Although the need for assembly language programmers has decreased, the need to understand assembly language has not, and it is important to actually write assembly language code if one is to understand it thoroughly.
This Guide to Assembly Language will enable the reader to very quickly begin programming in assembly language. Through this hands-on programming, readers will also learn more about the computer architecture of the Intel 32-bit processor, as well as the relationship between high-level and low-level languages. The book can either be used as a stand-alone text in a one-semester course on assembly language, or as a supplementary text in a computer organization and architecture course.
Topics and features: presents an overview of assembly language, and an introduction to general purpose registers; illustrates the key concepts of each chapter with complete programs, chapter summaries, and exercises (with answers to selected exercises provided in the Appendices); covers input/output, basic arithmetic instructions, selection structures, and iteration structures; introduces logic, shift, arithmetic shift, rotate, and stack instructions; discusses procedures and macros, and examines arrays and strings; investigates machine language from a discovery perspective; provides an overview of binary and hexadecimal, logic, and arithmetic in the Appendices, together with a Glossary, and a section on Visual C++ and MASM.
This textbook/reference is an ideal introduction to programming in assembly language for undergraduate students in computer science, as well as a concise guide for professionals wishing to learn how to write logically correct programs in a minimal amount of time.
Dr. James T. Streib is Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Illinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois USA.
這本《組合語言指南》將使讀者能夠非常快速地開始編寫組合語言程式。通過這種實作編程,讀者還將學習到 Intel 32 位元處理器的計算機架構,以及高階語言與低階語言之間的關係。這本書可以作為一門學期的組合語言課程的獨立教材,或作為計算機組織與架構課程的補充教材。
主題與特點:提供組合語言的概述,並介紹通用暫存器;用完整的程式、章節摘要和練習(附錄中提供部分練習的答案)來說明每章的關鍵概念;涵蓋輸入/輸出、基本算術指令、選擇結構和迭代結構;介紹邏輯、位移、算術位移、旋轉和堆疊指令;討論程序和巨集,並檢視陣列和字串;從發現的角度探討機器語言;在附錄中提供二進位和十六進位、邏輯和算術的概述,並附有詞彙表,以及關於 Visual C++ 和 MASM 的部分。