The Aegean Sea Environment: The Geodiversity of the Natural System

Anagnostou, Christos L., Kostianoy, Andrey G., Mariolakos, Ilias D.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-04-25
  • 售價: $13,040
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$12,388
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 403
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031537963
  • ISBN-13: 9783031537967
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This is the first of three Books that together provide an integrated picture of the Aegean Sea, presenting the natural components of the system (Book I and Book II) as well as the human presence in the extended area (Book III).

The Aegean Sea, also called Aegean Archipelagos, is an open, complex, and diverse marine system situated between the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, with different compartments and interactions. This book provides an in-depth exploration of the Aegean Sea's natural systems, shedding light on its geodiversity, geological dynamics, air-land-sea interaction, hydrology, suspended matter and sediments.

Divided into 4 parts, the book introduces the diversity, geological dynamics, and evolution of the natural system of the Aegean Sea (Parts 1 and 2), followed by a section devoted to the land-sea interaction in the Aegean coastal system where experts in the field explore freshwater and matter inputs into the Aegean coastal system, as well as the coastal morphodynamics and evolution of the Aegean Sea, its adjacent land areas, and islands. In Part 3, the book delves into the air-sea interaction over the Aegean Sea, presenting its intricate dynamics, including heat and freshwater fluxes, wind waves, tides, and atmospheric deposition. The book closes with a section focused on the hydrology, chemistry, and dynamics of water masses and the sea bottom, providing insights into suspended matter and fluxes, sediments, climate changes, and the intricate nutrient and carbon dynamics within the Aegean Sea ecosystem (Part 4).

Given the breadth and depth of its coverage, this book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, and students interested in marine geology, oceanography, and environmental analysis, as well as policymakers and conservationists seeking a comprehensive understanding of the Aegean Sea's complex natural systems.







Christos L. Anagnostou, Research Director of the Institute of Oceanography at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR). He studied Natural Sciences (biology and geology) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece and made his PhD (Dissertation) at the Ruhr University - Bochum, Germany. The last 40 years is active, carrying out research in geological oceanography at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR). He was a visiting professor at the Aegean University and he is teaching also in postgraduate level the last 20 years at the School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering of the National and Technical University of Athens.

Andrey G. Kostianoy - Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Chief Scientist at the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), a Visiting Professor at the University of Liege (Belgium), Honorary Professor of Tver State University (Russia). He is a specialist in the field of physical oceanography, satellite remote sensing of the oceans and inland seas, regional climate change, environmental problems. He is Editor-in-Chief of "The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry" book series in Springer.

Ilias Mariolakos, Em. Prof. at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Dr. rer. nat. of the Erlangen - Nuernberg University, Germany. Honorary Prof. of the University of Salzburg, Visiting Prof. at the Free University of Brussels, Visiting Teaching Fellow at the University of N.S.W. of Sidney-Australia. Director of the IFAQ - UNESCO seminars of quaternary deposits. Foreign member of the Russian Academy of the Natural Science. Appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of IGME (Institute of Geological and Mineral Exploration) (Greek Geological Survey), Appointed delegate of Greece in many national committees. Elected chairman of the Greek Geological Society.

During the last 30 years working on finding the connection between thegeoenvironmental changes of the Aegean and Circum-Aegean areas and the Greek Mythology, during the last 100,000 years.

Panayotis Panayotidis born in Thessaloniki (Greece) at 1953. BSc in Natural Sciences (1975) from the University of Thessaloniki (Greece), MSc in Oceanography and PhD in Marine Biology (1980) from the University of Aix-Marseilles (France). Research Director at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (2000-2020). During the last 35 years he participated in several research projects in the research fields of seagrass and algae taxonomy, biology and ecology, benthic communities' structure and function, evaluation of eutrophication and water quality status, and rapid environmental assessment. He was coordinator of the habitat mapping project in the Greek marine Natura network (2000-2005), the monitoring project for the Ecological Quality Status evaluation in the Greek coastal and transitional water bodies (2006-2015) and the monitoring programmes of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the Greek seas (2016-2019).

Marina Soilemezidou, PhD in Political Science & Environment, MSc in Oceanography and Marine Environment Management, is a Research Fellow at the Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation and works at the Academy of Athens. She has professional experience in the social, economic and environmental issues in Committee of Permanent Representatives I in the EU, in the areas of the civil protection in Greece and the exploitation of natural resources in the USSR.

Grigoris Tsaltas is Professor Emeritus of International Law with the Faculty of International, European and Area Studies, at Panteion University of Athens. He is founder and Director of the European Centre for Environmental Research and Training (est. 2002), one of the most significant institutions promoting sustainability studies in Greece. He teaches Law of the Sea, International and European Environmental Law and Policy and Energy Policies for Sustainable Development in both in undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In the past, he has served as Minister of Environment and Climate Change, as well as Rector of Panteion University. He holds the J. Monnet Chair "European Union and Developing Countries".


Christos L. Anagnostou,希臘海洋研究中心(HCMR)海洋學研究所的研究主任。他在希臘塞薩洛尼基亞里斯多德大學學習自然科學(生物學和地質學),並在德國鲁爾大學完成了博士學位。在過去的40年中,他一直在希臘海洋研究中心從事地質海洋學研究。他曾是愛琴海大學的客座教授,並在雅典國立和技術大學的船舶建築與海洋工程學院教授研究生課程已有20年。

Andrey G. Kostianoy - 物理數學科學博士,俄羅斯科學院彼得·彼得羅夫·舍爾謝夫海洋學研究所(俄羅斯莫斯科)的首席科學家,列日大學(比利時)的客座教授,特韋爾州立大學(俄羅斯)的榮譽教授。他是物理海洋學、衛星遙感海洋和內陸海洋、區域氣候變化、環境問題領域的專家。他是Springer出版社《環境化學手冊》系列的主編。

Ilias Mariolakos,雅典國立和卡波迪斯特里亞大學的名譽教授。德國埃爾朗根-紐倫堡大學的自然科學博士。薩爾茨堡大學的榮譽教授,布魯塞爾自由大學的客座教授,悉尼大學的客座教學研究員。他是聯合國教科文組織四紀沉積物研討會的主任。俄羅斯自然科學院的外籍成員。被任命為希臘地質和礦產勘探研究所(希臘地質調查)董事會主席,被任命為希臘代表參加多個國家委員會。當過希臘地質學會主席。


Panayotis Panayotidis,1953年出生於希臘塞薩洛尼基。希臘塞薩洛尼基大學自然科學學士(1975年),法國艾克斯-馬賽大學海洋學碩士和海洋生物學博士(1980年)。希臘海洋研究中心的研究主任(2000-2020年)。在過去的35年中,他參與了多個研究項目,研究範圍包括海草和藻類分類學、生物學和生態學、底棲群落結構和功能、富養化和水質狀態評估以及快速環境評估。他曾擔任希臘海洋Natura網絡的棲息地繪製項目協調人(2000-2005年),希臘沿海和過渡水域生態質量評估監測項目(2006-2015年)和希臘海域海洋戰略框架指令監測計劃(2016-2019年)的協調人。

Marina Soilemezidou,政治科學和環境博士,海洋學和海洋環境管理碩士,是地中海國際環境法和談判計劃的研究員,並在雅典學院工作。她在歐盟常駐代表委員會I的社會、經濟和環境問題方面擁有專業經驗,以及在希臘的民防領域和蘇聯的自然資源開發方面的經驗。

Grigoris Tsaltas是雅典潘特尼翁大學國際、歐洲和區域研究學院的國際法名譽教授。他是希臘最重要的可持續發展研究機構之一 - 歐洲環境研究和培訓中心(成立於2002年)的創始人和主任。他教授海洋法、國際和歐洲環境法。