This Palgrave Pivot examines the history of the largely urban offence once known as vitriol throwing because the substance most commonly used was strong sulphuric acid, oil of vitriol. A relatively rare form of assault, it was motivated largely by revenge or jealousy and, because it was specifically designed to blind and mutilate, commonly targeted the victim's face. The incidence of what was thus widely acknowledged to be an exceptionally cruel crime plateaued in the period 1850-1930 amid a sometimes surprisingly lenient legal response, before declining as a result of post-war social changes. In examining the factors that influenced both the crime and its punishment, the book makes an important contribution to criminal justice history by illuminating the role of gender, law and emotion from the perspective of both victim and perpetrator.
這本 Palgrave Pivot 書籍探討了曾被稱為「硫酸攻擊」的城市犯罪歷史,因為最常使用的物質是強硫酸,即硫酸油。這是一種相對罕見的攻擊形式,主要是出於報復或嫉妒,並且因其特別設計用來致盲和殘害,通常以受害者的面部為目標。在1850年至1930年間,這種被廣泛認為是極其殘酷的罪行的發生率達到高原,期間法律反應有時出乎意料地寬鬆,隨後因戰後社會變遷而下降。這本書在探討影響該罪行及其懲罰的因素時,從受害者和施害者的角度闡明了性別、法律和情感的角色,對刑事司法歷史做出了重要貢獻。
Katherine D. Watson is Reader in History at Oxford Brookes University, UK. Her research interests focus on topics where medicine, crime and the law intersect, particularly in Britain since the seventeenth century. She is the author of Medicine and Justice: Medico-Legal Practice in England and Wales, 1700-1914 (2020).
凱瑟琳·D·沃森(Katherine D. Watson)是英國牛津布魯克斯大學的歷史講師。她的研究興趣集中在醫學、犯罪與法律交集的主題,特別是自十七世紀以來的英國。她是《醫學與正義:1700-1914年英格蘭和威爾士的醫療法律實踐》(Medicine and Justice: Medico-Legal Practice in England and Wales, 1700-1914,2020)的作者。