Optimization and Decision Science: Operations Research, Inclusion and Equity: Ods, Florence, Italy, August 30--September 2, 2022

Cappanera, Paola, Lapucci, Matteo, Schoen, Fabio

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-16
  • 售價: $8,600
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$8,170
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 366
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031288653
  • ISBN-13: 9783031288654
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This volume collects peer-reviewed short papers presented at the Optimization and Decision Science conference (ODS 2022) held in Florence (Italy) from August 30th to September 2nd, 2022, organized by the Global Optimization Laboratory within the University of Florence and AIRO (the Italian Association for Operations Research).

The book includes contributions in the fields of operations research, optimization, problem solving, decision making and their applications in the most diverse domains. Moreover, a special focus is set on the challenging theme Operations Research: inclusion and equity.

The work offers 30 contributions, covering a wide spectrum of methodologies and applications. Specifically, they feature the following topics: (i) Variational Inequalities, Equilibria and Games, (ii) Optimization and Machine Learning, (iii) Global Optimization, (iv) Optimization under Uncertainty, (v) Combinatorial Optimization, (vi) Transportationand Mobility, (vii) Health Care Management, and (viii) Applications.

This book is primarily addressed to researchers and PhD students of the operations research community. However, due to its interdisciplinary content, it will be of high interest for other closely related research communities.


本卷收錄了在2022年8月30日至9月2日於義大利佛羅倫斯舉行的優化與決策科學會議(ODS 2022)上發表的經過同行評審的短篇論文,該會議由佛羅倫斯大學的全球優化實驗室和意大利運籌學會(AIRO)主辦。





Paola Cappanera is Associate Professor of Operations Research at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence. She has a multidisciplinary educational background. Her main research interests are in combinatorial optimization and in the design of efficient algorithms with particular attention to health care, telecommunications, and transportation settings. She deeply investigated several research topics stemming from very different real contexts; the unifying feature is the focus on network flow-based methodologies and on problem structure. She received the Omega Best Paper Award 2018 in the health care and optimization area. She is currently in the Editorial Board of Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Health Care Management Science and Operations Research for Health Care.

Matteo Lapucci received his bachelor's and master's degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Florence in 2015 and 2018, respectively. He then received in 2022 hisPh.D. degree in Smart Computing jointly from the Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena. He is currently Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence. His main research interests include theory and algorithms for sparse, multi-objective, and large-scale constrained nonlinear optimization.

Fabio Schoen is Professor of Operations Research at the University of Florence (Italy). His main research interests deal with optimization methods, with particular reference to algorithms for non-convex optimization, the interface between machine learning and optimization, and the development of optimization models for applications. He is Scientific Coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Information engineering, University of Florence, and Member of the Editorial Board of EURO J on Computational Optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, J of Global Optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, and Operations ResearchLetters. He was one of the founders of KKT srl (now: Verizon Connect Italy) and Intuendi.com

Marco Sciandrone is Full Professor of Operations Research at Sapienza University of Rome. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in systems engineering from the Sapienza University of Rome, in 1991 and 1997, respectively. From 1998 to 2006, he was Researcher at the Institute of Systems Analysis and Computer Science (National Research Council) of Rome. From 2006 to 2017 and from 2018 to 2021, he has been, respectively, Associate Professor and Full Professor at University of Florence. His research interests include operations research, nonlinear optimization, and machine learning. He has published more than 60 papers on international journals. He is Associate Editor of the journals Optimization Methods and Software, and 4OR.

Fabio Tardella is Full Professor in Operations Research at the Department of Information Engineering (DINFO) of the University of Florence. Formerly at Sapienza University of Rome, he served as President of the Master Program Finance and Insurance and Head of the Department of Mathematics for Economic, Financial and Insurance decisions (now merged into the MEMOTEF Department). His research interests include optimization in finance and insurance, combinatorial optimization and its links with continuous optimization, quadratic programming, discrete convexity, lattice programming, and submodularity.

Filippo Visintin is Associate Professor of Service Design and Management at the School of Engineering of Florence University. He is Scientific Director of the Information-Based Industrial Services Laboratory (IBIS Lab, www.ibis.unifi.it). He is Member of the Italian Management Engineering Association (Associazione italiana Ingegneria Gestionale--AiIG). He is Co-founder and Co-owner of SmartOperations Srl, a University of Florence's spin-off (www.smartoperations.it). His research interests include servitizationof manufacturing, healthcare operations management, discrete-event simulation, and circular economy. He is Author of several research papers published in prestigious international journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Computers in Industry, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Flexible Service and Manufacturing Journal, Management Decision, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Production Planning and Control, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, and PLOS One. He served as Guest Editor for Management Decision and Flexible Service and Manufacturing Journal.


Paola Cappanera 是佛羅倫斯大學資訊工程系的運籌學副教授。她擁有多學科的教育背景。她的主要研究興趣在於組合優化及高效演算法的設計,特別關注於醫療保健、電信和交通運輸領域。她深入研究了來自非常不同的實際情境的多個研究主題;其統一特徵是專注於基於網路流的方法論和問題結構。她於2018年獲得醫療保健和優化領域的Omega最佳論文獎。她目前是《靈活服務與製造期刊》、《醫療管理科學》和《醫療運籌學》的編輯委員會成員。

Matteo Lapucci於2015年和2018年分別在佛羅倫斯大學獲得計算機工程的學士和碩士學位。隨後,他於2022年獲得佛羅倫斯、比薩和錫耶納大學聯合授予的智慧計算博士學位。他目前是佛羅倫斯大學資訊工程系的博士後研究員。他的主要研究興趣包括稀疏、多目標和大規模約束非線性優化的理論和演算法。

Fabio Schoen是佛羅倫斯大學(意大利)的運籌學教授。他的主要研究興趣涉及優化方法,特別是非凸優化的演算法、機器學習與優化之間的介面,以及應用的優化模型開發。他是佛羅倫斯大學資訊工程博士課程的科學協調員,並且是《EURO J計算優化》、《計算優化與應用》、《全球優化期刊》、《優化方法與軟體》和《運籌學快報》的編輯委員會成員。他是KKT srl(現為Verizon Connect Italy)和Intuendi.com的創始人之一。

Marco Sciandrone是羅馬薩賓納大學的運籌學正教授。他於1991年和1997年分別獲得羅馬薩賓納大學的電機工程碩士學位和系統工程博士學位。從1998年到2006年,他在羅馬的系統分析與計算機科學研究所(國家研究委員會)擔任研究員。從2006年到2017年以及2018年到2021年,他分別擔任佛羅倫斯大學的副教授和正教授。他的研究興趣包括運籌學、非線性優化和機器學習。他在國際期刊上發表了超過60篇論文。他是《優化方法與軟體》和《4OR》期刊的副編輯。

Fabio Tardella是佛羅倫斯大學資訊工程系(DINFO)的運籌學正教授。曾任羅馬薩賓納大學的財務與保險碩士課程主任及經濟、金融和保險決策數學系主任(現已合併為MEMOTEF系)。他的研究興趣包括財務和保險中的優化、組合優化及其與連續優化的聯繫、二次規劃、離散凸性、格規劃和子模性。

Filippo Visintin是佛羅倫斯大學工程學院的服務設計與管理副教授。他是基於資訊的工業服務實驗室(IBIS Lab, www.ibis.unifi.it)的科學主任。他是意大利管理工程協會(Associazione italiana Ingegneria Gestionale--AiIG)的成員。他是SmartOperations Srl的共同創辦人和共同擁有者,這是一家佛羅倫斯大學的衍生公司(www.smartoperations.it)。他的研究興趣包括服務化。