boards of IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, International Journal on Wireless and Optical Communications, Real Time Imaging journal, Journal of Communication Systems, Communication Networks and Distributed Systems and Journal of Sensor Networks. He also guest edited many special issues in various journals. He has served many international conferences as the general chair. He serves on the review panels of funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation and National Research Council (Canada) and Australian Research Council (Australia). In recognition of his contribution to NASA research, he received the NASA Group Achievement Award for "outstanding work to further NASA Glenn Research Center's effort in the area of Advanced Communications/Air Traffic Management's Fiber Optic Signal Distribution for Aeronautical Communications" project. Mohammed received from IEEE the 2018 Satellite and Space Communications Technical Recognition Award for valuable contributions to the Satellite and Space Communications scientific community., the 2017 Distinguished Technical Achievement Award from IEEE Communications Society in recognition of outstanding technical contributions and services in the area of communications switching and routing, and the 2023 Internet of Things, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Technical Achievement Award for "valuable contributions to the Internet of Things, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks scientific community". He is the co-author of the book "Performance of TCP/IP over ATM networks" and has over 400 refereed publications, which are accessible at atiq.His research interests are in communications switching, vehicular communications, wireless and mobile networks, ad hoc networks, satellite networks, quality of service, and optical communications. His research has been funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), US Air Force, Cisco, Honeywell, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, and Oklahoma Highway Safety Office through grants totaling over $10M.

Professor Mohsen Farid received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Queen's University Belfast, UK. His Ph.D. thesis was on modeling eye movements employing various modeling tools such as wavelet transforms and non-linear dynamics. His work contributed to advances in surgery planning and remote surgery. It also allowed the creation of interface modalities for patients diagnosed with Locked-in syndrome (LIS). Dr Farid received his BSc in Physics and Mathematics with Distinction from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, MS, and Ph.D. and in Theoretical Physics from Polytechnic Institute of New York University. Dr Farid is a fellow of several prestigious international scientific organizations, such as the Institute of Mathematics and Its Application, the International Statistical Institute, the Royal Statistical Society, and the Royal Society for the Arts. He is also an Associate Member of the European Organization for Nuclear Research - ALICE Experiment (CERN), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a Member of the Association for Computing Machinery, and The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Dr Farid also has extensive industrial experience in software development and management of Information Technology in multinational organizations such as IBM, Microsoft, MIDOR, and Mitutoyo Tools and Instruments. Professor Farid has served on the faculty of several universities, City University of New York, University of Connecticut, University of Bridgeport, and wasthe department head of Computer Science and Mathematics at Paul Quinn College. Dr. Farid was also an advisor to UNESCO. Dr Farid also held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at New Mansoura University, Egypt. He is now with the Department of Computing and Mathematics and a Fellow of the Data Science Research Center at the University of Derby. He is the Director of the MSc program in Big Data Analytics, UK. He also holds an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Huddersfield. His research interests include the application of AI and Machine Learning in Healthcare and Mental Health, Information Theory, Language Engineering, and Particle Identification at CERN. He has published extensively in Human-Computer Interaction, Data Science, Healthcare Informatics, and Computational Linguistics. He supervised many students at the Ph.D., MS, and BS levels. As a teacher, he has consistently scored 85% or above in students' feedback. Dr Farid has received an honorable mention from the US Army for work related to breast cancer. He is also a member of the IEEE P2957 Big Data Governance and Metadata Management Standards Group and co-authored the white paper under the same title.


Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh目前在印度查謨和克什米爾中央大學擔任計算機科學與工程學的副教授。Dr. Singh是印度計算機學會(CSI)、IEEE、ACM的高級會員和終身會員。他是國際信息系統建模與設計(IJISMD)的副編輯,該期刊被Scopus和Web of Science索引。他還是國際應用進化計算(IJAEC)的副編輯,該期刊由IGI Global USA和Wiley出版。他獲得了印度政府和喜馬偕爾邦政府的三項資助研究項目,價值250萬盧比。他編輯了Springer和Elsevier共24本書籍。他在Google學者上有3100次引用,H指數為30,i-10指數為70。他最近出版的書籍《無線傳感器網絡手冊:當前情景中的問題和挑戰》(Springer出版)在過去幾個月內已經下載超過27000次。最近,Dr. Singh被提名為Springer期刊《Discover IoT》的部門編輯。他總共有八項專利,並指導了六位博士生。Marcello Trovati教授於2007年在埃克塞特大學獲得數學博士學位,專攻帶奇異點的理論動力系統,之後他在一家中型軟件開發公司擔任算法測試員和研究專家的職位。他的主要責任是創建、測試和記錄用於分析大數據集的最先進的統計算法。然後,他轉到新成立的都柏林IBM研究實驗室,從事主要在知識發現、文本挖掘和數學建模領域的研究,在那裡通過與IBM和學術機構的多位科學家合作獲得了寶貴的商業和研究經驗。他參與了與其他IBM研究中心和學術機構的多項研究項目合作。然後,他加入了考文垂大學擔任教學助理,隨後加入德比大學擔任講師,期間參與了多個多學科項目,重點是數學建模、算法設計和大數據分析。2016年,Marcello加入了Edge Hill大學計算機科學系擔任高級講師,最近獲得了計算機科學教授職位。他參與了幾個研究主題和項目。他是STEM數據研究中心的聯合領導者,積極參與產品和創新實驗室,旨在與蘭開夏郡的中小企業合作和支持。Marcello的主要興趣包括:數學建模、數據科學、大數據分析、網絡理論、機器學習、數據和文本挖掘。Fionn Murtagh教授在研究具有工業相關後果、教學和學習方面具有豐富的經驗。他在聚類和數據分析、計算統計學以及圖像和信號處理中的建模和統計分析方面已經成為全球領先者超過35年。Fionn是《計算機期刊》的主編,這是英國計算機學會的旗艦期刊。他在國際統計計算協會和英國計算機學會的分類學會中擔任重要角色,並曾擔任北美分類學會和英國分類學會的主席。他是愛爾蘭皇家學院和歐洲科學院的當選成員。Dr. Mohammed Atiquzzaman在曼徹斯特大學(英國)獲得電氣工程和電子學碩士和博士學位,並在孟加拉國工程和技術大學獲得電氣和電子工程學士學位。他目前擔任School of Computer Science的Edith Kinney Gaylord總統教授職位和Hitachi講座。