Conservation and Utilization of Threatened Medicinal Plants
暫譯: 瀕危藥用植物的保育與利用

Rajasekharan, P. E., Wani, Shabir Hussain

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2021-07-22
  • 售價: $7,870
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$7,477
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 565
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3030397955
  • ISBN-13: 9783030397951
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Medicinal plants are globally valuable sources of herbal products. Plant-based remedies have been used for centuries and have had no alternative in the western medicine repertoire, while others and their bioactive derivatives are in high demand and have been the central focus of biomedical research. As Medicinal plants move from fringe to mainstream with a greater number of individuals seeking treatments free of side effects, considerable attention has been paid to utilize plant-based products for the prevention and cure of human diseases. An unintended consequence of this increased demand, however, is that the existence of many medicinal plants is now threatened, due to their small population size, narrow distribution area, habitat specificity, and destructive mode of harvesting. In addition, climate change, habitat loss and genetic drift have further endangered these unique species. Although extensive research has been carried out on medicinal and aromatic plants, there is relatively little information available on their global distribution patterns, conservation and the associated laws prevailing.

This book reviews the current status of threatened medicinal plants in light of increased surge in the demand for herbal medicine. It brings together chapters on both wild (non-cultivated) and domestic (cultivated) species having therapeutic values. Thematically, conventional and contemporary approaches to conservation of such threatened medicinal plants with commercial feasibility are presented. The topics of interest include, but not limited to, biotechnology, sustainable development, in situ and ex situ conservation, and even the relevance of IPR on threatened medicinal plants. We believe this book is useful to horticulturists, botanists, policy makers, conservationists, NGOs and researchers in the academia and the industry sectors.



本書回顧了在草藥需求激增的背景下,受到威脅的藥用植物的當前狀況。它匯集了有關野生(非栽培)和家養(栽培)物種的章節,這些物種具有療效價值。主題上,介紹了對這些具有商業可行性的受威脅藥用植物的傳統和當代保護方法。感興趣的主題包括但不限於生物技術、可持續發展、in situex situ 保護,甚至是知識產權(IPR)在受威脅藥用植物上的相關性。我們相信本書對於園藝學家、植物學家、政策制定者、保護主義者、非政府組織以及學術界和產業界的研究人員都具有實用價值。


Dr. P.E.Rajasekharan is a Principal Scientist at the ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Bangaluru. Dr. Rajasekharan completed his PhD in in vitro conservation of threatened medicinal plants at the Department of Botany, Bangalore University and is known for his contributions to the area of Plant Genetic Resources, i.e. in vitro conservation and cryopreservation of horticultural crops. Also holding 3 Post graduate Diploma one in Intellectual Property Rights from National Law School of India University and Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management from Indira Gandhi National Open University (New Delhi) and another Postgraduate diploma in Ecology and environment from Indian Institute of Ecology, New Delhi. He supervised 20 M. Pharm students of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. He also wrote many review articles and book chapters. He participated in various national and international symposia and seminars and presented the research results on cryopreservation and in vitro conservation. In addition, he has developed globally applicable cryopreservation protocols for the conservation of nuclear genetic diversity (NGD) in pollen of important vegetable, ornamental and endangered medicinal species. He also worked on conservation of threatened medicinal plants and established Field Gene Bank for the same at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. He also developed conservation protocols for several RET medicinal plant species including Nothapodytes foetida. Recently he worked on Madhuca insignis rediscovered after 120 years and reintroduced the same in the natural habitats. He currently teaches courses on Plant Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture. Dr. Rajasekharan has more than 200 articles and two books to his credit one book he co-edited with Dr.Ramanatha Rao for Springer Nature entitled Conservation and utilization of horticultural genetic resources. He is an expert reviewer for several international peer-reviewed journals, and sits on the editorial board of several journals. He is a Fellow of the Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources and Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy.

Dr. Shabir Hussain Wani is senior Assistant professor at Mountain Research Centre for Field Crops, Khudwani -192101, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, J&K, India. He received Ph.D. degree in plant breeding and genetics on "transgenic rice for abiotic stress tolerance" from the Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana, India. After obtaining his Ph.D. he worked as research associate in the Biotechnology Laboratory, Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture (ICAR), Srinagar, India. He then joined the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Centre) as program coordinator at Senapati, Manipur, India. He teaches courses related to plant breeding, seed science and technology, and stress breeding and has published more than 100 papers/chapters in journals and books of international and national repute. He served as guest editor and reviews editor for journal Frontier in Plant Science (2015-2018). He has also edited several books on current topics in crop improvement for abiotic stress tolerance published by Springer Nature and CRC press USA. His Ph.D. research fetched first prize in the North Zone Competition, at national level, in India. He was awarded Young Scientist Award from the Society for Promotion of Plant Sciences, Jaipur, India, in 2009. He is a fellow of the Society for Plant Research, India. Recently he also received Young Scientist Award (Agriculture) 2015 from Society for Plant Research, Meerut, India. He also served as visiting Scientist at Department of Plant Soil and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University, USA under the UGC Raman Post-Doctoral Fellowship programme. Currently, he is in charge of Wheat improvement programme at MRCFC Khudwani SKAUST Kashmir.


拉賈塞卡蘭博士(Dr. P.E.Rajasekharan)是印度農業研究院(ICAR)班加羅爾園藝研究所的首席科學家。拉賈塞卡蘭博士在班加羅爾大學植物學系完成了有關瀕危藥用植物的體外保護的博士學位,並因其在植物遺傳資源領域的貢獻而聞名,特別是在園藝作物的體外保護和冷凍保存方面。他擁有三個研究生文憑,其中一個是來自印度國立法學院的知識產權文憑,另一個是來自印度甘地國立開放大學的人力資源管理研究生文憑,還有一個是來自新德里印度生態學院的生態與環境研究生文憑。他指導了20名來自拉吉夫甘地健康科學大學的藥學碩士生。他還撰寫了許多綜述文章和書籍章節,參加了各種國內和國際研討會,並展示了有關冷凍保存和體外保護的研究成果。此外,他還為重要的蔬菜、觀賞植物和瀕危藥用物種的花粉保存核基因多樣性(NGD)開發了全球適用的冷凍保存協議。他還致力於瀕危藥用植物的保護,並在ICAR-IIHR班加羅爾建立了現場基因庫。他為幾種RET藥用植物物種(包括Nothapodytes foetida)開發了保護協議。最近,他對在120年後重新發現的Madhuca insignis進行了研究,並將其重新引入自然棲息地。他目前教授有關植物遺傳資源和農業知識產權的課程。拉賈塞卡蘭博士擁有超過200篇文章和兩本書籍的著作,其中一本是他與拉馬納塔·拉奧博士共同編輯的,名為《園藝遺傳資源的保護與利用》(Conservation and utilization of horticultural genetic resources),由Springer Nature出版。他是幾本國際同行評審期刊的專家審稿人,並擔任幾本期刊的編輯委員會成員。他是印度植物遺傳資源學會和印度被子植物分類學協會的會員。

沙比爾·侯賽因·瓦尼博士(Dr. Shabir Hussain Wani)是克什米爾雪爾-卡什米爾農業科學與技術大學山地作物研究中心的高級助理教授。他在印度旁遮普農業大學盧迪亞納獲得了植物育種和遺傳學的博士學位,研究主題為「抗非生物胁迫的轉基因水稻」。獲得博士學位後,他在印度斯利那加的中央溫帶園藝研究所(ICAR)生物技術實驗室擔任研究助理。隨後,他加入了印度曼尼普爾的克里希維詹肯德拉(農業科學中心),擔任項目協調員。他教授與植物育種、種子科學與技術以及胁迫育種相關的課程,並在國內外知名期刊和書籍上發表了超過100篇論文/章節。他曾擔任《植物科學前沿》(Frontier in Plant Science)期刊的客座編輯和審稿編輯(2015-2018)。他還編輯了幾本有關抗非生物胁迫的作物改良當前主題的書籍,這些書籍由Springer Nature和CRC Press USA出版。他的博士研究在印度的全國性北區競賽中獲得了第一名。他於2009年獲得了印度植物科學促進協會的青年科學家獎。他是印度植物研究協會的會員。最近,他還獲得了2015年來自印度梅魯特植物研究協會的青年科學家獎(農業類)。他還曾在美國密歇根州立大學植物土壤與微生物科學系擔任訪問科學家,參加UGC拉曼博士後獎學金計劃。目前,他負責MRCFC克胡德瓦尼的小麥改良計劃。