This textbook assumes very little knowledge of programming so whether you have dabbled with a little JavaScript, played with a bit of Python, written Java or have virtually no programming experience at all you will find that it is for you.
The first part of the book introduces Kotlin program structures as well as conditional flow of control features such as if and when expressions as well as iteration loops such as for, while and do-while. Subsequent chapters explain how functions are implemented in Kotlin and introduce concepts from functional programming such as higher order functions and curried functions.
Clear steps are provided explaining how to set up your environment and get started writing your own Kotlin programs.
An important aspect of the book is teaching by example and there are many examples presented throughout the chapters. These examples are supported by a public GitHub repository that provides complete working code as well as sample solutions to the chapter exercises. This helps illustrate how to write well structured, clear, idiomatic Kotlin to build real applications.
這本教科書假設讀者對程式設計的知識非常有限,因此無論您是否曾經接觸過一些 JavaScript、玩過一點 Python、寫過 Java,或幾乎沒有任何程式設計經驗,您都會發現這本書適合您。
本書的第一部分介紹 Kotlin 的程式結構以及控制流程的條件特性,例如 if 和 when 表達式,以及迴圈結構,例如 for、while 和 do-while。隨後的章節解釋了如何在 Kotlin 中實現函數,並介紹了函數式程式設計的概念,例如高階函數和柯里化函數。
第二部分專注於物件導向程式設計技術,包括類別、繼承、抽象和介面。第三部分介紹容器資料類型,例如陣列(Arrays),以及集合(collections),包括列表(Lists)、集合(Sets)和映射(Maps),第四部分則考慮使用 Kotlin 協程(coroutines)來處理併發和並行性。本書最後介紹了使用 Kotlin 進行 Android 行動應用程式開發。
本書提供了清晰的步驟,說明如何設置您的開發環境並開始撰寫自己的 Kotlin 程式。
本書的一個重要方面是通過範例進行教學,章節中提供了許多範例。這些範例由一個公共的 GitHub 倉庫支持,該倉庫提供完整的可運行代碼以及章節練習的範例解答。這有助於說明如何撰寫結構良好、清晰且符合慣用法的 Kotlin 代碼,以構建實際應用程式。
John Hunt is a technology trainer, consultant, mentor and author who nearly 40 years' experience within the computing industry. He has worked extensively in Object Oriented and Functional technologies using language from Python through Java to Kotlin. John was first involved with Kotlin while working with a FinTech company in 2016. Since then, John has seen the interest in Kotlin grow and grow and in recent years has found numerous clients have been turning from Java to Kotlin both for server side and Android mobile applications.
約翰·亨特(John Hunt)是一位技術培訓師、顧問、導師和作者,在計算機行業擁有近40年的經驗。他在物件導向(Object Oriented)和函數式(Functional)技術方面有廣泛的工作經驗,使用的語言包括Python、Java和Kotlin。約翰在2016年與一家金融科技(FinTech)公司合作時首次接觸Kotlin。自那時以來,約翰看到Kotlin的興趣不斷增長,近年來發現許多客戶在伺服器端和Android移動應用程式方面都從Java轉向Kotlin。