This textbook for courses in Embedded Systems introduces students to necessary concepts, through a hands-on approach. It gives a great introduction to FPGA-based microprocessor system design using state-of-the-art boards, tools, and microprocessors from Altera/Intel(R) and Xilinx(R). HDL-based designs (soft-core), parameterized cores (Nios II and MicroBlaze), and ARM Cortex-A9 design are discussed, compared and explored using many hand-on designs projects. Custom IP for HDMI coder, Floating-point operations, and FFT bit-swap are developed, implemented, tested and speed-up is measured. Downloadable files include all design examples such as basic processor synthesizable code for Xilinx and Altera tools for PicoBlaze, MicroBlaze, Nios II and ARMv7 architectures in VHDL and Verilog code, as well as the custom IP projects. Each Chapter has a substantial number of short quiz questions, exercises, and challenging projects.
- Explains soft, parameterized, and hard core systems design tradeoffs;
- Demonstrates design of popular KCPSM6 8 Bit microprocessor step-by-step;
- Discusses the 32 Bit ARM Cortex-A9 and a basic processor is synthesized;
- Covers design flows for both FPGA Market leaders Nios II Altera/Intel and MicroBlaze Xilinx system;
- Describes Compiler-Compiler Tool development;
- Includes a substantial number of Homework's and FPGA exercises and design projects in each chapter.
這本嵌入式系統課程的教科書透過實作方式向學生介紹必要的概念。它提供了基於FPGA的微處理器系統設計的良好入門,使用來自Altera/Intel(R)和Xilinx(R)的最新開發板、工具和微處理器。書中討論、比較並探索基於HDL的設計(軟核心)、參數化核心(Nios II和MicroBlaze)以及ARM Cortex-A9設計,並透過許多實作設計專案進行實驗。針對HDMI編碼器的自訂IP、浮點運算和FFT位元交換進行開發、實作、測試並測量加速效果。可下載的檔案包括所有設計範例,例如針對Xilinx和Altera工具的PicoBlaze、MicroBlaze、Nios II和ARMv7架構的基本處理器可合成代碼,使用VHDL和Verilog代碼,以及自訂IP專案。每一章都有相當數量的短測驗問題、練習和挑戰性專案。
- 解釋軟核心、參數化核心和硬核心系統設計的權衡;
- 逐步演示流行的KCPSM6 8位微處理器的設計;
- 討論32位ARM Cortex-A9並合成基本處理器;
- 涵蓋FPGA市場領導者Nios II Altera/Intel和MicroBlaze Xilinx系統的設計流程;
- 描述編譯器-編譯器工具的開發;
- 每章包括相當數量的作業和FPGA練習及設計專案。
Dr. Uwe Meyer-Baese received his BSEE, MSEE, and Ph.D. "Summa cum Laude" from the Darmstadt University of Technology in 1987, 1989, and 1995, respectively. He is now a Full Professor in the ECE Department at Florida State University. He holds 3 patents, has published over 130 journal and conference papers, 9 books, and supervised more than 60 master and Ph.D. thesis projects in the real-time DSP/FPGA area. In 2003, he was awarded the "Habilitation" (venia legendi) by the Darmstadt University of Technology. He is PI and CO-PI of projects valued more than 9 million USD. His research is funded by NIH, NSF, FSU, DOD, Harris, SUN microsystems, Altera, Xilinx and the State of Florida. He is author of the best-selling textbook on DSP with FPGAs by Springer Verlag sold over 20K copies. He received in 1997 the Max-Kade Award in Neuroengineering, the Outstanding Teaching Award from Florida State University in 2008, the Best Presentation Award from SPIE in 2006, Who's Who in Science member in 2005, and the Humboldt Research Award in 2009. Dr. Meyer-Baese has been promoted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to Senior Member status in 2013.
烏維·梅耶-巴澤博士於1987年、1989年和1995年分別獲得達姆施塔特科技大學的電機工程學士、碩士及博士學位(以「優異」的成績畢業)。他目前是佛羅里達州立大學電子與計算機工程系的正教授。他擁有3項專利,發表了超過130篇期刊和會議論文,出版了9本書籍,並指導了60多個有關即時數位信號處理(DSP)/現場可編程邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)領域的碩士和博士論文專案。2003年,他獲得達姆施塔特科技大學的「Habilitation」(教學資格)。他是價值超過900萬美元專案的首席研究員(PI)和共同首席研究員(CO-PI)。他的研究獲得了美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)、美國國家科學基金會(NSF)、佛羅里達州立大學(FSU)、美國國防部(DOD)、哈里斯公司、SUN微系統公司、Altera、Xilinx及佛羅里達州的資助。他是由Springer Verlag出版的關於FPGA的數位信號處理(DSP)暢銷教科書的作者,銷售超過2萬本。他於1997年獲得神經工程領域的Max-Kade獎,2008年獲得佛羅里達州立大學的傑出教學獎,2006年獲得SPIE的最佳報告獎,2005年成為《科學界名人錄》成員,並於2009年獲得洪堡研究獎。梅耶-巴澤博士於2013年被電氣和電子工程師學會(IEEE)晉升為高級會員。