Fundamentals of Innovative Sustainable Homes Design and Construction

Friedman, Avi

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-06-28
  • 售價: $6,280
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,966
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 397
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031353706
  • ISBN-13: 9783031353703
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book offers ideas and practices on contemporary design concepts and illustrates them with plans and photographs of outstanding examples. Current planning and design modes of dwellings and neighborhoods are facing challenges of philosophy and form. Past approaches no longer sustain new demands and require innovative thinking. The need for a new outlook is propelled by fundamental changes that touch upon environmental, economic and social aspects.

The depletion of non-renewable natural resources and climate change are a few of the environmental challenges. Increasing costs of material, labor, land and infrastructure have posed economic challenges with affordability being paramount among them. Social challenges are also drawing the attention of designers, builders and homeowners. Walkable communities, aging in place and multigenerational living are some of the concepts considered. In addition, live-work environments have become part of the economic reality for those who wishto work from home--which has become possible through digital advances.

The text would be of interest to scholars working in: architecture, urban planning, and construction.


Avi Friedman began his studies at the Politecnico di Milano in Italy, received his Bachelor of Architecture from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in 1980 (first in class/cum laude), his Master of Architecture from McGill University and his Doctorate in 1987 from Université de Montréal. In 1988, he co-founded the Affordable Homes Program at the McGill School of Architecture, where he is a Professor. He is also a Visiting Professor in Lancaster University in the UK.

Dr. Friedman's research interests focus on factors which influence the design and implementation of affordable and sustainable building practices at the unit and community levels, including market acceptance, construction and resource efficiency. For his research, he was awarded the Progressive Architecture Research Award, the J.-Armand-Bombardier Prize for Technological Innovation and the Manning Innovation Award of Distinction.

Avi Friedman has published extensively in both academic and trade publications. He has authored 25 books as well as peer-reviewed articles on subjects ranging from prefabrication and construction technology to suburban planning and space management, for academic journals. He has been invited to address international meetings in most of which he was a Keynote Speaker. Dr. Friedman is a Member of the editorial board of architectural journals and authored research monographs and articles in trade publications in the USA and Canada. He is also a Columnist for several media outlets.

Avi Friedman has designed several housing prototypes which were built as full-scale demonstration projects and were then constructed by homebuilders around the world. The Grow Home (co-designed with Witold Rybczynski), a narrow-front rowhouse, received immense media attention and has since been built in communities across North America and Europe. The Next Home, also the subject of much positive media scrutiny, was incorporated into the design of communities in Canada and the UK. La Casa a la Carta, presented in Mexico, was designed specifically for the developing world.

Dr. Friedman's design work and projects have been cited in many books and have been covered extensively: on TV shows such as Good Morning America, Dream Builders and Stewart Brand's How Buildings Learn (British Broadcasting Corporation), in magazines such as Popular Science, Architecture and Home and in newspapers including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and San Francisco Examiner. Avi Friedman has been invited to speak on numerous occasions at meetings of government officials, development authorities, university professors and students, homebuilders, architects and planners in locations as diverse as Dalian, Guadalajara, Prague, Singapore, Berlin and Melbourne. He has received awards for his design and teaching, including the American Institute of Architects Education Honors, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Collaborative Practice Award, prestigious Creative Achievement Award, the World Habitat Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Sustainable Buildings Canada.

Avi Friedman is a Member of the Order of Architects of Quebec and the President of Avi Friedman Consultants, Inc., a design firm with a focus on affordable and sustainable residential environments. Since 1981, he has designed single-family dwellings, affordable and sustainable communities, undertook urban renewal of towns, master planning of cities and conversion of industrial buildings into residences. His list of clients includes governments, cities and private sector enterprises.

Dr. Friedman served as a Member of many boards and committees in government and trade, including the National Advisory Council on Energy Efficiency and the National Housing Research Committee of Canada. He has also served as the Jury of many design competitions.


Avi Friedman 在意大利的米蘭理工大學開始他的學業,於1980年獲得以優異成績(班上第一)畢業於以色列理工學院的建築學學士學位,並在麥吉爾大學獲得建築碩士學位,於1987年在蒙特利爾大學獲得博士學位。1988年,他共同創立了麥吉爾大學建築學院的可負擔住房計畫,並擔任教授。他同時也是英國蘭卡斯特大學的訪問教授。

Friedman 博士的研究興趣集中在影響可負擔且可持續建築實踐設計與實施的因素,包括市場接受度、建設與資源效率。因其研究,他獲得了進步建築研究獎、J.-Armand-Bombardier 技術創新獎以及曼寧卓越創新獎。

Avi Friedman 在學術和商業出版物上發表了大量作品。他撰寫了25本書籍以及針對預製建築、建築技術、郊區規劃和空間管理等主題的同行評審文章,並在學術期刊上發表。他受邀在多次國際會議上發言,其中大多數會議中他擔任主題演講者。Friedman 博士是多本建築期刊的編輯委員會成員,並在美國和加拿大的商業出版物中撰寫研究專著和文章。他也是幾家媒體的專欄作家。

Avi Friedman 設計了幾個住房原型,這些原型作為全規模示範項目建造,並由全球的房屋建造商進行建設。Grow Home(與 Witold Rybczynski 共同設計)是一種狹長前面的排屋,受到了媒體的廣泛關注,並已在北美和歐洲的社區中建造。Next Home 也受到許多正面媒體的關注,並被納入加拿大和英國社區的設計中。La Casa a la Carta 在墨西哥展示,專為發展中國家設計。

Friedman 博士的設計作品和項目在許多書籍中被引用,並受到廣泛報導:在《早安美國》、《夢想建設者》和斯圖爾特·布蘭德的《建築如何學習》(英國廣播公司)等電視節目中,在《流行科學》、《建築與家居》等雜誌中,以及在《紐約時報》、《洛杉磯時報》和《舊金山檢查報》等報紙中。Avi Friedman 多次受邀在政府官員、發展機構、大學教授和學生、房屋建造商、建築師和規劃師的會議上發言,地點涵蓋大連、瓜達拉哈拉、布拉格、新加坡、柏林和墨爾本等多個城市。他因其設計和教學獲得多項獎項,包括美國建築師協會教育榮譽、全國大學建築學院協會合作實踐獎、享有盛譽的創意成就獎、世界居住獎以及可持續建築加拿大的終身成就獎。

Avi Friedman 是魁北克建築師公會的成員,也是 Avi Friedman Consultants, Inc. 的總裁,該設計公司專注於可負擔和可持續的住宅環境。自1981年以來,他設計了單戶住宅、可負擔和可持續社區,進行城鎮的城市更新、城市的總體規劃以及將工業建築轉換為住宅。他的客戶名單包括政府、城市和私營部門企業。

Friedman 博士曾擔任多個政府和貿易機構的董事會和委員會成員,包括全國能源效率諮詢委員會和加拿大全國住房研究委員會。他還擔任過多個設計競賽的評審。