Young Men, Masculinities and Imprisonment: An Ethnographic Study in Northern Ireland

Murray, Conor

  • 出版商: Palgrave MacMillan
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-15
  • 售價: $5,460
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,187
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 249
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031334000
  • ISBN-13: 9783031334009
  • 無法訂購


Given the over-involvement of young men in crime and young men's disproportionally high rates of reoffending, it is surprising that more research has not explored young men's experiences of prison. This book is based on the findings of a nine-month ethnographic case study of Hydebank Wood College, a young men's prison in Northern Ireland. It seeks to explore the complexity of gender construction and masculine performance during young adulthood, while also exposing and dissecting the turbulent social life of a young men's prison.

In examining these themes, the book takes account of the unique social, economic, and political factors that impact young men in communities in Northern Ireland, paying particular attention to their feelings of powerlessness, marginalisation, and vulnerability, and the construction of identity in cultures defined by territorialism, violence, masculine stoicism, and an anti-authority code of 'honour'. The book follows the formation of masculinitiesthrough the prison gate and considers how the penal environment contributes to the continual shaping young men's identities. The book also adopts Gambetta's concept of 'signalling' to examine how young men use different practices, such as language and embodiment, to communicate masculinity to their wider social audience. At the same time, it also considers the reluctance of young men to communicate about their sources of vulnerability.


考慮到年輕男性在犯罪中的過度參與以及他們再犯率的明顯偏高,令人驚訝的是,尚未有更多研究探討年輕男性在監獄中的經歷。本書基於對北愛爾蘭海德班克伍德學院(Hydebank Wood College)這所年輕男性監獄進行的九個月民族誌案例研究的發現。它旨在探討年輕成年期間性別建構和男性表現的複雜性,同時揭示和剖析年輕男性監獄中動盪的社會生活。



Conor Murray is Lecturer in Criminology within the School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences at Ulster University (UU), Northern Ireland. He is the Director of Postgraduate Research within the School. He is a board member of UU's Doctoral College and is UU's Institutional Director for the ESRC Northern Ireland and North-East England Doctoral Training Partnership. Conor also sits on the Executive Board of NIACRO, an NGO dedicated to reducing crime and its impact on people and communities in Northern Ireland. As an early career academic, Conor has a distinct focus on widening access to higher education and he is the Course Director of 'Stay Onside: Applied Football Studies', a Personal and Professional Development Course delivered to prisoners in HMP Maghaberry. The course is delivered as an academically accredited sport-based intervention, which he co-delivers with the Irish Football Association.

Conor is also an active researcher, he has been involved in securing over £160,000 in research funding and support grants since commencing his post. His co-edited book Crime, Justice and Religion: A Critical Appraisal was published by Routledge in 2022. While writing both books Conor has also been exploring research interests in disciplines of young adulthood, gender, sexuality, policing, religion, and sport-based interventions, and has published book chapters, peer reviewed articles and reports. In November 2022 he was invited to Westminster to give oral evidence based on his research expertise to the NI Affair's Committee on the effects of paramilitaries on NI communities.


Conor Murray 是阿爾斯特大學(Ulster University, UU)應用社會與政策科學學院的犯罪學講師。他是該學院的研究生研究主任,也是 UU 博士學院的董事會成員,並擔任 UU 在英國社會科學研究委員會(ESRC)北愛爾蘭及東北英格蘭博士培訓夥伴關係的機構主任。Conor 也在 NIACRO 的執行委員會任職,該非政府組織致力於減少犯罪及其對北愛爾蘭人民和社區的影響。作為一名早期職業學者,Conor 特別關注擴大高等教育的可及性,他是「Stay Onside: Applied Football Studies」課程的課程主任,這是一門針對 HMP Maghaberry 監獄囚犯的個人與專業發展課程。該課程作為一項學術認證的運動介入計畫進行,由他與愛爾蘭足球協會共同授課。

Conor 也是一位活躍的研究者,自他開始任職以來,已成功獲得超過 160,000 英鎊的研究資金和支持補助。他共同編輯的書籍《Crime, Justice and Religion: A Critical Appraisal》於 2022 年由 Routledge 出版。在撰寫這兩本書的同時,Conor 也在探索年輕成年、性別、性取向、警務、宗教和基於運動的介入等學科的研究興趣,並已發表書籍章節、同行評審的文章和報告。2022 年 11 月,他受邀前往威斯敏斯特,根據他的研究專業向北愛爾蘭事務委員會提供有關準軍事組織對北愛社區影響的口頭證據。