Smart Electromechanical Systems: Situational Control
暫譯: 智慧電機機械系統:情境控制

Gorodetskiy, Andrey E., Tarasova, Irina L.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2019-11-13
  • 售價: $4,480
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,256
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 290
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3030327094
  • ISBN-13: 9783030327095
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book introduces the latest achievements of Russian scientists regarding the theory and practice of situational control of the SEMS group. It also discusses the development of methods and algorithms for interaction of the SEMS group in situational control, based on the principles of security, flexibility, and adaptability in behavior, as well as parallelism in information processing, computing, and control.

Recently, the task of ensuring the functioning of robots in the framework of collective cooperation has become relevant, and the use of the principles of situational management of the SEMS group makes it possible to ensure the efficiency, reliability and safety of real-time operation.

The topics covered include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Problems and principles of situation control
  • Methods and algorithms of situational control
  • Information and measuring support of situational control systems
  • Simulation of situation control

This book is intended for students, scientists, and engineers specializing in the fields of smart electromechanical systems and robotics.


本書介紹了俄羅斯科學家在情境控制的 SEMS 群體理論與實踐方面的最新成就。它還討論了基於安全性、靈活性和行為適應性原則,以及信息處理、計算和控制的並行性,開發 SEMS 群體在情境控制中的互動方法和演算法。

最近,確保機器人在集體合作框架內運作的任務變得越來越重要,而運用 SEMS 群體的情境管理原則可以確保實時操作的效率、可靠性和安全性。

- 情境控制的問題與原則
- 情境控制的方法與演算法
- 情境控制系統的信息與測量支持
- 情境控制的模擬



Andrey Emelianovich Gorodetskiy is the Head of the laboratory of "Intelligent Electromechanical systems" of Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering Sciences), Professor, Honored Worker of science of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the Metrological Academy of Sciences, and Candidate of Engineering Sciences (St. Petersburg Institute of Electromechanics, 1971). He holds Doctor of Sciences (Engineering Sciences) - awarded in 1993 by St. Petersburg. Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Optics. His research interests are computational methods of optimal control, mathematical methods of modeling and information processing, simulation and biomechanics.

Irina Leonidovna Tarasova is the Senior Researcher of the laboratory of "Intelligent Electromechanical systems" of Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Higher School of Cyber Physical Systems and Control of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, and corresponding member of the Meteorological Academy of Sciences. In 1978, she graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute M. I. Kalinina, specialty "Automated systems of control." In 1997, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. She is the author of 90 scientific papers and 5 patents for inventions. Her research interests are computational methods of optimal control, mathematical methods of modeling and information processing, simulation and biomechanics.


安德烈·葉梅利亞諾維奇·戈羅德茨基(Andrey Emelianovich Gorodetskiy)是俄羅斯科學院機械工程問題研究所「智能電機系統」實驗室的負責人,工程科學博士,教授,俄羅斯聯邦科學榮譽工作者,俄羅斯自然科學院院士,計量科學院院士,以及工程科學候選人(聖彼得堡電機學院,1971年)。他於1993年獲得聖彼得堡精密機械與光學學院授予的工程科學博士學位。他的研究興趣包括最佳控制的計算方法、數學建模與信息處理方法、模擬與生物力學。

伊琳娜·列昂尼多夫娜·塔拉索娃(Irina Leonidovna Tarasova)是俄羅斯科學院機械工程問題研究所「智能電機系統」實驗室的高級研究員,博士,彼得大帝聖彼得堡理工大學網絡物理系統與控制高等學校的副教授,以及計量科學院的對應成員。她於1978年畢業於列寧格勒理工學院M. I. 卡林娜專業,專攻「自動化控制系統」。在1997年,她為技術科學候選人學位辯護。她是90篇科學論文和5項發明專利的作者。她的研究興趣包括最佳控制的計算方法、數學建模與信息處理方法、模擬與生物力學。