Advanced AI and Internet of Health Things for Combating Pandemics

Lahby, Mohamed, Pilloni, Virginia, Banerjee, Jyoti Sekhar

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-26
  • 售價: $6,300
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,985
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 397
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031286332
  • ISBN-13: 9783031286339
  • 相關分類: 人工智慧
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Mohamed Lahby is Associate Professor at the Higher Normal School (ENS) University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco. Currently, he is serving as the Head of the Department in Mathematics and Computers Science at ENS of Casablanca. He was awarded a PhD in Computer Science from Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Mohammedia, University Hassan II of Casablanca, in 2013. His research interests are wireless communication and network, mobility management, QoS/QoE, Internet of things, Smart cities, Optimization and Machine learning. He has published more than 50 papers (book chapters, international journals, and conferences), 7 edited books, and 2 authored book. He has served and continues to serve on executive and technical program committees of numerous international conferences such as IEEE PIMRC, ICC, NTMS, IWCMC, WINCOM, ISNCC. He also serves as a referee of many prestigious Elsevier journals: Ad Hoc Networks, Applied Computing and Informatics and International journal of disaster risk reduction. He organized and participated in more than 40 conferences and workshops. He is the chair of many international workshops and special sessions such as MLNGSN'19, CSPSC'19, MLNGSN'20, MLNGSN'21, AI2SC '20 and WCTCP'20, CIOT'22. He has also edited many books published in Springer and Taylor.

Virginia Pilloni is an Assistant Professor at the University of Cagliari, Italy. Her main research interests are focused on Internet of Things and Wireless ad-hoc networks, with particular attention to the improvement of their performance through task allocation. She received her PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering with Doctor Europaeus mention from the University of Cagliari in 2013. She has published more than 50 papers and edited 1 book. She is an expert evaluator of EU H2020 and BELSPO proposals. She has been involved in several national and international research projects. She is an Editor of Elsevier Computer Networks and Frontiersin Communications and Networks. She has served as organization chair and program committee member of several international conferences. She is a member of the IEEE ComSoc Young Professionals and currently is the awards chair for the IEEE ComSoc Best YP Awards.

Dr. Jyoti Sekhar Banerjee is currently serving as the Head of the Department in the Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) Department at the Bengal Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India. Additionally, He is also the Professor-in-Charge, R & D and Consultancy Cell of BIT. Dr. Banerjee did his Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Nottingham Trent University, UK, in the Department of Computer Science. He also completed the Post Graduate Diploma in IPR & TBM from MAKAUT, WB. He has teaching and research experience spanning 18 years and completed one IEI funded project. He is a life member of the CSI, IEEE, ISTE, IEI, ISOC, IAENG and fellow of IETE. He is the present honorary Secretary-cum-Treasurer, of the ISTE WB Section. He is the current honorary Secretary of the Computer Society of India, Kolkata Chapter. He is also the Executive Committee Member of the IETE, Kolkata Centre. He has published over Sixty papers in various international journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. He is the Editor-in-Chief of American Journal of Advanced Computing (AJAC), Smart Society, USA. He is the lead author of "A Text Book on Mastering Digital Electronics: Principle, Devices, and Applications" and co-editor of the three books. He has also co-authored another book and is currently processing four edited books in reputed international publishers like Springer, CRC Press, De Gruyter, etc. Presently he is also processing three more textbooks; those are now in press. Currently, he is serving as the General Chair of ICHCSC 2022, 2023; General Co-Chair of GCAIA 2021. Dr. Banerjee is the Program Chair of the Human 2023, GCAIA 2023. Dr. Banerjee, is served as a Guest Editor of ICAUC_ES2021 and ICPAS-2021 issues in IOP journal of Earth and Environmental Science, Physics, Scopus indexed proceeding. His areas of research interests include Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Radio, Sensor Networks, AI/ML, Network Security, Different Computing Techniques, IoT, WBAN (e-healthcare), Expert Systems.

Mufti Mahmud is an Associate Professor of Cognitive Computing at the Computer Science Department of Nottingham Trent University (NTU), UK. He has been the recipient of the top 2% cited scientists worldwide in computer science (2020), the NTU VC outstanding research award 2021, and the Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellowship. Dr Mahmud is the coordinator of the Computer Science and Informatics research excellence framework unit of assessment at NTU and the deputy group leader of the Cognitive Computing & Brain Informatics and the Interactive Systems research groups. His research portfolio consists of GBP3.3 million grant capture with expertise that includes brain informatics, computational intelligence, applied data analysis, and big data technologies focusing on healthcare applications. He has over 15 years of academic experience and over 200 peer-reviewed publications. Dr Mahmud is the General Chair of the Brain Informatics conference 2020, 2021, and 2022; Applied Intelligence and Informatics conference 2021 and 2022; Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics 2022; chair of the IEEE CICARE symposium since 2017 and was the local organising chair of the IEEE WCCI 2020. He will serve as one of the General Chairs of the 31st edition of the ICONIP conference to be held in Auckland (NZ) in 2024. He is the Section Editor of the Cognitive Computation, the Regional Editor (Europe) of the Brain informatics journal and an Associate Editor of the Frontiers in Neuroscience. During the year 2021-2022, Dr Mahmud has been serving as the Vice-Chair of the Intelligent System Application and Brain Informatics Technical Committees of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), a member of the IEEE CIS Task Force on Intelligence Systems for Health, an advisor of the IEEE R8 Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee, the Publications Chair of the IEEE UK and Ireland Industry Applications Chapter, and the Project Liaison Officer of the IEEE UK and Ireland SIGHT Committee, the Secretary of the IEEE UK and Ireland CIS Chapter, and the Social Media and Communication Officer of the British Computer Society's Nottingham and Derby Chapter.


Mohamed Lahby 是摩洛哥卡薩布蘭卡哈桑二世大學高等師範學校(ENS)的副教授。目前,他擔任卡薩布蘭卡ENS數學與計算機科學系的系主任。他於2013年在哈桑二世大學的摩哈梅迪亞科學與技術學院獲得計算機科學博士學位。他的研究興趣包括無線通信與網絡、移動性管理、QoS/QoE、物聯網、智慧城市、優化和機器學習。他已發表超過50篇論文(書籍章節、國際期刊和會議論文)、7本編輯書籍和2本著作。他曾擔任並持續擔任多個國際會議的執行委員會和技術程序委員會成員,如IEEE PIMRC、ICC、NTMS、IWCMC、WINCOM、ISNCC。他也是多本知名Elsevier期刊的審稿人,包括Ad Hoc Networks、Applied Computing and Informatics和International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction。他組織並參加了超過40場會議和研討會。他是多個國際研討會和特別會議的主席,如MLNGSN'19、CSPSC'19、MLNGSN'20、MLNGSN'21、AI2SC '20和WCTCP'20、CIOT'22。他還編輯了多本在Springer和Taylor出版的書籍。

Virginia Pilloni 是意大利卡利亞里大學的助理教授。她的主要研究興趣集中在物聯網和無線自組網,特別關注通過任務分配來改善其性能。她於2013年在卡利亞里大學獲得電子與計算機工程博士學位,並獲得Doctor Europaeus榮譽。她已發表超過50篇論文並編輯1本書。她是EU H2020和BELSPO提案的專家評估員,並參與了多個國內和國際研究項目。她是Elsevier Computer Networks和Frontiers in Communications and Networks的編輯。她曾擔任多個國際會議的組織主席和程序委員會成員。她是IEEE ComSoc青年專業人士的成員,目前擔任IEEE ComSoc最佳青年專業人士獎的獎項主席。

Dr. Jyoti Sekhar Banerjee 目前擔任印度加爾各答孟加拉技術學院計算機科學與工程(AI & ML)系的系主任。此外,他還是BIT的研發與顧問部門負責教授。Banerjee博士在英國諾丁漢特倫特大學的計算機科學系完成了博士後研究。他還在西孟加拉邦的MAKAUT完成了知識產權與技術商業化的研究生文憑。他擁有18年的教學和研究經驗,並完成了一個IEI資助的項目。他是CSI、IEEE、ISTE、IEI、ISOC、IAENG的終身會員,並且是IETE的院士。他目前是ISTE西孟加拉分會的名譽秘書兼財務主管,也是加爾各答計算機學會的名譽秘書。他還是IETE加爾各答中心的執行委員會成員。他在各種國際期刊、會議論文集和書籍章節上發表了超過60篇論文。他是美國《先進計算期刊》(AJAC)和《智慧社會》的主編。他是《掌握數位電子學:原理、設備與應用》一書的主作者,並擔任三本書的共同編輯。他還共同撰寫了另一本書,並目前正在處理四本由知名國際出版社如Springer、CRC Press、De Gruyter等出版的編輯書籍。目前,他還在處理另外三本教科書,這些書籍已經在印刷中。目前,他擔任ICHCSC 2022、2023的總主席;GCAIA 2021的總共同主席。Banerjee博士是Human 2023和GCAIA 2023的程序主席。他曾擔任ICAUC_ES2021和ICPAS-2021的客座編輯。
