Intelligent Robots and Drones for Precision Agriculture
暫譯: 智慧型機器人與無人機在精準農業中的應用

Balasubramanian, Sundaravadivazhagan, Natarajan, Gnanasankaran, Chelliah, Pethuru Raj

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-03-21
  • 售價: $6,340
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,023
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 479
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031511948
  • ISBN-13: 9783031511943
  • 相關分類: 機器人製作 Robots無人機
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book provides extensive information about smart farming, precision agriculture and the technologies that make them succeed. The authors provide detailed machine learning and deep learning models and algorithms that can be implemented effectively to improve smart farming methods. The authors also give elaborate information about the various IoT devices and types of drones that are used vastly in smart farming culture. The authors show specifically how methods and techniques used to improve the crop yield can be executed to help the farmers to improve the agricultural process and cultivation methods using a rule-based methodology. The purpose of this book is to articulate the need for processes, platforms, practices, patterns, and rules to be followed for the better yield of crop production and how IoT, robotics and drones can be used to improve the economy of the countries in the field of agriculture. In a nutshell, the book shows how the combination of multiple cutting-edge technologies leads to the realization of state-of-the-art infrastructures for next-generation agriculture.




Dr. B. Sundaravadivazhagan is an experienced researcher and educator in the field of Information and Communication Engineering. He has more than 22 years of experience in teaching and research and has earned his Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University in Chennai in 2016. He is a member of various professional bodies such as IEEE, ISACA, ISTE, and ACM, and has published over 45 research articles in SCI and Scopus journals. He has also served as a resource person, keynote speaker, and advisory committee member in more than 20 international and national conferences. He has received two research grants from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, The Research Council (TRC), Oman. His research interests include IoT, AI and Machine learning, Deep learning, Cloud computing, Networks and security, Wireless networks, and MANET. He is a reputable journal editor and reviewer and also serves on the Doctoral Committee in International CommitteeMember- Amrita University, Bangalore, as well as an Adjunct Faculty in Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai. In addition to his research publications, he has also authored and edited several books, including "Performance Analysis of Broadcast Schemes in MANET" published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany and "Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) Competencies for Next-Generation Cybersecurity Solutions" published by Apple Academic Press, Exclusive Co-Publishing with CRC press Taylor and Francis Group, USA. He has also proposed and received approval for several upcoming book publications, such as "Deep Learning for Smart Healthcare: Trends, Challenges and Applications" approved by CRC Taylor and Francis Group Publisher, "Demystifying Probability and Statistics for Data Scientists with R" accepted by CRC Taylor and Francis Group, and "The Power of Artificial Intelligence for the Next-Generation Oil & Gas Industry: Envisaging AI-inspired Intelligent Energy Systems & Environments" accepted by IEEE and Wiley Publishers,"

Dr. N. Gnanasankaran MCA., Ph.D., RUSA PDF, . Is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, India. He has 14 Years of Teaching and 13 years of Research Experience. His areas of research specialization include Software Engineering, SQA, Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data and IOT. He pursued his Masters in Computer Application (2008) and Doctorate in Computer Science (2014) from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India and Completed his Post Doc in Computer Science (2020) from Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India. He has contributed more than 35 research articles in Scopus and Web of Science Indexed journals from IEEE, Elsevier, Tech Science Press and contributed 5 Book Chapters in prominent Publishers such as Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, De Gruyter, IEEE River publishers. He holds two patent work in the field of IoT and secured major and minor funded projects from UGC, India.

C. Pethuru Raj PhD is a chief architect at the Edge AI division of Reliance Jio Platforms Ltd. (JPL) Bangalore. Previously. worked in IBM Global Cloud Centre of Excellence (CoE), Wipro consulting services (WCS), and Robert Bosch Corporate Research (CR). I have gained over 22 years of IT industry experience and 9 years of research experience. Finished the CSIR-sponsored PhD degree at Anna University, Chennai, and continued with the UGC-sponsored postdoctoral research in the Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. After that, I was granted two international research fellowships (JSPS and JST) to work as a research scientist for 3.5 years in two leading Japanese universities.

I am focusing on some of the emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) Model Optimization Techniques, Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models (LLMs), Efficient, Explainable, and Edge AI, Blockchain, Digital Twins, Cloud-native and Edge computing, Green and Generative AI, Reliability and Platform Engineering, 5G/6G, etc.


Dr. B. Sundaravadivazhagan 是資訊與通信工程領域的資深研究者和教育工作者。他擁有超過 22 年的教學和研究經驗,並於 2016 年在印度金奈的安娜大學獲得資訊與通信工程的博士學位。他是多個專業機構的成員,如 IEEE、ISACA、ISTE 和 ACM,並在 SCI 和 Scopus 期刊上發表了超過 45 篇研究文章。他還在 20 多個國際和國內會議中擔任資源人員、主題演講者和諮詢委員會成員。他獲得了來自阿曼高等教育、研究與創新部的兩項研究補助金。他的研究興趣包括物聯網 (IoT)、人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習、深度學習、雲計算、網絡與安全、無線網絡和移動自組織網絡 (MANET)。他是一位受人尊敬的期刊編輯和審稿人,並在班加羅爾的阿姆里塔大學擔任國際委員會成員的博士委員會成員,以及在金奈的薩維塔工程學院擔任兼任教職。除了研究出版物外,他還撰寫和編輯了幾本書籍,包括由德國 LAMBERT 學術出版公司出版的《MANET 中廣播方案的性能分析》和由 Apple Academic Press 出版的《利用人工智慧 (AI) 能力為下一代網絡安全解決方案》。他還提出並獲得批准出版幾本即將出版的書籍,如由 CRC Taylor 和 Francis Group 出版的《智慧醫療的深度學習:趨勢、挑戰與應用》,由 CRC Taylor 和 Francis Group 接受的《為數據科學家解密機率與統計 (使用 R)》,以及由 IEEE 和 Wiley 出版社接受的《人工智慧在下一代石油與天然氣產業中的力量:展望 AI 啟發的智能能源系統與環境》。

Dr. N. Gnanasankaran MCA., Ph.D., RUSA PDF,目前在印度馬杜賴的提亞卡拉賈學院計算機科學系擔任助理教授。他擁有 14 年的教學經驗和 13 年的研究經驗。他的研究專長領域包括軟體工程、軟體品質保證 (SQA)、數據科學、機器學習、大數據和物聯網 (IoT)。他於 2008 年獲得計算機應用碩士學位,並於 2014 年獲得計算機科學博士學位,均來自印度馬杜賴卡馬拉吉大學,並於 2020 年在印度卡賴庫迪的阿拉卡帕大學完成計算機科學的博士後研究。他在 IEEE、Elsevier、Tech Science Press 等期刊上發表了超過 35 篇研究文章,並在 Taylor 和 Francis、CRC Press、De Gruyter、IEEE River Publishers 等知名出版社貢獻了 5 篇書章。他在物聯網領域擁有兩項專利,並從印度 UGC 獲得了主要和次要的資助項目。

C. Pethuru Raj 博士是 Reliance Jio Platforms Ltd. (JPL) 班加羅爾邊緣 AI 部門的首席架構師。之前,他曾在 IBM 全球雲卓越中心 (CoE)、Wipro 諮詢服務 (WCS) 和羅伯特·博世企業研究 (CR) 工作。他在 IT 行業擁有超過 22 年的經驗和 9 年的研究經驗。他在安娜大學完成了 CSIR 贊助的博士學位,並在印度科學研究院 (IISc) 計算機科學與自動化系繼續進行 UGC 贊助的博士後研究。之後,他獲得了兩項國際研究獎學金 (JSPS 和 JST),在兩所領先的日本大學擔任研究科學家 3.5 年。

我專注於一些新興技術,如物聯網 (IoT)、人工智慧 (AI) 模型優化技術、大型語言模型 (LLMs) 的提示工程、高效、可解釋的邊緣 AI、區塊鏈、數位雙胞胎、雲原生和邊緣計算、綠色和生成式 AI、可靠性和平台工程、5G/6G 等等。