Advanced Quantum Mechanics: Materials and Photons (Paperback)
暫譯: 進階量子力學:材料與光子 (平裝本)

Dick, Rainer


This textbook, now in an expanded third edition, emphasizes the importance of advanced quantum mechanics for materials science and all experimental techniques which employ photon absorption, emission, or scattering. Important aspects of introductory quantum mechanics are covered in the first seven chapters to make the subject self-contained and accessible for a wide audience. Advanced Quantum Mechanics: Materials and Photons can therefore be used for advanced undergraduate courses and introductory graduate courses which are targeted towards students with diverse academic backgrounds from the Natural Sciences or Engineering. To enhance this inclusive aspect of making the subject as accessible as possible, introductions to Lagrangian mechanics and the covariant formulation of electrodynamics are provided in appendices.

This third edition includes 60 new exercises, new and improved illustrations, and new material on interpretations of quantum mechanics. Other special features include an introduction to Lagrangian field theory and an integrated discussion of transition amplitudes with discrete or continuous initial or final states. Once students have acquired an understanding of basic quantum mechanics and classical field theory, canonical field quantization is easy. Furthermore, the integrated discussion of transition amplitudes naturally leads to the notions of transition probabilities, decay rates, absorption cross sections and scattering cross sections, which are important for all experimental techniques that use photon probes.





這本教科書現在已經進入擴充的第三版,強調了先進量子力學對於材料科學以及所有使用光子吸收、發射或散射的實驗技術的重要性。前七章涵蓋了入門量子力學的重要方面,使得這個主題自成體系,並且對廣泛的讀者群體可及。因此,Advanced Quantum Mechanics: Materials and Photons 可以用於針對來自自然科學或工程學的多元學術背景學生的高級本科課程和入門研究生課程。為了增強這種包容性,使主題盡可能易於理解,附錄中提供了拉格朗日力學和電動力學的協變形式的介紹。
