Constructive Processing of Microwave and Optical Data for Hydrogeochemical Applications

Varotsos, Costas A., Krapivin, Vladimir F., Mkrtchyan, Ferdenant A.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-05-26
  • 售價: $6,970
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,622
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 513
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031288793
  • ISBN-13: 9783031288791
  • 相關分類: 微波工程 Microwave
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book presents results of the combined use of microwave remote sensing, optical tools, and ecoinformatics methods under solution-applied tasks at both regional and global scales. Ecoinformatics methods are used to assess links between global climate change and the level of ocean pollution, with specific focus on the Arctic Ocean, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the South-China Sea. The theoretical and applied aspects of instrumental tools are considered in this book as a basis for the monitoring of water quality in various watersheds, with particular attention to microwave remote sensing monitoring data to determine the ecotoxicological status of hydro-ecosystems affected by climate change. The book develops new information technologies that provide solutions for hydrochemical tasks using algorithms and models based on computer technologies for big data processing. This will help to synthesize effective computer-based systems for the solution of problems arising due to anthropogenic impacts on hydrological processes and objects at various spatial scales. This book is intended for specialists in the fields of environmental monitoring, climate change, human-nature interactions, and geopolitics. The book will be useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying these fields of science as well.




Costas A. Varotsos is Professor of Atmospheric Physics and former Dean of the School of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. His main research interests include remote sensing, climate dynamics, atmospheric physics & chemistry, environmental change, and non-linear processes. He has published more than 300 research papers in peer reviewed journals, 18 monographs and has contributed chapters to a further six books. He has coordinated or participated in more than 50 large international research competitive projects, funded by National, European and International Organizations (e.g., European Commission, ESA). He has been Editor-in-Chief, Editor and Associate Editor of several international journals with peer-review system. Since January 2020, he is Editor-in-Chief of the Remote Sensing Letters (T&F). He has received the gold A.S. Popov medal from the Russian A.S. Popov Society, the RADI Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the MOST/ESA Award. He has been awarded with the title of Academician and Honorary Professor from several Academies, Universities, and Institutes.
Vladimir F. Krapivin was educated at the Moscow State University as mathematician in 1959. He received his PhD in radiophysics from the Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (KIRE) of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in 1966. The Doctoral Dissertation in geophysics had defended him at the Moscow Institute of Oceanology of RAS in 1973. He became Full Professor of Radiophysics in 1987. The title "Honoured Worker of Science" was given to him in 1999 by Russian Government. He was appointed Grand Professor in 2012 at the Nguyen Tat Thanh University (Vietnam). Vladimir Krapivin is a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He has published 37 books and 570 papers in the field of ecoinformatics, remote-sensing and global modeling. At present time he is chief scientists of KIRE and he has specialized ininvestigating global environmental change by the application of modeling technology and remote sensing tools.

Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan was graduated from the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute as engineer - mathematician in 1969. 1969-1972 - postgraduate study of Institute of Oceanology RAS (Moscow). He received his PhD in signal processing in 1973. He became Full Professor of Radiophysics in 1996. He was appointed Grand Professor in 2012 at the Nguyen Tat Thanh University (Vietnam). Ηε is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. He is the Chairman of the section "Cybernetics and Ecology Issues" of the Central Council of the Russian Sciences Engineering A.S. Popov Society of Radio, Electronics and Communications.

He has published 5 books and 400 papers in the field of remote environmental monitoring. Currently, he is Head of the Laboratory of Information Modeling Technologies in Radiophysical Research of the Fryazino Branch of the Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics RAS and he has specialized in investigating complex information systems, remote monitoring systems, data processing of remote and contact experimental researches.
Professor Dr. Yong Xue is an expert in quantitative remote sensing and Big Earth data, an Academician of the International Academy for Europe and Asia, a Corresponding Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics, and a Chartered Physicist. He received his BSc degree in Space Physics from the Department of Geophysics, Peking University, in 1986, his MSc degree from the Institute of Remote Sensing and Geoinformation, Peking University, in 1989, and his PhD from the Department of Applied Physics, University of Dundee, in 1995. He is currently a Chair Professor in the School of Environment and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology, the deputy chair of "Chinese National Committee of the International Society for Digital Earth-Digital Energy Commission", the deputy director of Observation and Research Station of Jiangsu Jiawang Resource Exhausted Mining Area Land Restoration and Ecological Succession, Ministry of Education, China. He has published more than 310 peer-reviewed papers (more than 260 corresponding and first-author papers). He has published two academic monographs (co-author) and more than 320 invited conference presentations. He is currently on the editorial board of the International Journal of Remote Sensing and the editor of the World Scientific Publishing Remote Sensing book series (2001-).


Costas A. Varotsos是希臘雅典國立和卡波迪斯特里亞大學科學學院的大氣物理學教授和前院長。他的主要研究興趣包括遙感、氣候動力學、大氣物理與化學、環境變化和非線性過程。他在同行評審期刊上發表了300多篇研究論文,出版了18本專著,並為其他六本書撰寫了章節。他協調或參與了50多個大型國際研究競爭項目,這些項目由國家、歐洲和國際組織(例如歐洲委員會、ESA)資助。他曾擔任多個國際同行評審期刊的主編、編輯和副編輯。自2020年1月起,他擔任《遙感信函》(T&F)的主編。他獲得了俄羅斯A.S. Popov學會的金牌A.S. Popov獎章,中國科學院的RADI獎和MOST / ESA獎。他獲得了多個學院、大學和研究所的學院院士和榮譽教授稱號。

Vladimir F. Krapivin於1959年在莫斯科國立大學接受數學家的教育。他於1966年從俄羅斯科學院的Kotelnikov無線電工程和電子學研究所(KIRE)獲得射電物理學博士學位。他於1973年在俄羅斯科學院的莫斯科海洋學研究所為地球物理學撰寫了博士論文。他於1987年成為射電物理學的全職教授。1999年,俄羅斯政府授予他“科學榮譽工作者”稱號。2012年,他被任命為越南阮賜成大學的大教授。Vladimir Krapivin是俄羅斯自然科學院的正式成員。他在生態信息學、遙感和全球建模領域發表了37本書和570篇論文。目前,他是KIRE的首席科學家,他專門研究應用建模技術和遙感工具調查全球環境變化。

Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan於1969年畢業於葉里溫理工學院,專業為工程師-數學家。1969年至1972年,在俄羅斯科學院海洋學研究所(莫斯科)進行研究生學習。他於1973年獲得信號處理博士學位。他於1996年成為射電物理學的全職教授。2012年,他被任命為越南阮賜成大學的大教授。他是俄羅斯自然科學院的對應成員,也是亞美尼亞國家科學院的外籍成員。他是俄羅斯科學工程A.S. Popov無線電、電子和通信學會中央理事會“控制論和生態學問題”部門的主席。


Professor Dr. Yong Xue是量化遙感和大地數據的專家,是國際歐亞學院的院士,國際宇航學院的對應院士,以及特許物理學家。他於1986年從北京大學地球物理系獲得太空物理學學士學位,於1989年從北京大學遙感與地理信息研究所獲得碩士學位,並於1995年從丹地大學應用物理系獲得博士學位。他目前是中國礦業大學環境與空間信息學院的講座教授,是“中國國家委員會”的副主席。