Intercultural Education in Chile: Experiences, Peoples, and Territories

Treviño, Ernesto, Morawietz, Liliana, Villalobos, Cristóbal

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-05-07
  • 售價: $5,620
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,339
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 228
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031106822
  • ISBN-13: 9783031106828
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book examines the status of intercultural education in Chile. It does this through three axes: the first is multidisciplinary, including historical, anthropological, sociological, and pedagogical, to account for varied aspects of the Chilean intercultural education. The second is the consideration of multiple indigenous peoples, analyzing students' groups or indigenous peoples, such as the Rapa Nui, Aymara, or Mapuche. Finally, the book has a multilevel perspective that recognizes that educational policy involves different actors, from the central government to local communities.
The book incorporates study material enriched with the experience and analysis of different perspectives and methodologies of its authors, being useful for understanding intercultural education in the country. It is a versatile resource for understanding this topic, as well as a support for the development of programs and policies.

Translation from the Spanish language edition: Educación Intercultural en Chile. Experiencias, pueblos y territorios by Ernesto Treviño, et al., (c) Ediciones UC 2017. Published by Ediciones UC. All Rights Reserved.




西班牙語版翻譯:《智利的跨文化教育。經驗、民族和領土》由Ernesto Treviño等人著,(c) Ediciones UC 2017出版。由Ediciones UC出版。保留所有權利。


Ernesto Treviño, Doctor of Education from Harvard University and Master of Education from the same university. He is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Education of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Director of the UC Center for Educational Transformation (CENTRE-UC). He is Principal Researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies on Educational Justice (CJE) and Associate Researcher at the Center for the Study of Educational Policies and Practices (CEPPE UC). His research has focused on analyzing educational inequalities, particularly at the intersection between educational policies and school and classroom practices.

Liliana Morawietz, Social Anthropologist from Universidad de Chile and Master of Oral History from Columbia University (NY). She is a research assistant at the Center for Advanced Research in Education at Universidad de Chile and at the Global Education Innovation Initiative (Harvard University). Her work is aimed at expanding the analysis of factors that influence school efficacy and improvement, as well as aspects such as the development of transversal skills, educational inclusion, and the integration of school communities.

Cristobal Villalobos, Doctor of Social Sciences from Universidad de Chile and Master of Applied Economics from Universidad Alberto Hurtado and Georgetown University. He is also a sociologist and social worker from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is currently an Associate Researcher at the Center for the Study of Educational Policies and Practices (CEPPE UC). His lines of research have focused on the study of educational quality and equity policies, particularly centered on processes of segregation and inclusion.

Esteban Villalobos, Sociologist from Universidad de Chile and Master of Urban Development from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is currently a doctoral candidate in Comparative Education Policy at the State University of New York atAlbany and a consultant to the Dominican Ministry of Education on the results of UNESCO's Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (TERCE). He has worked as a researcher at the Center for Comparative Education Policy at Universidad Diego Portales, focusing on early childhood and educational inequalities from an intercultural perspective. He is currently conducting his doctoral studies, analyzing the geography of educational opportunities in Latin America.


Ernesto Treviño,哈佛大學教育博士,同一所大學的教育碩士。他目前是智利天主教大學教育學院的副教授,也是UC教育轉型中心(CENTRE-UC)的主任。他是教育公正高級研究中心(CJE)的首席研究員,也是教育政策與實踐研究中心(CEPPE UC)的副研究員。他的研究主要集中在分析教育不平等,特別是教育政策與學校和課堂實踐之間的交叉點。

Liliana Morawietz,智利大學社會人類學家,哥倫比亞大學(紐約)口述歷史碩士。她是智利大學教育高級研究中心和哈佛大學全球教育創新計劃的研究助理。她的工作旨在擴大影響學校效能和改進的因素分析,以及橫向技能發展、教育包容性和學校社區整合等方面。

Cristobal Villalobos,智利大學社會科學博士,阿爾伯托·胡爾塔多大學和喬治城大學應用經濟學碩士。他也是智利天主教大學的社會學家和社會工作者。他目前是教育政策與實踐研究中心(CEPPE UC)的副研究員。他的研究方向主要集中在教育質量和公平政策的研究,特別關注隔離和包容過程。

Esteban Villalobos,智利大學社會學家,智利天主教大學城市發展碩士。他目前是紐約州立大學奧爾巴尼分校比較教育政策博士候選人,也是多明尼加教育部關於聯合國教科文組織第三次區域比較與解釋性研究(TERCE)結果的顧問。他曾在迭戈波塔萊斯大學比較教育政策中心擔任研究員,專注於跨文化視角下的幼兒教育和教育不平等。他目前正在進行博士研究,分析拉丁美洲的教育機會地理。