Gerontechnology. a Clinical Perspective

Pilotto, Alberto, Maetzler, Walter

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-22
  • 售價: $3,970
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$3,772
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 214
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031322487
  • ISBN-13: 9783031322488
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book aims at disseminating information and knowledge in Gerontechnology, a topic that is still considered a specific area of interest for techno-experts (i.e. informatics, engineers, bio-engineers, bio-statistics, etc.) while there is a relatively low diffusion of technological expertise among clinicians and other health professionals who are involved in the care of older people.

In many parts of the world, average life expectancy is rising consistently, and at the same time technology is developing at a dramatic pace. This means having completely new options for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of diseases and disabilities of older people but also a new challenge to improve the quality of life by promoting an active and healthy aging at population level.

This book explores the technical developments that are beginning to change the management of diseases and disabilities of geriatric patients. These include advanced Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), i.e. the new online services in healthcare and electronic medical-health records, Assistive Technologies (AT), i.e. behavior and motility monitoring sensorial tools, smart homes tools and telemedicine tools as well as Human-Computer Interaction technologies (HCI), i.e. robots for supporting people with mobility or cognitive limitations, humanoid robots, exoskeletons and rehabilitation robots.

The Work is divided into three main parts: 1) Technology in a world of aging people, 2) Clinical applications of technologies in older people, and 3) Older people and technologies interaction including privacy issues, acceptability of technologies by older people and education and training of healthcare professionals in gerontechnology.

The book will be an invaluable tool for geriatricians and other health professionals who are involved in the care of older people.








Alberto Pilotto is the Director of the Department Geriatric Care, OrthoGeriatrics and Rehabilitation at the E.O. Galliera Hospital, National Relevance and High Specialization Hospital, in Genoa, Italy and full professor of Geriatrics at the Department of Interdisciplinary Medicine at the "Aldo Moro" University of Bari, Italy.

His clinical and research activities are focused on innovations in geriatric care including the multidimensional approach to frailty and multi-morbidity and the development and clinical validation of technological solutions for the older people. Principal investigator and coordinator of many research projects co-funded by public entities including the Italian Ministry of Health (Net-Research Program MULTIPLAT_AGE "Multicomponent intervention platform in community-dwelling older people by using domotic, robotic and telecare systems" and PRO-HOME project "Development and validation of a care transition model in a home-oriented protected area by using high technology systems for multimorbid and polytreated older people"), European Union's Health Programs (Ambient Assisted Living Project HOPE, EU-Horizon 2020 MPI-AGE, EFFICHRONIC and WELLBASED projects and the NextGeneration EU Program on Recovery and Resilience Facility including RAISE Project "Robotic and Artificial Intelligence for Socio-economic Empowerment" and AGE-IT Project "Socioeconomic, biomedical and technological solutions for an inclusive ageing society). Co-author of more than 380 articles in international peer-review journals, 70 chapters of books, and four books on Aging and the Gastrointestinal Tract (Karger AG Press and Piccin Editore) and the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (Springer AG International). Editor in Chief of the Journal Geriatric Care. Former member of the Geriatric Working Group of the AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) and consultant of the Geriatric Expert Group of the EMA (European Medicines Agency). Presently he is the President of the Italian Geriatric Society Hospital and Community (SIGOT) and co-leader of the Special Interest Group on Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS).

Prof. Maetzler is Full professor for neurogeriatrics and deputy director of the neurology department of the University Hospital in Kiel, Germany. His main clinical interest is on Parkinson's disease and other age-related disorders and geriatric conditions associated with functionally relevant movement and cognitive disabilities. He leads a research group focusing on the analysis and validation of parameters that can be extracted from wearable sensor technology in supervised ("lab- or clinic-based") and unsupervised (the usual environment of the patients) assessments, and then be used to quantify movement, mobility and human behaviour in these usual environments. He is contributing to new technology development, such as magnetoelectric sensors. He was and is involved as coordinator, principal investigator, chief clinical investigator and workpackage leader in multiple national and international projects investigating the potential of mobile sensor technology to improve the understanding of disease progression and treatment response in age-related diseases. Examples at a European level are Fair-Park II, Keep Control, Moving Beyond and SENSE-PARK, as well as the large Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) projects IDEA-FAST und Mobilise-D. IDEA-FAST aims at developing digital parameters for the assessment of fatigue and sleep disorders in the usual environment, and Mobilise-D aims at developing and validating an algorithm for mobility assessment, derived from a single sensor, in the usual environment. These developments are being made in consultation with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). He is co-author of more than 330 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and of multiple book chapters. Currently, he serves as the co-chair of the Technology Working Group of the Movement Disorders Society.


阿爾貝托·皮洛托(Alberto Pilotto)是意大利熱那亞E.O. Galliera醫院老年醫學、骨科老年醫學及復健部的主任,並且是意大利巴里‘阿爾多·莫羅’大學跨學科醫學系的老年醫學全職教授。他的臨床和研究活動專注於老年醫療的創新,包括對脆弱性和多重疾病的多維度方法,以及為老年人開發和臨床驗證技術解決方案。他是多個由公共機構共同資助的研究項目的首席研究員和協調者,包括意大利衛生部的Net-Research計畫「使用家居自動化、機器人和遠程護理系統的社區老年人多組件干預平台」和計畫「在以家庭為導向的保護區內使用高科技系統為多重疾病和多重治療的老年人開發和驗證護理過渡模型」,以及歐盟的健康計畫(Ambient Assisted Living Project HOPE、EU-Horizon 2020 、和計畫,以及NextGeneration EU計畫中的Recovery and Resilience Facility,包括「用於社會經濟賦權的機器人和人工智慧」和「包容性老齡化社會的社會經濟、生物醫學和技術解決方案」)。他是超過380篇國際同行評審期刊文章、70章書籍和四本關於老化及消化道(Karger AG Press和Piccin Editore)以及綜合老年評估(Springer AG International)的書籍的共同作者。擔任《老年護理期刊》的主編。曾任意大利藥品管理局(AIFA)老年醫學工作組成員及歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)老年專家小組顧問。目前,他是意大利老年醫學學會醫院與社區(SIGOT)的會長,並且是歐洲老年醫學學會(EuGMS)綜合老年評估特別興趣小組的共同領導人。

馬茲特勒教授(Prof. Maetzler)是德國基爾大學醫院神經老年學的全職教授及神經科副主任。他的主要臨床興趣在於帕金森病及其他與年齡相關的疾病和與功能相關的運動及認知障礙相關的老年病症。他領導一個研究小組,專注於分析和驗證可以從可穿戴傳感器技術中提取的參數,這些參數在受監督(「實驗室或診所基礎」)和非受監督(患者的日常環境)評估中使用,然後用於量化這些日常環境中的運動、流動性和人類行為。他參與新技術的開發,例如磁電傳感器。他曾擔任多個國內和國際項目的協調者、首席研究員、首席臨床研究員和工作包負責人,研究移動傳感器技術在改善對與年齡相關疾病的病程進展和治療反應的理解方面的潛力。歐洲層面的例子包括Fair-Park II、Keep Control、Moving Beyond和SENSE-PARK,以及大型創新藥物倡議(IMI)項目IDEA-FAST和Mobilise-D。IDEA-FAST旨在開發用於評估疲勞和睡眠障礙的數字參數,Mobilise-D則旨在開發和驗證一個基於單一傳感器的流動性評估算法,這些開發是在與歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)和美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)的協商下進行的。他是超過330篇國際同行評審期刊文章和多個書籍章節的共同作者。