Reinforcement Learning for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Assisted Wireless Communication Systems
暫譯: 可重構智慧表面的強化學習:輔助無線通信系統

Faisal, Alice, Al-Nahhal, Ibrahim, Dobre, Octavia A.


This book presents the intersection of two dynamic fields: Reinforcement Learning (RL) and RIS- Assisted Wireless Communications. With an emphasis on both discrete and continuous problems, it introduces a comprehensive overview of RL techniques and their applications in the evolving world of RIS-assisted wireless communications. Chapter 1 introduces the fundamentals of RL and deep RL (DRL), providing a solid foundation for understanding subsequent chapters. It also presents the Q-learning, deep Q-learning, and deep deterministic policy gradient algorithms. Chapter 2 provides a holistic overview of RIS-assisted systems and details several use cases in wireless communications. Then, Chapters 3 and 4 present various applications of the discrete and continuous DRL to RIS-assisted wireless communications. From maximizing the sum-rate to minimizing, the system resources and maximizing the energy efficiency. These chapters showcase the versatility of the DRL algorithms in tackling arange of challenges. This book concludes with Chapter 5, which introduces the challenges and future directions in this field. It explores the particulars of hyperparameter tuning, problem design, and complexity analysis, while also highlighting the potential of hybrid DRL, multi-agent DRL, and transfer learning techniques for advancing wireless communication systems.

Optimizing RIS-Assisted Wireless Systems requires powerful algorithms to cope with the dynamic propagation environment. DRL is envisioned as one of the key enabling techniques to exploit the full potential of RIS-Assisted Wireless Communication Systems. It empowers these systems to intelligently adapt to dynamic wireless environments, maximize performance metrics, and adjusts their configurations to accommodate diverse use cases efficiently.

This book serves as a valuable resource, shedding light on the potential of DRL to optimize RIS-Assisted Wireless Communication, enabling researchers, engineers, advanced level students in computer science and electrical engineering and enthusiasts to grasp the intricacies of this topic. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the principles, applications, and challenges, making it a reference to recognize the full potential of the RIS technology in modern wireless communication systems.


這本書介紹了兩個動態領域的交集:強化學習(Reinforcement Learning, RL)和輔助無線通訊的反射智能表面(RIS-Assisted Wireless Communications)。本書強調離散和連續問題,提供了強化學習技術及其在不斷發展的RIS輔助無線通訊中的應用的全面概述。第一章介紹了強化學習和深度強化學習(Deep RL, DRL)的基本原理,為理解後續章節奠定了堅實的基礎。它還介紹了Q學習、深度Q學習和深度確定性策略梯度算法。第二章提供了RIS輔助系統的整體概述,並詳細說明了無線通訊中的幾個使用案例。接下來,第三章和第四章展示了離散和連續DRL在RIS輔助無線通訊中的各種應用,從最大化總速率到最小化系統資源和最大化能源效率。這些章節展示了DRL算法在應對各種挑戰中的多樣性。本書以第五章作結,介紹了該領域的挑戰和未來方向。它探討了超參數調整、問題設計和複雜性分析的細節,同時強調了混合DRL、多代理DRL和遷移學習技術在推進無線通訊系統中的潛力。




Alice Faisal received her B.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in 2020. She received her M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Memorial University, St. John's, NL, Canada, in 2022. Her research interests include wireless communications, 5G enabling technologies, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, and full-duplex communications.Ibrahim Al-Nahhal (IEEE senior member) is a research associate and per-course instructor at Memorial University, Canada, since 2021. He received the B.Sc. (Honours), M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology, Egypt, Memorial University, Canada, in 2007, 2014, and 2020, respectively. Between 2008 and 2012, he was an engineer in industry, and a Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. From 2014 to 2015, he was a physical layer expert atNokia (formerly Alcatel-Lucent), Belgium. He holds three patents. He co-authored 30+ peer-reviewed journals and conference papers in top-ranked venues. He serves as Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He served as a Technical Program Committee and Reviewer for various prestigious journals and conferences. He was awarded the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Communications Letters in 2017. His research interests are reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, full-duplex communications, integrated sensing and communication, channel estimation, machine learning, design of low-complexity receivers for emerging technologies, spatial modulation, multiple-input multiple-output communications, sparse code multiple access, and optical communications.Octavia A. Dobre is a Professor and Canada Research Chair Tier 1 with Memorial University, Canada. She was a Visiting Professor with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France. Her research interests encompass wireless communication and networking technologies, as well as optical and underwater communications. She has (co-)authored over 450 refereed papers in these areas.Dr. Dobre serves as the Director of Journals of the Communications Society. She was the inaugural Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society and the EiC of the IEEE Communications Letters.Dr. Dobre was a Fulbright Scholar, Royal Society Scholar, and Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society. She obtained Best Paper Awards at various conferences, including IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE WCNC, and IEEE PIMRC. Dr. Dobre is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Fellow of the Engineering Insitute of Canada, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the IEEE. Telex M. N. Ngatched is an Associate Professor at McMaster University, Canada. His research interests include 5G and 6Genabling technologies, optical wireless communications, hybrid optical wireless and radio frequency communications, and artificial intelligence and machine learning for communications. Dr. Ngatched serves as an Area Editor of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, an Associate Technical Editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine, an Editor of the IEEE Communications Society On-Line Content, and Co-Chair and Technical Program Committee member for many prominent IEEE conferences in his area of expertise.


艾莉絲·法伊薩爾(Alice Faisal)於2020年在沙烏地阿拉伯吉達的艾法特大學(Effat University)獲得電機與計算機工程學士學位。她於2022年在加拿大聖約翰的紀念大學(Memorial University)獲得電機工程碩士學位。她的研究興趣包括無線通信、5G啟用技術、可重構智能表面以及全雙工通信。

易卜拉欣·阿爾-納哈爾(Ibrahim Al-Nahhal,IEEE資深會員)自2021年以來擔任加拿大紀念大學的研究助理和課程講師。他於2007年、2014年和2020年分別在埃及的阿茲哈爾大學(Al-Azhar University)、埃及-日本科學與技術大學(Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology)和加拿大紀念大學獲得電子與通信工程的學士(榮譽)、碩士和博士學位。2008年至2012年間,他在業界擔任工程師,並在埃及開羅的阿茲哈爾大學工程學院擔任教學助理。2014年至2015年,他在比利時的諾基亞(Nokia,前身為阿爾卡特-朗訊)擔任物理層專家。他擁有三項專利,並在頂尖期刊和會議上共同發表了30篇以上的同行評審論文。他擔任IEEE無線通信快報的編輯,並曾擔任多個知名期刊和會議的技術程序委員會成員及審稿人。他於2017年獲得IEEE通信快報的傑出審稿人獎。他的研究興趣包括可重構智能表面、全雙工通信、集成感測與通信、信道估計、機器學習、新興技術的低複雜度接收器設計、空間調變、多輸入多輸出通信、稀疏碼多重存取和光通信。

奧克塔維亞·A·多布雷(Octavia A. Dobre)是加拿大紀念大學的教授及加拿大研究主席Tier 1。她曾擔任美國麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)和法國西布列塔尼大學(Université de Bretagne Occidentale)的訪問教授。她的研究興趣涵蓋無線通信和網絡技術,以及光通信和水下通信。她在這些領域已(共同)發表超過450篇經過審核的論文。

多布雷博士擔任通信學會期刊的主任。她是IEEE通信學會開放期刊的首任主編(EiC)以及IEEE通信快報的主編。多布雷博士曾是富布賴特學者、英國皇家學會學者及IEEE通信學會的傑出講者。她在多個會議上獲得最佳論文獎,包括IEEE ICC、IEEE Globecom、IEEE WCNC和IEEE PIMRC。多布雷博士是歐洲科學與藝術學院的當選成員,加拿大工程學會的院士,加拿大工程學院的院士,以及IEEE的院士。

特萊克斯·M·N·恩加切德(Telex M. N. Ngatched)是加拿大麥克馬斯特大學的副教授。他的研究興趣包括5G和6G啟用技術、光無線通信、混合光無線和射頻通信,以及用於通信的人工智慧和機器學習。恩加切德博士擔任IEEE通信學會開放期刊的區域編輯、IEEE通信雜誌的副技術編輯、IEEE通信學會在線內容的編輯,以及多個他專業領域的知名IEEE會議的共同主席和技術程序委員會成員。