Robert R. Alfano, Distinguished Professor of Science and Engineering at The City College of the City University of New York, has contributed significantly to the field of ultrafast laser science, discovered the supercontinuum in 1970 and continues research to date, and is a pioneer in the application of light and development of new tunable Cr3+/Cr4+ lasers, advance of laser spectroscopic and optical imaging techniques for condensed matter, biomedical photonics, optical biopsy, and study of ultrafast optical pulse propagation and imaging in scattering media. He is a fellow of APS, OSA, IEEE, NY Academy of Science, and is an Alfred P. Sloan fellow. He received his PhD in physics from New York University and spent 8 years at GTE Labs (now Verizon) before joining CCNY. Prof. Alfano received the OSA Charles Hard Townes Award in 2008, the SPIE Britton Chance Biomedical Optics Award in 2012, the APS Arthur L Schawlow Prize in Laser Science in 2013, OSA Michael S. Feld Award for Biophotonics in 2016, and SPIES Gold Medal in 2019.
羅伯特·R·阿爾法諾(Robert R. Alfano)是紐約市立大學城市學院(The City College of the City University of New York)的科學與工程學卓越教授,對超快激光科學領域做出了重大貢獻。他於1970年發現了超連續譜現象,並持續進行研究。他是光應用和新型可調諧Cr3+/Cr4+激光器的開拓者,推動了激光光譜學和光學成像技術在凝聚態物質、生物醫學光子學、光學活檢和散射介質中的應用。他是美國物理學會(APS)、光學學會(OSA)、IEEE、紐約科學院的會士,也是阿爾弗雷德·P·斯隆研究員。他在紐約大學獲得物理學博士學位,在加入城市學院之前在GTE實驗室(現為Verizon)工作了8年。阿爾法諾教授於2008年獲得了OSA查爾斯·哈德·湯恩斯獎(Charles Hard Townes Award),2012年獲得了SPIE布里頓·查恩斯生物醫學光學獎(Britton Chance Biomedical Optics Award),2013年獲得了APS阿瑟·L·舒洛獎(Arthur L Schawlow Prize in Laser Science),2016年獲得了OSA邁克爾·S·費爾德生物光子學獎(Michael S. Feld Award for Biophotonics),以及2019年獲得了SPIE金牌獎(Gold Medal)。