Exogenous Enzymes as Feed Additives in Ruminants

Salem, Abdelfattah Zeidan Mohamed, Hassen, Abubeker, Anele, Uchenna Y.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-05
  • 售價: $6,300
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,985
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 195
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031279956
  • ISBN-13: 9783031279959
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book addresses a global issue of increasing high quality food from ruminant animals while reducing their impacts on the environment. However, one of the main constraints to livestock development and the underlying cause of the low productivity in many developing countries is inadequate nutrition associated with inefficient utilization of forages and fibrous feed resources. In many countries, fibrous feed makes up the bulk of available feed resource base, which is characterized by scarcity and fluctuating supply in the quantity and quality of feed resources, nutrient imbalance as seen in many native pastures, grasslands and crop residues-based feeding systems with limited use of commercial concentrate feeds such as soybean, cottonseed and groundnut meals, etc. Furthermore, the production of methane, an important greenhouse gas (GHG), from ruminants fed highly fibrous diets such as straws and stover is higher than those animals fed better quality forages or concentrate diets. Recent research shows that supplementing livestock diets with exogenous fibre degrading enzymes can improve feed utilization by enhancing intake, fibre degradation in the rumen and overall digestibility of fibrous feeds which in turn leads to improved animal performance, farmers' income, and a reduction in GHG emissions. The book editors would like to acknowledge the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture for funding part of the studies that make up some of these chapters and were part of the final reports of a coordinated research project financed by IAEA.




Prof. Abdelfattah Z.M. Salem, Professor - Researcher (Full time) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, in Mexico. Prof. Salem got his PhD from the Faculty of Veterinary, Leon University, Spain. He is a specialist in Animal Nutrition and working on using natural and synthetic feed additives such as plant tress extracts, yeast, lactic acid bacteria, exogenous enzymes to improve the nutritive values of animal feeds. He has more than 350 published papers (Scopus profile) in peer reviewed indexed journals with impact factor. He is a member of the editorial board of indexed journals of ISI-JCR and reviewer in more than 30 internationals journals and has graduated more than 20 doctoral and 40 MSc students. He is the associate editor of animal nutrition in Tropical Animal Health and Production, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, and Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology and othersopen access journals. Moreover, he has edited some special issues in indexed journals such as Animal Feed Science and Technology, Agroforestry Systems, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, and Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology. Recently he registered some patents in the files of animal nutrition and published some handbook chapters in Elsevier and Springer Nature. Prof. Salem has received some recognitions from Springer and Elsevier as a distinguish researcher, as well as the recognition by Sandford University in USA as one of - Top 2% scientist worldwide during the last years.

Prof. Abubeker Hassen - is an associate professor in Ruminant Nutrition and Pasture Science at the Department of Animal Science, University of Pretoria in South Africa. Prof Hassen got his BSc Agric and MSc Agric in Animal Science from Alemaya University in Ethiopia and Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. In 2006 he got his PhD in Pasture Science from University of Pretoria, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Animal Science, University of Pretoria. He researches climate-smart livestock production with a focus on manipulation of diets using exogenous fibrolytic enzymes and identifying climate-smart forage species to develop climate innovative feeding systems suitable for mixed crop-livestock system in Africa. He has successfully mentored more than 20 master and 12 doctoral students and published more than 82 papers in local and international peer-reviewed journals. Prof Hassen is currently an associate editor of the African Journal of Range and Forage Science, a member of the topic board editors for animals and a guest editor for frontiers in Animal Science. He was a co-recipient of Étoiles de l'Europe, the French Ministry of Higher Education research and innovation award and a trophy from the Department of Animal Production and Health of the University of Oye Ekiti in Nigeria.

Dr. Uchenna Y. Anele is an associate professor of forageevaluation and ruminant nutrition at the Department of Animal Sciences, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, USA. He got his PhD from the University of Bonn, Germany. His research interests include cattle, sheep and goat nutrition, forage utilization, sustainable agriculture through integrated crop/livestock farming, alternatives to antimicrobials use in ruminants, improving feed efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in ruminants. He has successfully mentored 3 master students and currently mentoring 6 doctoral and 2 master students in his lab. He is an associate editor for Frontiers in Animal Science (Animal Nutrition) and has served as a Guest Editor for two Special Issues for Frontiers in Animal Science.


教授 Abdelfattah Z.M. Salem 是墨西哥自治州墨西哥國立大學獸醫與動物科學院的全職教授及研究員。Salem 教授在西班牙萊昂大學獲得獸醫學博士學位。他專注於動物營養,研究使用天然和合成飼料添加劑,如植物樹萃取物、酵母、乳酸菌和外源性酶,以改善動物飼料的營養價值。他在同行評審的指標期刊上發表了超過350篇論文(Scopus profile),並且是多本 ISI-JCR 指標期刊的編輯委員會成員,擔任超過30本國際期刊的審稿人,並指導超過20名博士生和40名碩士生。他是《熱帶動物健康與生產》、《馬獸醫科學期刊》、《綜合農業期刊》和《動物營養與飼料技術》等開放存取期刊的動物營養副編輯。此外,他還編輯了一些指標期刊的特刊,如《動物飼料科學與技術》、《農林系統》、《綜合農業期刊》和《動物營養與飼料技術》。最近,他在動物營養領域註冊了一些專利,並在 Elsevier 和 Springer Nature 出版了一些手冊章節。Salem 教授曾獲得 Springer 和 Elsevier 的多項榮譽,並被美國桑福德大學認定為近年來全球前2%的科學家之一。

教授 Abubeker Hassen 是南非比勒陀利亞大學動物科學系的反芻動物營養與牧草科學副教授。Hassen 教授在埃塞俄比亞的阿萊馬亞大學和坦尚尼亞的索科因農業大學獲得農業學士和農業碩士學位。2006年,他在比勒陀利亞大學獲得牧草科學博士學位,並在該校動物科學系擔任博士後研究員。他的研究重點是氣候智慧型畜牧生產,專注於利用外源性纖維酶調整飼料,並識別氣候智慧型飼料物種,以開發適合非洲混合作物-畜牧系統的氣候創新飼養系統。他成功指導了超過20名碩士生和12名博士生,並在本地和國際同行評審期刊上發表了超過82篇論文。Hassen 教授目前是《非洲牧場與飼料科學期刊》的副編輯,並擔任動物主題編輯委員會成員及《動物科學前沿》的特邀編輯。他曾獲得法國高等教育部的 Étoiles de l'Europe 研究與創新獎,以及尼日利亞奧耶埃基提大學動物生產與健康系的獎杯。

博士 Uchenna Y. Anele 是美國北卡羅來納州農業與技術州立大學動物科學系的飼料評估與反芻動物營養副教授。他在德國波恩大學獲得博士學位。他的研究興趣包括牛、羊和山羊的營養、飼料利用、通過綜合作物/畜牧業實現可持續農業、反芻動物抗微生物替代品的使用、提高飼料效率以及減少反芻動物的溫室氣體(GHG)排放。他成功指導了3名碩士生,並目前在他的實驗室指導6名博士生和2名碩士生。他是《動物科學前沿》(動物營養)的副編輯,並曾擔任《動物科學前沿》兩個特刊的特邀編輯。