Switching Strategies for Power Electronic Converters: Examples with Python Simulations
暫譯: 電力電子轉換器的切換策略:Python 模擬範例
Iyer, Shivkumar V., Aalam, Mohammad Nair
This book provides a concise introduction to switching strategies for power electronics. It provides an in-depth examination of this one concept giving a newcomer a complete immersive experience which has both the depth that is needed to gain confidence yet is simple to understand. The authors examine the basic operation of power electronic systems from scratch and with the help of simulations, how these systems can be constructed. The approach used treats power electronics similar to puzzles and rather than merely presenting them and describing how they work, explore why they came to have the construction they have, and how they could potentially be modified. The authors make extensive use of simulations, with every theory and every result accompanied by a simulation. All simulations are performed by the free and open source Python programming language and the free and open source circuit simulator Python Power Electronics.
本書提供了對於電力電子開關策略的簡明介紹。它深入探討了這一概念,為新手提供了完整的沉浸式體驗,既具備獲得信心所需的深度,又易於理解。作者從零開始檢視電力電子系統的基本運作,並透過模擬展示這些系統如何構建。所採用的方法將電力電子視為拼圖,而不僅僅是呈現它們並描述其運作方式,而是探討它們為何會有這樣的結構,以及如何可能進行修改。作者廣泛使用模擬,每一個理論和每一個結果都伴隨著模擬。所有模擬均使用免費且開源的 Python 程式語言和免費且開源的電路模擬器 Python Power Electronics 進行。
Shivkumar Iyer is the creator of the free and open source circuit simulator Python Power Electronics. He completed his Bachelors, Master's and PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in the field of power electronics. Subsequent to his PhD, he worked for five years in R&D positions in the power industry in India and Canada. He has published prolifically in international journals and conferences besides also being the author of three books "Simulating Nonlinear Circuits using Python Power Electronics", "Digital Filter Design using Python for Power Engineering Applications" and "Modeling and Python Simulation of Magnetics for Power Electronics Applications" published with Springer International in 2018, 2020 and 2022 respectively.
Shivkumar Iyer is now an independent researcher and educator. He has five online courses on MOOC platforms such as Udemy and Decibels Lab on using Python programming for electrical engineering. His courses have over four thousand students enrolled from over 110 countries in the world and some of the courses have been designated as "Bestseller" courses in the category of electrical engineering. These online courses are video courses with presentations and code-along sessions. The objective of his teaching and research are to provide universally accessible education to aspiring engineers all over the world using open source computing tools such as Python.
Mohammad Nair Aalam received his Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering from the University of Jammu, India in 2018. He later went on to complete his Master's in Electrical Power System Management from Jamia Millia Islamia, India in 2021. Subsequently, he worked as a Junior Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Electrical Engineering at the Centre for Power Electronics Systems at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). His research interests are in the areas of High-Density Power Converters, Digital Control of Power Electronics Systems, and Renewable Power Control.
Shivkumar Iyer 是免費且開源的電路模擬器 Python Power Electronics 的創建者。他在電機工程領域完成了學士、碩士和博士學位,專攻電力電子。獲得博士學位後,他在印度和加拿大的電力行業從事了五年的研發工作。他在國際期刊和會議上發表了大量論文,並且是三本書的作者,分別是《使用 Python Power Electronics 模擬非線性電路》、《使用 Python 設計電力工程應用的數位濾波器》和《電力電子應用的磁性建模與 Python 模擬》,這三本書於 2018、2020 和 2022 年由 Springer International 出版。
Shivkumar Iyer 現在是一位獨立研究者和教育者。他在 MOOC 平台如 Udemy 和 Decibels Lab 上開設了五門關於使用 Python 程式設計的電機工程在線課程。他的課程有來自全球超過 110 個國家的四千多名學生註冊,其中一些課程被指定為電機工程類別的「暢銷書」課程。這些在線課程是視頻課程,包含演示和代碼實作環節。他的教學和研究目標是利用開源計算工具如 Python,為全球有志於成為工程師的學生提供普遍可及的教育。
Mohammad Nair Aalam 於 2018 年在印度的詹姆大學獲得電機工程學士學位。隨後,他於 2021 年在印度的詹米亞米利亞伊斯蘭大學完成電力系統管理碩士學位。隨後,他在印度理工學院海德拉巴分校的電機工程系擔任初級研究員。目前,他正在維吉尼亞理工學院攻讀電機工程博士學位,研究中心為電力電子系統中心。他的研究興趣包括高密度電力轉換器、電力電子系統的數位控制以及可再生能源控制。