Arterial Chemoreceptors: Mal(adaptive) Responses: O2 Dependent and Independent Mechanisms

Conde, Sílvia V., Iturriaga, Rodrigo, del Rio, Rodrigo

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-03
  • 售價: $8,570
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$8,142
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 210
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031323734
  • ISBN-13: 9783031323737
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



The book will contain reviews and brief research articles from the participants attending the International Society for Arterial Chemoreception (ISAC) meeting, to be held in Lisbon in Portugal in June/July 2020. Since ISAC was first established, almost 70 years ago, many advances in the classical field of arterial O2, CO2 and pH sensing have been achieved but the most impressive ones are probably related to the non-canonical roles of the carotid body, as its involvement in sympatho-mediated diseases. Over the recent years, the carotid body field has gained attention with the findings that carotid body dysfunction is associated with the development/maintenance of highly prevalent diseases from cardio-metabolic diseases to asthma. Knowing that most of the patients with these pathologies lack long-term disease control, it is imperative to define new pathophysiological mechanisms aiming to find new therapeutic targets for treatment and prevention. This book will cover a broad range of topics related, not only with the fundamental knowledge of the mechanisms related with the chemical sensing in the carotid body, but also with the adaptive and mal-adaptive responses of arterial chemoreceptors to O2-dependent and O2-independent mechanisms, namely with their impact on respiratory, cardiovascular, and metabolic homeostasis in healthy and disease conditions. This volume will be required text for all the researchers in the field of arterial chemoreceptors and will provide a valuable reference source for years to come.




Dr. Silvia V. Conde is Professor of Pharmacology and Neuroscience and Principal Investigator at NOVA Medical School (NMS) . She graduated in Biochemistry in 2000 and has an Advanced Specialization Diploma in Physiology in 2005. As a PhD student under supervision of Prof. C. Gonzalez in Valladolid (Spain) and Emilia Monteiro (Portugal), she tried to understand how cells and the body respond to the lack of O2, through the study of the physiology of the carotid body. She pursued her PhD in Pharmacology from both the New University of Lisbon (Portugal) and the University of Valladolid (Spain) in 2007. Afterwards, she realized that for her the most exciting research involves trying to understand the pathophysiological alterations in the carotid body and in autonomic nervous system function that are in the genesis of cardiometabolic and respiratory Human diseases. As a PI, she developed a new line of research on the carotid body (CB) and dysmetabolism, which is based on the pioneering idea that the CB controls glucose homeostasis. She is dedicated to the characterization of pathophysiological biosignals, disease signatures and fingerprints that will allow the identification of targets for therapy, particularly bioelectronic targets, as her group recently described that high frequency electrical stimulation of carotid sinus nerve restores insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis in type 2 diabetes models. Her research in this field originated 2 patents, being one already licensed.

In 2009 she was awarded with the L'Oreal Medals Honor for Women in Science Portugal and since then her group won several prizes from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes and from the Pulido Valente Foundation. Silvia V. Conde lab is funded by grants from the Portuguese Funding Agency (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) and from Galvani Bioelectronics.

Dr. Rodrigo Iturriaga obtained the degree of Doctor in Physiological Sciences, at the P. Catholic University of Chile (1988) and subsequently made a postdoctoral stay in the Department of Physiology of the University of Pennsylvania, USA (1989-1992). He began his academic career as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile (1992), where he is currently Full Professor and Chairman. He teach physiology medical students and PhD. postgraduate in of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the P Catholic University, where he has directed the doctoral theses of 12 graduates. His area of interest is the neurobiology of arterial chemoreceptors and his participation in the physiological and pathological responses induced by intermittent hypoxia. He is the author of more than 130 ISI publications and book chapters. He received the John F. Perkins Jr. Memorial Fellowship Award, from the American Physiological Society, USA (1989), the Francis B. Parker Fellowship for postgraduate studies in Respiratory Physiology, USA(1992), the Young Scientists Reintegration Scholarship of the Andes Foundation (1992), the Ferdinando Data Foundation Incentive Award for Young Researcher in Arterial Chemoreception, of the International Society for Arterial Chemoreception (1993) and the 2008 teaching excellence award from the P. Universidad Católica de Chile. He is a member of several scientific societies including the American Physiological Society, the Society for Neuroscience, Sociedad Española de Ciencias Fisiologicas and Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Fisiologicas.

Dr. Rodrigo Del Rio is Professor of Physiology at the Biological Sciences Faculty of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He obtained his graduate degree in Physiology under the supervision of Dr. Rodrigo Iturriaga and then travel overseas to the United States of America, to be trained as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the area of neural control of cardiovascular and respiratory regulation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center under supervision of Dr. Harold Schultz. My current research goals are to understand the physiology and molecular signaling underpinning the alterations in the neural control of cardiovascular and respiratory function during disease conditions. Dr. Del Rio´s expertise is related to the physiology of peripheral and central chemoreceptors and their contribution to autonomic imbalance, cardiovascular malfunction and respiratory disorders in pathological states (i.e. heart failure, hypertension and sleep apnea). Dr. Del Rio has received several awards for his research including an Early Career Investigator Award from the Neural Control of Autonomic Regulation section of the American Physiology Society and the New Investigator Award from the American Physiology Society. Dr. Del Rio will be the next president of the International Society of Chemoreceptors 2022-2025.

Dr. Estelle Gauda is a Professor of Pediatrics, University of Toronto, and Senior Associate Scientist in Translational Medicine at the Sickkids Research Institute in Toronto, Ontario. She obtained her M.D. from the University of Iowa in 1982 and completed a residency in Pediatrics at St. Louis Children's Hospital in 1985 followed by a fellowship in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, Case Western University. She is board-certified in Pediatrics and Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine. In 1988, Dr. Gauda joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins and had a successful 29 year career as a physician-scientist. In 2017, she was appointed Head to the Division of Neonatology, and awarded Women's Auxiliary Chair of Neonatology at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario. Dr. Gauda has clinical expertise in perinatal-neonatal care of the high risk newborn and a solid research portfolio investigating mechanisms that control breathing during development with a focus maturation of the carotid body. She has described how postnatal development effects the expression of different excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters/neuromodulators in the carotid body, and how prenatal/perinatal exposure to nicotine, hyperoxia and inflammation modifies this expression and its downstream effects on breathing and chemosensitivity to hypoxia and hypercapnia. Dr. Gauda is past president of the International Society of Chemoreceptors. 2014-2017.

Dr. Emilia Monteiro is Professor of Pharmacology at Nova Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal. She obtained her M.D. and a PhD in respiratory physiology from the University of Navarra (Spain). Her interest about arterial chemoreceptors started in the eighties at the Gulbenkian institute of Science (Portugal) investigating the cardiorespiratory effects of purines mediated by the carotid body a study that originated a PhD degree in Pharmacology from the Universidade do Porto (Portugal). Since then she expanded her research interests to the comorbidities associated to chronic intermittent hypoxia, particularly hypertension looking for new targets to treat this condition. In parallel she developed a therapeutic drug monitoring laboratory at Nova Medical Scholl dedicated to the clinical pharmacology of antiretroviral drugs. She was president of the Portuguese Society of Pharmacology and Dean for Education of Nova Medical School. Presently, she coordinates the thematic line "Cardio Metabolic disorders" of the Portuguese Research Unit iNOVA4health, she is Co-director of the Portugal Clinical Scholars Research Training (PTCSRT) from Harvard Medical School, member of the scientific council of the ANSM "Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Medicament et des Produits de Santé" (France), member of the National Ethics Committee for Clinical Research and Coordinator of the PtCRIN - Portuguese Clinical Research Infrastructure network, the national network partner of the ECRIN/ERIC (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network/ European Research Infrastructures Consortium). Dr. Monteiro is member of the Portuguese Academy of Medicine and the president of the International Society of Arterial Chemoreceptors 2018-2022.


Dr. Silvia V. Conde 是 NOVA 醫學院的藥理學與神經科學教授及主要研究員。她於 2000 年獲得生物化學學位,並於 2005 年獲得生理學的高級專業文憑。作為博士生,她在西班牙巴利亞多利德的 C. Gonzalez 教授和葡萄牙的 Emilia Monteiro 指導下,試圖了解細胞和身體如何對缺氧作出反應,通過研究頸動脈體的生理學。她於 2007 年在葡萄牙新里斯本大學和西班牙巴利亞多利德大學獲得藥理學博士學位。之後,她意識到對她來說,最令人興奮的研究是試圖理解頸動脈體和自主神經系統功能中的病理生理變化,這些變化與心代謝和呼吸系統人類疾病的發生有關。作為主要研究員,她開發了一條關於頸動脈體(CB)和代謝失調的新研究方向,這一方向基於頸動脈體控制葡萄糖穩態的開創性理念。她致力於病理生理生物信號、疾病特徵和指紋的特徵化,這將有助於識別治療目標,特別是生物電子目標,因為她的團隊最近描述了高頻電刺激頸動脈竇神經能恢復 2 型糖尿病模型中的胰島素敏感性和葡萄糖穩態。她在這一領域的研究產生了 2 項專利,其中一項已獲得授權。

在 2009 年,她獲得了 L'Oreal 葡萄牙女性科學榮譽獎,自那時以來,她的團隊獲得了葡萄牙糖尿病學會和 Pulido Valente 基金會的多個獎項。Silvia V. Conde 實驗室獲得了葡萄牙科學與技術基金會(Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia)和 Galvani Bioelectronics 的資助。

Dr. Rodrigo Iturriaga 獲得智利天主教大學的生理科學博士學位(1988),隨後在美國賓夕法尼亞大學生理學系進行了博士後研究(1989-1992)。他在智利天主教大學生物科學學院的生理學系開始了他的學術生涯,擔任助理教授(1992),目前是全職教授及系主任。他教授生理學給醫學生和博士研究生,並指導了 12 名畢業生的博士論文。他的研究興趣是動脈化學感受器的神經生物學及其在間歇性缺氧引起的生理和病理反應中的參與。他是 130 多篇 ISI 期刊文章和書籍章節的作者。他曾獲得美國生理學會的 John F. Perkins Jr. 紀念獎學金(1989)、美國呼吸生理學研究的 Francis B. Parker 獎學金(1992)、安第斯基金會的青年科學家再融入獎學金(1992)、國際動脈化學感受器學會的年輕研究者獎(1993)以及智利天主教大學的 2008 年教學卓越獎。他是多個科學學會的成員,包括美國生理學會、神經科學學會、西班牙生理科學學會和智利生理科學學會。

Dr. Rodrigo Del Rio 是智利天主教大學生物科學學院的生理學教授。他在 Rodrigo Iturriaga 博士的指導下獲得生理學研究生學位,然後前往美國,接受神經控制心血管和呼吸調節的博士後訓練,於內布拉斯加醫學中心進行研究。