R.P.G.Collinson was chief systems engineer and later manager of the Flight Automation Research Laboratory of GEC Avionics Ltd. (now part of BAE Systems), in Rochester, Kent, UK. The Laboratory has been responsible for many innovative systems and techniques which have subsequently been used in the development of avionic equipment for many current European and United States aircraft. During his time with GEC Avionics, he also served as manager of the Flight Instruments Division and the Inertial Navigation Division. He was a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (The IET) and the Royal Aeronautical Society. Following service in the Royal Navy, he studied electrical engineering at London University, graduating with a First-Class Honours Degree. He was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Aeronautical Society for his contribution to the research and development of advanced avionic equipment. Following his retirement, he gave numeroustalks on avionic and aviation topics to lay and technical audiences and presented specialist lectures at two universities.Sadly, R P G Collinson passed away on 16th February 2022 just as Edition 4 was nearing completion. With the kind permission of the publisher, Edition 4 has been completed by his sons M R Collinson and S W Collinson and technically reviewed by C Bartlett, former Chief Technologist, BAE Systems, Rochester, Kent.
R.P.G. Collinson 曾任 GEC Avionics Ltd.(現為 BAE Systems 的一部分)位於英國肯特郡羅徹斯特的飛行自動化研究實驗室的首席系統工程師,後來成為該實驗室的經理。該實驗室負責許多創新系統和技術,這些系統和技術隨後被用於許多當前歐洲和美國飛機的航空電子設備開發。在 GEC Avionics 工作期間,他還擔任飛行儀器部門和慣性導航部門的經理。他是特許工程師,也是工程技術學會(The Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET)和皇家航空學會的院士。在服役於英國皇家海軍後,他在倫敦大學學習電氣工程,並以一級榮譽學位畢業。他因對先進航空電子設備的研究和開發做出的貢獻而獲得皇家航空學會的銀獎勳章。退休後,他為非專業和技術觀眾舉辦了多場有關航空電子和航空主題的演講,並在兩所大學進行了專題講座。可惜的是,R.P.G. Collinson 於 2022 年 2 月 16 日去世,正值第四版即將完成之際。在出版商的友好許可下,第四版由他的兒子 M.R. Collinson 和 S.W. Collinson 完成,並由前 BAE Systems 首席技術專家 C. Bartlett 進行技術審查。